All intelligence is metaphysical and religious, by definition

All intelligence is metaphysical and religious, by definition.
The intelligence that enables a philosopher to spew out his petty materialist platitudes [i.e Stirner, "The Ego and his Own" or Nietzsche, "The-beta-who-preached-the-Overchad."] is sufficient to comprehend the fundamental truths of metaphysics, at least partially, so as to prevent him from doing harm and wasting his time.
If Stirner were sent to Siberia, he would certainly be cured of "muh spooks and property" and become a metaphysician, or at least he would become capable of becoming one.

If you have no sacred text, if you don't study metaphysics, if you don't practice a religion based on absolute truth then what are you? Who are you? Why are you here? You are not yet fully human.
God said "let us make man in our image". All else he spoke into existence immediately and it was. But man is God's work in progress, the process started with dust of the earth and was perfected only on Cavalry where Christ sacrificed himself and said "it is finished" and thus showed us the meaning of perfect love and what it means to be divinely human.

So if you can't decide what book to read next ask yourself whether it has any metaphysical merit to it. Would a saint or sage read it?

Other urls found in this thread:

you lost me at the christcuckery


if you don't have the guts and IQ to be Christian there are other inferior consolations you can benefit from: buddhism, platonism, islam, etc
It depends on your racial spirit as well, if you are a native american then shamanism would be more congenial. If you are indian then some form of hinduism, based on your cast.

>if you don't have the guts and IQ to be Christian
kek, needing a "savior" takes a guts? And I dont see why a religious person would take stock in "IQ", a perverse attempt to quantify intelligence which is a mostly naturalistic characteristic anyway

And as far as racial spirit, mine is not semetic so I reject christcuckery on those grounds as well

This is a good post.
Nothing wrong with reading from other faiths. As long as you remain grounded and don't use it as an excuse to vaccilate agnostically.

If you think Christianity was a Jewish trick, you've probably gulped up too much Rosenberg

What? It is semetic religion, from the Levant, from the desert

And it reflects this

it's initial origins are tribal semetic, its character is universal and absolute, it was nourished by latins, romans, franks, hellenics. It lost its jewishness quite early on. That's why jews are repulsed by it now, and most were repulsed by it then.
Right now jewishness is synomymous with talmudism and atheism and nepotism, a form of petty tribalism that lacks authentic spirituality.

>it was nourished by (((latins)))

That's nice cuck

>its character is universal and absolute
only a christian believes this and its embarrassing to hear, only abrhamists think this way

>It lost its jewishness quite early on
Sure buddy, just ignore the fact that christianity is based on sin, the fear of god, "grace", and the like

>christianity is based on sin, the fear of god, "grace", and the like
all of those were intuitive to the greeks, the concept of guilt was not foreign to them neither was punishment in hades or being reborn in lower forms because of living unvirtuous and shameful lives.
Fear of God is love of God for once one realizes the truth they must act in accordance with it and they disdain to contradict it. Fear of God sets you free from earthly fears, fear of man, fear of nature, fear of death, and attachment to vain pursuits.
Grace, the greeks had an appreciation for fate and blessings of the Gods as well.

>only a christian believes this and its embarrassing to hear, only abrhamists think this way
what's the alternative? nominalism and nihilism and relativism?

Didn't know Peterson posts here.

this is THAT thread

Not a "Jewish trick" but an evolution of Judaism for sure. It springs forth from Jewish morality, starting literally as a direct response to it (Jesus overturning the tables of Jewish moneychangers) and continuing to use some of the old Jewish stories in its canon.

>All intelligence is metaphysical and religious, by definition.
obvious bait

It was originally foreign to greeks, by the time of christianity greeks were race mixed and degenerated to hell, after all they are just next to the levant/middle east and had been decadent for a while

the alternative is dropping the ridiculous false dichotomy

>read Nietzsche once and visits /pol/

more like
>reads about antiquity and ancient religion while avoiding the christcucks and retards on /pol/


fuck outta here with that weak ass shit boy

Name one book you've read on antiquity and ancient religion.

