I need an excuse to use forsooth in a sentence

I need an excuse to use forsooth in a sentence.

Construct a small paragraph of a few sentences where forsooth is used correctly and in a fitting manner.

>James could barely believe someone on an internet forum was asking people to use "forsooth" in a sentence.

I need an excuse to use forsooth in a sentence.

>use-mention distinction

Forsooth, I banged OP's mom.

I was desperate to find the meaning of a word. So desperate, forsooth, that I asked strangers on the internet to assist me. All I got in return were shitposts and silly memes.

My friend Sooth wanted me to pick get her a nice gift for her birthday. I went to the shop and picked out a sweater. The cashier asked me, "Are you buying this for your girlfriend?" I said, "No, it's for Sooth."

hey can you pass me the forsooth?

>Forsooth, I'm actually a massive faggot

"Hello", he said. "O'm the fomous wroter Frederock Forsooth".

I going to go to the bathroom and take a giant forsooth

'Desu' is the new 'forsooth' desu, or rather forsooth!


"Forsooth, my lady," he said, bowing low, "Verily, thou wouldst find a better betrothed in me, a gentleman of gentle temperament, and better prospects overall, than to stay in the arms and bedchambers of Tyrone, or of Chad."

Forsooth? I hardly know her!

You're a big guy. Forsooth

You could use it in literally any true sentence. Forsooth just means truly or indeed. So instead of saying "I'm a massive faggot" you just say "Forsooth, I'm a massive faggot" and all that changed is that you now look extremely pretentious

>You're a big guy
For syouth.

Did somebody say "Forced Youths"?

Verily, forsooth is nary a word to be used thusly.

>water is wet
>fire is dry
>that would be the inference
>therefore everything that is wet cannot be fire
>that, would be the inference
>therefore everything that is dry cannot be water
>that, would be the inference
>something is dry inasmuch as it presently has the qualities characteristic of dryness
>forsooth, Plato, your sagacity is without pale!


I dinnae know aboat yew, but I don think I will be moving that forsooth for tha wintah. I almost like tha cold.

Forsooth or not forsooth, that is the question.

I hate you but you're cute.

> thusly

I had no idea that's what it was called. Then again, English is my second language. Thanks user!
