You read? Oh cool! What's your favorite genre?

How do you answer this?

I don't because no one would ever ask me that question

Young adult fantasy :) I'm a Hufflepuff!

Hee hee! I just love deep books like The Fault in Our Stars XD
I know it's nerdy but I'm really deep like that haha X3


"Oh a bit of this and that, anything that catches my eye really"

this is the only normal response.



"I've neglected it for so long, I've just been plowing through some classics for a while to catch up, you know"


German Idealism ;)

Just a lot of complex stuff that you'd wouldn't even understand the first paragraph anyway, so why saying? btw, how it is to be a lemming? Really, there's little difference between you and any irrational being.


genre james joyce

escaped slave romance

modernism or sci fi

Postmodern marxist dogma and Greek gays.

i say fiction because they dont actually care and saying literary fiction would make me sound lame

Sword and board fantasy. Also anyone know good books to get into wuxia?

jin yong

"Well actually reading isn't about the genres and is more about the information. I like to read whatever interests me. Usually the real 'deep' stuff."

Normalfags think of reading as an activity for the intelligent. You have to really spell things out for them if you want to communicate your point.


When people say that to me, I think they're lying and only claim to read so they don't seem retarded.

>How do you answer this?

If you're a chad you say, "Crime fiction. In particular, Elmore Leonard, the Schubert of the genre, and Michael Connelly, its Bach."

What if you're not a chad?

I only read The Novel

my diary desu?

Nietzsche, Freud, and Marx.

Historical fiction and science fiction.

I'm not some elitist like you all, reading some boring book written in the 1800's.

oops, meant for

I only read texts that truly stimulates my mind so as you can imagine, I find it quite difficult to discover reading material that manages to match my intellect. I give up on most books after the first page, they are simply too elementary for an intelligence of my caliber. It is a shame, literature is writhing in agony and it is soon to be dead. These days I only read my journal or other personal works, maybe one day the rabble will catch up. I can only hope.


short story

I like history because i imagine all the battles and bloodshed in my head

Fantasy and Scifi. If I know the person to a degree I might stretch it to mil scifi/fantasy. Man there is not enough mil fantasy. It is pretty great.

fiction, memoirs, art history, classical political theory/philosophy

Railway engineering manuals

Typewriter repair manuals

Comics and manga.


>"Humanity." if I'm feeling like a particularly pernicious asshole, since everything humanity has ever come up with is in the genre, which isn't limited only to books, but spans across the entire repertoire of works throughout known and unknown history.

Other times I just excuse myself and say I've a couple interests. Difficult to explain you've read >10 000 books spanning multiple genres without coming across as an elitist dickbag.

>such a bovine, rachel-looking creature