What is Infinite Jest and why do feminists hate it so much...

What is Infinite Jest and why do feminists hate it so much? I've heard about it a million times but have never actually looked into it.
And yes, I do realize I could google it, but I thought this would be a more interesting way to go about it.

A book written by a sadmale about sadmales and quirky po-mo humor that falls flat.

>why do feminists hate it so much?
I know several feminists and none of them direct their ire at this meme book. Are you sure this isn't one of those imaginary conflicts that only exist in your head?

I've heard many women say they won't date a guy if he has it on his bookshelf or says it's his favorite book. An ex once told me it was the biggest red flag a guy can have.

Why do people make some obscure post about this meme book daily?

>I've heard many women say they won't date a guy if he has it on his bookshelf or says it's his favorite book
>An ex once told me it was the biggest red flag a guy can have.
Girls are good at seeing through a pretentious facade. Don't think this has anything to do with feminism. Infinite Jest is a meme, and the girls you're talking about are right.

paid shills

Honestly, I was watching "Blank on Blank" videos and I got to David Foster Wallace and couldn't remember where I heard the name. I'm not a Veeky Forums regular so I didn't realize there were so many threads on it already.

So, it's just an average book to make guys feel smart because it's long? That's much more underwhelming than I had hoped.

Have any of them actually read it? Because if not then you should tell them to fuck off because they're retards. Even further, having read shitty books doesn't mean shit about the person, we all read something crappy every once in a while.

But yeah its a meme book anyway

> girls are good at seeing through a pretentious facade


This is why they won't date you.

Here come the frog men

It's incredibly involved, complex, self-referential, and absurdist. It's a bit like Kafka met Dickens and they decided they had a fetish for endnotes. Most people never finish it, so most of the discussion is just memeing. For all the controversy it has still managed to solidify itself as a modern classic.

I read it and enjoyed certain parts.... it's just super silly and then super gritty, and sometimes kind of sad (which is what the author intended iirc. In an interview "...I wanted to write something sad") I finished it eventually, hoping for an ending..... the moment I finished the last page I instantly googled "IJ ending" which I regret... I wish I would've let it sit with me awhile. Kind of a cop out I guess, according to DFW the ending is supposed to "projected onto you. And if not, the book's essentially failed you." ....Years later and I'm re-reading it cause I'm a fuckin' drug addict just out of rehab for the 3rd time and I like the parts of AA/NA and sober houses.

listen, your statement is just empirically wrong. have an ounce of intellectual honesty and admit it

>listen, you are empirically wrong. I have provided no evidence, and, on the contrary continue to act pretentious; however you, my good fellow, should admit your fault and praise me.
this level of autism

good and honest post in a thread full of filth

Don't encourage him

And your virginity is empirically correct, yet here we are.


Zadie Smith and me female creative writing professor are fans of DFW.