Hey folks! I'd like to hear how you "see" Eowyn from Lord of the Rings using feminist literary criticism...

Hey folks! I'd like to hear how you "see" Eowyn from Lord of the Rings using feminist literary criticism. Is she really strong independent woman? Would she be able to defeat Witch-king without male ( Meriadoc Bradybuck) help ? How do you comment her degradation from shield-maiden to healer after she married Faramir ?

Are you the guy who made the white male thread and since that bait didnt work out you tried another one?


She had no proper mother or father figure (whilst the king was under wormtongue's spell) and was somewhat stranded at Rohan. She's a sympathetic individual, wanted to be of service to her beliefs beyond the usual role available to her. Since that role was made bleak due to world she had to grow up in.

I don't see how marrying Faramir is a degredation.

he was just special needs though so not really a man, the only reason he survived was because his tard in arms frodo gave him the special knife forged by the MEN of westernesse

I see Eowyn as a character in a good story that doesn't need fucking politicians and sociology majors ruining it with their shitty analysis.

If anything she's a critique of feminism because she only found true happiness when she decided to grow up and get married. Before that, when she was trying to Xena warrior princess all she found was depression. This is perfectly applicable to real life.

>all she found was depression
because she never braap'd on my face

the actress who played her was fucking hideous

Does anyone else find it kind of strange that when you look at a girl she is really the same as a man just with a slightly different shaped body? And when you realize this you're sort of turned off from them the same way you're unattracted to men? Like how different is a woman's leg or arm from a man's really. It has maybe one or two curves which give it a different shape but JUST slightly, and other body parts might have even less of a difference, like an arm or a shoulder blade. You're really just attracted to a "feminine-looking" human form, but what is that, really? It's a thing that could have become a man but it sort of grew opposite to a man and became a womanish thing. Does anyone get what I'm saying here?

Are you a dog? (White girls fuck dogs)

I am not white so yes
woof woof

I understand what you're saying 100% but I have never felt that way.

No, I'm not helping you with your retarded high school homework assignment.
It's a five paragraph essay just write it yourself bitch.


for speaking the truth?

It really grinds my gears how feminists like to proclaim any kickass female character in film or literature to be feminist. Like Ellen Riply from Alien.

Feminists are whiny entitled cunts. They could never do anything close to these ficticious heroes they proclaim to be like them

How about the role of prophecy in her one significant action in the mythos? That's more interesting than some liberal bullshit.

>It really grinds my gears
james johnson is that you?

I had the same problem. Try looking at as a different mind-body probem. What you first desire is the body which is primal kind of 'love/desire' that can be categorized as the greek Eros.
When you can do away with this mentally then you can know the other as she sees herself, a different mind in a different body. And if you appreciate the company of said intellect you can develop Philia (friendship and affection) to the self that possesses the mortal vessel you are sexually attracted to.
If it goes beyond even this than that is Storge - a kind of caring/nurturing love between partners and family members or Agapé which is a kind of divine unconditional love that western literature ascribes to soulmates.
This is basically a problem a vocabulary, because commonly spoken English lacks specific terms to distinguish between nuanced meanings.

If I misread the undertone and you are really wondering wether what one likes in the other person is the Form r the Essence you should start with the Greeks! (I know I am memeing here). You should read on this topic

Meno - lays out the foundation of the Theory of Forms
Symposium 210 - a discussion on the theory of beauty
Argument from Form of Life from Phaedo - this describes the relationship between form and beauty.

So are traps gay or...?

She was depressed because she couldn't Xena out as she wanted,forced to care for her ailing relative and then her ailing people out of bitter duty and plain necessity. The Rohan culture seemed comfortable with warrior maidens,and although Tolkien doesn't mention any,I could imagine that a number of women took up the spear and rode off to Gondor. And even after Theoden was healed,she was consigned to organising her people in their flight since no Man could be spared,or at least one that was universally accepted to pull the job off.

At the end,when Happily Ever Afters were being handed out,she chose to give up the sword because there was no need for them anymore. But I bet she took it up again when her daughters grew old enough to hold one.