Also, given that Christianity is an ancient religion and present in late antiquity, do you worry you are deliberately handicapping your education by seeking to avoid it?

>2000 years

toppest of keks

Christianity began when God made Adam. It's the first and only true religion.

> It's the first and only true religion.
This is why any intellectual worthy of the name cannot take you guys seriously

I see you choose not to answer the question and instead make a cheap joke. Insofar as the term "ancient" is applied to Greek and Roman philosophy, early Christian philosophy is relatively contemporaneous. I did say "late antiquity".

>needing validation from 'intellectuals worthy of the name'

>needing validation from a hebrew god
>not being able to "save" yourself

I care most about eternal metaphysical truths, these tend to be described better outside of abrahamic religions which can't help but be dogmatic and subversive

who describes them best?

"pre-historic" myths are the best but most difficult to understand, Hesoid, Plato and some pre-socratics do well as do many others

What do you make of the pythagoreans?

>Racial based truth
mmm... is this the power of sophistry?

worth reading, but personally I am not a big fan because of their opposition to the "Olympian" spirit, some have described pythagoreanism as a product of the "southern" and aborginial element in greek society

metaphysical truth is universal, that does not mean everybody has the same part in it

Are you a Greek? Are you a fascist? What do you make of shamanism? Babylonian religion? Astrotheology?

And yet Chaos can think

take that Christcucks

>chaos theory
>systems theory
>ordo ab chao
>two revelations
>nihilsm consuming
>idealism subsuming
>free will existentialism
>memetic/genetic essentialism
>rhp chaos

>God said "let us

Also I'm really tired of this "everyone who isn't Christian is unintelligent" meme. Even if you really think so (doubtful), just keep it to yourself.

>text says it's true so i'll believe it
>this makes me capable of superior truths
just imagine i attached one of those brainlet images that are popular in these times
you also misspelled calvary

Everyone who isn't christian is a degenerate or homosexual albeit perhaps intelligent.

Not greek, not really, shamanism can be good or bad, dont know much about babylonian religion or astrotheology

The sky was a very important part of ancient religion that is certain

What about Egyptian stuff?

What differentiates good and bad shamanism?

>All intelligence is metaphysical and religious, by definition.

How is knowing how to boil water metaphysical and religious? That's a type of intelligence.

judaism's pretty spiritual from what I know about it, how is it not spiritual?

(Saint) Paul = Simon the Magus (Gnostic)?

Was Nietzsche too hard on Paul?

>So if you can't decide what book to read next ask yourself whether it has any metaphysical merit to it. Would a saint or sage read it?
Would a saint or sage spend their time posting on Veeky Forums?

good, but thats like 4000 years of history so not very specific

effectivity and also the direction it goes toward/change of state that it creates

the latter is a matter of perspective, some may want to get into totemism and congo-tier shamanism I do not

What is your family lineage? What is your intellectual lineage? What about your lineages is incompatible with Christianity?

>>God said "let us

Because you have faith that the universe operates in a regular order such that if you repeat an action, in this case heating water to its boiling point, it will bear the same result and boil.

My family are mostly aristocratic eastern europeans, I have always been repulsed by the christian pathos.

I dont need a savior, I have never felt sinful and Jesus/God of the bible would be the last god I'd want to worship even if I was into worshiping

The idea of a single omnipotent deity that is responsible for everything is pretty silly I think, as well as the linear view of time and that in christianity the human soul basically does not exist before conception

Probably the worst part is the abrahmist rejection of "pagan" knowledge and the bizare claim to be the ONLY true rellgion

>the bizare claim to be the ONLY true rellgion
Why would that be bizarre?

That's a pretty ridiculous way to envision what religion is.

