Guys, I'm in highschool (18 btw) and I'm learning about Marxism and Karl Marx and I think he's right...

Guys, I'm in highschool (18 btw) and I'm learning about Marxism and Karl Marx and I think he's right. Capitalism is the root of all eveil and America can only be saved by true communist revolution in the style of Das Kapital, my new favorite book. Obviously its pretty hard nowadays to have an actually intellectual conversation about Marx, but what do you think is the best way to demarginalize the oppressed?

>what do you think is the best way to demarginalize the oppressed

Well, following historical precedent, you subvert the democratic system, hunt and kill power holders in the ancien regime, kill their families for good measure, strip the property from everyone, encourage a society of informants and keep your people in fear, starve or execute those who were informed on, keep the safest, least innovative people in charge of the economy, make sure they are thoroughly afraid so they wont innovate, and then the economically oppressed will eventually overthrow your shitty system and re-enter the capital markets.

Oh an I forgot, those fat cats you put in charge of the economic engine and security services? Give them nice dachas or sea side bugalows and the prettiest women and tons of money. That will keep them nice and fat.

This but unironically


Das capital doesn't talk about a revolution or communism

I always wondered when the idea of classic marxist socialism got lost with the curret lib left. Blows my mind they associate it with tolerance and acceptance.

If only we could create a non-materialist economic system founded on the inherent dignity and worth of human beings, one that treats them as individuals and not as commodities!

Taking 5:1 bets on this not being bait

Well to demarginalize the oppressed you become a Bolshevik and put them in gulags. If all the oppressed people are dead, then nobody is oppressed!

Distributism like Communism is hopelessly outdated. Ride the Capitalist tiger and hope Jesus returns soon.

So Johnny who works at McDonalds has the same worth and dignity as Jim the doctor, so they should earn the same amount? (one loaf of bread a week)


>the guy who prepares food deserves worse food

Who said that?

>one guy puts frozen potatos in a fryer and the other one performs heart surgery on people to save their lives

>guess we should reinforce this inequality by giving the cook less food
What's the end game? Should the doctor have five loaves of bread? Better quality bread? Five loaves of sprouted buckwheat and quinoa bread while the cook gets meager rations of stale white bread? Perhaps worth and dignity shouldn't correspond to and be rewarded with the quality and quantity of an essential survival resource.

most heart surgeries are performed on fatasses who eat fried potatoes


>Communist revolution
>Das Kapital
get out /pol/

The McDonalds guy should eat a big mac, which has 540 calories and 28 grams of fat. The doctor should eat a steak. The McDonalds guy is getting the same caloric intake, so he isn't at risk of starvation by any means. But the doctor, who went to school for 8 years and spent his entire life studying and training should be rewarded for the time he took to advance in society. The McDonalds worker doesn't deserve to eat a steak because he never aspired to do anything with his life and eat at McDonalds. But under communism, this motivation to work to contribute more to society is obsolete, meaning no one would have the ambition to do anything with their lives. You can claim that people capable of being doctors would "simply do it for free" out of the kindness of their hearts, but this isn't supported by human nature. The only way to force anyone to do any kind of complex task would be to threaten to kill them if they didn't. Because otherwise, they have no motivation because whether they're a burger flipper or a surgeon, they're going to get a loaf of bread no matter what.

>wasting that much time and effort with a literal retard

You think that everyone would use a capitalist persperctive to measure their life, which is not the case my uneducated american friend.

>t. burger flipper in 3rd world shithole

No, you're right, I would validate my life in knowing that unfortunate groups of marginalized people are now effectively earning the same amount of "money" a week as their evil white business tycoon opressors

Guys, I'm in highschool (18 btw) and I'm learning about the alt-right and Peterson and I think he's right. Liberals (Postmodern communists )is the root of all eveil and America can only be saved by true nationalist revolution in the style of Breitbart News, my new favorite news site. Obviously its pretty hard nowadays to have an actually intellectual conversation about /pol/, but what do you think is the best way to demarginalize the oppressed?

No you stupid fuck, I'm not a communist. Everyone has equal dignity because they were made in the image of the God. Being smarter or stronger or fatter or more autistic or any other attribute is meaningless in terms of a person's worth.

This guy gets it. A person's worth is not dependent on his contributions to society

we're not God. We are individuals, inescapably connected to society. It's society that judges your worth here, and yes, it does and should judge you based on your contributions.

Yes, we are all individuals, and as such we all have the right to own property and use it to ensure a dignified existence for ourselves and our families. There's no need or benefit to expanding my capital beyond that which is needed for my own family. Any else exposes and will inevitably result in the oppression and degradation of individuals by others, whether governments, corporations, or more powerful individuals

How about you get an actual job maybe something in labouring before you start spouting Karls shit?


Are you jewish?

And thus a new shitty pasta was born.