Why does coffee taste so disgusting? Why do people like it?

Why does coffee taste so disgusting? Why do people like it?

It's an acquired taste. You know, like semen.

>Why do people like it?
Hipster nu-males aren't people, user

>You know, like semen
No, I dont know. I have never tasted semen. How long did it take you to like it?

Why is your palette such shit? Nah I’m kidding. For some it’s an acquired taste, for others it’s the caffeine, and for a select few it’s for the image. I don’t think coffee itself tastes great, but it’s not bad. It’s better if you jazz it up with spices before you brew it.

This is a food and cooking board. Coffee is not food or cooking.

because you're are an unique special snowflake

The same way as one can enjoy a fine whiskey.

Enjoying the bitter taste might be a bit of a culinary version of stockholm syndrome, but it sure as hell doesn't mean one can't enjoy it after.

You are probably having shit coffee on top of your already shit palate.

You don't need to lie to us user. It's ok. You are among fiends.

Bullshit. That's bullshit and you know it. Someone back me up on this.

>Coffee is not food
neither is a mcchickun, to be desu.

Where else should it go then? There's no drinks board, that's why alcoholic drink threads, soda threads, coffee threads, tea threads, etc are all acceptable here.

you can put coffee in food, and coffee is technically a bean, there for it is a food
we've had threads about "natural harvest", even some OC, coffee is a food
deal with it

In here, there are those who tasted it and those who tasted it but deny it.

Its not gay if the balls dont touch.

1. Your palate may need adjusting
2. You're surrounded by crap coffee

The general rule is that coffee should taste good on its own with no sugar or milk required.

The exceptions include milk-based espresso drinks like piccolo latte and flat white, and even then the coffee should be really good to not need any sugar.

When you add sugar it's usually the turkish/greek/macedonian/bosnian coffee.

And sweetened condensed milk for Vietnamese/Thai/Malaysian coffee

Why would touching your balls be gay? Don't you know how to make your own semen?

>there are "people" that haven't tasted their cum

it's really nothing to write home about, it's basically snot-flavored

>snot flavored cum
go see a doc.

how does a thread about coffee turn into a thread about the taste of cum?

The smell of coffee is a million times more enticing than the taste of it.

It doesn't always taste the same. Sometimes sweet, sometimes musky, sometimes there's a faint mushroom flavour, sometimes it better resembles brie. I've never had snot flavoured cum, but you really should taste yours more regularly to appreciate the full range of potential.

where do you live? Scandi/balt coffee is fucking disgusting garbage.
Fucking fags saying "no our coffee is of highest quality, its ARABICA" like that shit means fucking anything.
And they all taste like fucking industrial degreaser, no fucking subtelties in the flavor at all, its all just "really black fucking tea"

fucking uk is a civilized country having different flavors of coffee for sale for cheap and they actually taste like real fucking coffee with fucking guatemala being acidic and shit instead of fucking pauligs guatemala tasting like fucking industrial degreaser in a more colorful fucking package.

Fuck. And I've grown used to drinking this disgusting fucking shit black Im fucking worried I wont be able to feel the flavors of fucking real coffee.

All I fucking want is nice, easily available fucking acidic coffee that doesnt break my fucking bank and I dont have to find a fucking specialist shop to fucking buy

you havent had good coffee
coffee is literally hot wine
It depends mostly on where and how its grown and roasted
Just because you drink cheap shit doesnt mean all of it tastes the same.
Coffee taste varies from liquid sweet nuts to best hibiscus tea you've ever had and everything inbetween

You literally cook coffe though.

>roasting beans
>grinding beans to perfect ground
>prehydrating them
>heating water to correct temperature
>setting grounds correctly in a filter
>pouring water correctly onto the ground
>waiting for coffee to cool to the correct temperature

How does it feel knowing that making coffee takes more skill than anything youve ever cooked

If you live in Finland which I assume you do because you mentioned Paulig I recommend you slurp

This. You don't get have to get into specialty coffee to get a decent cup or anything either, you just gotta ditch your Folgers/Maxwell House/Starbucks.

For you? It's probably one of two things. You've only tried bad coffee, or you just don't like bitter tastes. Some people like bitter tastes. Same deal with sour or spicy tastes. People like different things.