It's bizarre because apparently if you don't believe in Jesus you're destined to burn forever in hell. Belief is supposed to be a personal thing, but the instant you claim that yours is the only true path and everything is false you start becoming intolerant, and fundamentalism is born.
Also, Islam and Judaism make the same claim.

to my knowledge only christianity and islam do this

the idea that you will certainly face eternal damnation if you dont accept the very specific savior of "Jesus Christ" is very strange

The ancient world knew various spiritual paths and a devotional savior religion was one of them (one of the less dignified ones i might add) and they could see that "different" Gods are actually the same

Lol. I'm sure that makes you feel proud despite your lack of accomplishments.
>Jesus/God of the Bible would be the last God I'd want to worship
So the supreme deity seems less worthy of worship than lesser deities?
>the idea of a single omnipotent deity is pretty silly
Doesn't Plato and Aristotle suggest similar things? Especially the Neoplatonists. A monad seems an elegant philosophical first principle. Though I can understand reluctance to grant personality. Even the Hindus believe in Brahman and they are pretty much the best example of surviving indo-european paganism.
>linear view of time
Reading Eliade? This is a common eschatological interpretation of Christianity which he traces back to Judaism. I think being aware of cycles is important, but they are spirals, cosmic evolution, time passes in a linear direction, this is our link to history and the past just as much as the repetitions of rites and calendrical cycles (which Christianity does feature). Eliade takes eternal recurrence too literally. If we all lived in perfect cycles we would still die off when the sun explodes. Progress and history are blessings to some degree, not simply curses, though gifts can be double-edged. It means we may colonize the stars one day. And perhaps there is more dignity to living a single life rather than being doomed to repeat it (though I do think the Nietzschean thought experiment is ethically valuable as prescriptive).
>soul starts at conception
Some Christians maintain the eternal nature of the soul in extension to its immortality. Thus belief in souls predating birth and conception.
>rejection of "pagan" knowedge
What about all the things they incorporated?
>only TRUE religion
It is the universal religion, the fullness of truth which in both Jews and Pagans were grasped only in part. Lol. But you probably won't accept that answer... doesn't every religion claim to be true? Otherwise it's just relativist sophism no different than postmodernism in its caricaturized cartoon villain form. You said you believe in metaphysical truth yourself. Is not truth simple and singular?

that isn't a metaphysical or religious statement.

It's not even a requirment for boiling water. When your parents teach you how to do it the child goes along with it because he trusts their parents.

Not him but the Chrsitian deity by no means deserves the title of "supreme". Any arguement about his power was settled when he got nailed to the cross; he was defeated by forces stronger than him. Yes yes I know. Magic is exists and he cast ressurection on himself and will return to smite his conquerers soon...any day now.

>doesn't every religion claim to be true? Otherwise it's just relativist sophism no different than postmodernism in its caricaturized cartoon villain form

It sounds like the only religion you know of is Christianity and you are not willing to entertain any other world views. You're the cartoon here.

God is probably the biggest homo around "punish me daddy" and all that obsession with bread ("being bred")

>What differentiates good and bad shamanism?
timing/context and rareness

hearing voices that cause Glossolalia when your're all together playing music and taking hallucinogens is good shamanism (will get you that sweet tribal pussy etc)

hearing voices that cause glossolalia when you're on the hunting grounds and supposed to be silent or at night when the tribe are asleep is bad shamanism (will get you kicked out of tribe and probably killed)

too many shamans spoil the ritual

>destined to burn in hell forever if you don't accept Jesus
Nice straw Christianity. And what religion doesn't claim a superior afterlife for devotees as a reward?
Your statements are confused and contradictory. You say it was strange then you say it was well-known to the ancient world then you propose it was undignified (despite contrary evidence) and then you claim to see that "different" Gods are actually the same while not applying that knowledge to Christianity claiming it to be an alien form of God.

Religion is just literary abstractism.

>implying breeding is gay
The part about punishment doesn't make sense either. Most Christians obey for the rewards. Only degenerate homosexuals punish themselves with guilt. And they continue to do it even when they leave the faith cause they know it's true.

Is Krishna not a manifestation of the supreme because he was killed? Why are you afraid of the martyr archetype? Do you fear the power of Truth will overcome the "truth" of power and expose your pathetic aristocratic "master morality" for the insecure egotism it is?

or better defined as meaphorical philosphical / literary abstractionism.

Again, why? You just repeated yourself.

>but the instant you claim that yours is the only true path and everything is false you start becoming intolerant, and fundamentalism is born.
And? Why would people being intolerant fundamentalists be bizarre? That's fairly common.

>Lol. I'm sure that makes you feel proud despite your lack of accomplishments.
your insecurity is showing, thats what my family was so thats what I said

>So the supreme deity seems less worthy of worship than lesser deities?
Yahweh is a very temperamental and insecure god that has temper tantrums, Jesus was a semi-homeless "hippie" that allowed himself to be tortured to death for the sake of some plebs

I think this is very unworthy of my worship

>Doesn't Plato and Aristotle suggest similar things?
What they and hindus talk about is very different from the christian god, they use "God" as a metaphysical idea,

>Reading Eliade?
dont know who that is

>Some Christians maintain the eternal nature of the soul in extension to its immortality. Thus belief in souls predating birth and conception.
But this isnt a mainstream belief right? I dont think catholics, protestents or orthodox consider this to be true

I was of course talking generally

>What about all the things they incorporated?
What about them? They incorporated some and tried their best to destroy the rest

>You said you believe in metaphysical truth yourself. Is not truth simple and singular?
There is objective metaphysical truth, but their is no "correct" way to experience it and live in relation to it. Just like in material reality, it is true but that does not tell you anyting about how to live with it, that is why there exists the ancient command to "know thyself" because then you will know how to live

christianity, at its best, is just of the ways and it is fit for some kinds of souls

The idea of it being the ONLY religion is strange, it being a devotional religion is not. Devotional religions existed for the past few thousand years, but probably not 20,000+ years ago.

>implying breeding is gay
>implying it isn't
so naive

>Only degenerate homosexuals punish themselves with guilt.
since the name of God is I AM how would it be if you said I AM homosexual,I AM gay and I AM degenerate to yourself over and over until you get comfortable with it,...magical words they are

What's your surname? When you say aristocratic East European do you mean they are ethnically east European, or might they be German nobles located in East Europe? I'm interested

My last name is very rare so I dont want to share it. Some were Ukrainain, others were Russian, some from the Caucus, one of them married a daughter of an aristocratic englishman. Then like 1/4 of my family were bourgeois (subhumans reeeeee) businessmen and the like

My great grandfather owned a town of several thousand people, it still bears the family name, unfortunately the commie bastards stole it but oh well

I dont think they were Germanic, but can't be sure because very little documentation is left and my family doesnt remember much, people say I look slavic

Hope I'm not bothering you. I find this an entertaining conversation. Don't mean to troll too much.

Doesn't Christianity have multiple spiritual paths? It's not like there isn't an abundance of mystical paths therein. People connected to a very vital force even if the ecclesiastic hierarchy wasn't perfect. I find a lot of this to be a form of otherizing and being atracted to foreign religion for features present in their home religion. But maybe I just like Jesus because I am a pleb and one of the people he was tortured for (and rose again!). I am a very heterodox christian and enjoy learning about other religions. Ironically, it helps me understand my own.

I guess Christianity implies that other religions are false or devilish in some ways. I subscribe to the idea of a prisca theologia. Sophia perrenis. "Christians before Christ." And "outside christ"

>is executed for being a wizard

Ah okay. I have people tell me the same but I'm from mixed English Polish background, no aristocracy for centuries back though.

I am all those things and none of them.

Good taste nibba

this guy gets it

>Doesn't Christianity have multiple spiritual paths?
Yes certainly, but certain christian presuppositions preclude many paths that are just as valid. Both christianity and islam are basically limited to mysticism, as you said, which means that the "magical" paths are blocked. Not only that but "magic" and becoming "a God" is almost universally seen as evil and satanic by most christians.

In case you do not know, the mystical path is basically combing yourself with an external divine force, the "Magical" path is becoming a divine force yourself.

And also, esoteric christianity is kind of limited by the fact that christians killed many other christians for being "heretics", including Templars and cathars. I dont know of any christian esotericsm as that is as developed as Sufism while also being as respected as Sufism

I myself am kind of interested in Gnosticism, but this is also seen by most christians as a terrible heresy....

I do not say that christianity as a belief system cannot be good for some people, the problem is that it completely rejects anything that isnt christianity

And dont worry you are not bothering me

There are Muslims who practise magic and many Muslims have a strong belief in magic and the supernatural. For example in Iraq you can purchase magical talismans or pay for spells from witches and wizards. Saddam Hussein apparently even used to have people spy on them to make sure they weren't cursing him. Of course he wasn't as paranoid about them as he was about Muslim clerics, but the fact he even went to the trouble says something about how ingrained the belief was. It's touched upon briefly in Gerard Russell's Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms in the chapter about Mandaeans

>>>God said "let us
The Father spoke to the Son, through whom creation took place, in the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the Holy Trinity, three persons, yet one God. Father, Word, and Spirit.

Isn't Solomonic Magic Christian? Witches and heretics have always used certain Biblical passages in incantations and subversions of them too... and what about Christian Hermeticism?

>the only god

pick one

>look ma i'm larping as a brown person

Thats not what I was talking about though, the "magical path" has very little do with that stuff

>Witches and heretics
Exactly, they aren't really christian. They used some christian ideas and names because that is what they were familiar with and to decrease the chances of being attacked by christians

And again, maybe I should not have used the word "magic" because it confuses people but I wasnt really talking about casting spells but rather a specific and active approach to metaphysical/spiritual reality

pic related is such a path

who is this qt


What is this "magical path" then?

Perhaps such an active approach is discouraged because it is dangerous. It nevertheless exists if you seek it, however. Do not even the Exoteric Hindus and Buddhists warn of the dangers of the LHP?

Also: you forgot your pic

Man this thread is awful

I am brown. Want proof?

You know?

As I said already: "the "Magical" path is becoming a divine force yourself", I should also add that in this path you turn yourself into a being that is completely separate from others. It can also be called the "dry" way

The mystical path on the other hand has you "join" an already existent and external force

"Magic" as in spell casting isnt really specific to either

It is dangerous because once you start resisting the currents of the world, you must keep going or else they will sweep you away. And also a common theme is that you must "die" before you are reborn

Buddhism is interesting because it is a very concentrated "dry" way that has much the same results in that you can reach an "unconditioned state", but it is much more about detachment/contemplation than action

The Mithraic mysteries and Elusian mysteries are related to this

it was too high resolution, heres a crappy version

>mithras, slaying the primordial life force representing the bull, becomes master of this force

7 laws of magical thinking,
power vs force

settings -> hide thread stubs -> save settings -> hide thread.

I've improved my personal experience of Veeky Forums by at least 73% by utilising this method

Im actually glad that most people are such ignorant morons that they can only understand spirituality as a psychological phenomenon, keeps these faggots away and ensures they won't survive death

Metaphysics is a meme. It's pointless in all aspects, you're trying to answer questions we weren't mesnt to answer. Metaphysics is just a bunch of guys jerking each other off because they're incapable of doing something actual important with their lives.

big if true

7 laws of magical thinking especially combined with meditation produced some very interesting experiences for me personally but the main thing is it gives you the mental option to bee yourself and not be mesmerized by any other persons "words/spells"

Read deleuze you cunt

Could it be said the Jung deals with Lacan's imaginary and symbolic but on a Deleuzean schizophrenicized anti-oedipal plateau?


Shift + left click on catalog.

is Peterson Christian or religious?

What is your definition of intelligence?

The substance of knowledge is Knowledge of the Substance: that is, the substance of human intelligence, or its most profoundly real function, is the perception of the Divine Substance.The fundamental nature of our intelligence, quite evidently, is discernment between what is substantial(absolute/essential/unchanging) and what is accidental(transient/contingent/relative), and not the exclusive perception of the accidental; when intelligence perceives the accident it does so, as it were, in relation to the substance that corresponds to it—he who sees the drop sees also the water—and, with all the more reason, intelligence must do this in relation to Substance as such.

>muh rhizome