What is your favorite quote, from all of the things you have ever read?

What is your favorite quote, from all of the things you have ever read?

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Pur solinga, eterna peregrina,
Che sì pensosa sei, tu forse intendi,
Questo viver terreno,
Il patir nostro, il sospirar, che sia;
Che sia questo morir, questo supremo
Scolorar del sembiante,
E perir dalla terra, e venir meno
Ad ogni usata, amante compagnia.
E tu certo comprendi
Il perchè delle cose, e vedi il frutto
Del mattin, della sera,
Del tacito, infinito andar del tempo.
Tu sai, tu certo, a qual suo dolce amore
Rida la primavera,
A chi giovi l'ardore, e che procacci
Il verno co' suoi ghiacci.
Mille cose sai tu, mille discopri,
Che son celate al semplice pastore.
Spesso quand'io ti miro
Star così muta in sul deserto piano,
Che, in suo giro lontano, al ciel confina;
Ovver con la mia greggia
Seguirmi viaggiando a mano a mano;
E quando miro in cielo arder le stelle;
Dico fra me pensando:
A che tante facelle?
Che fa l'aria infinita, e quel profondo
Infinito Seren? che vuol dir questa
Solitudine immensa? ed io che sono?
Così meco ragiono: e della stanza
Smisurata e superba,
E dell'innumerabile famiglia;
Poi di tanto adoprar, di tanti moti
D'ogni celeste, ogni terrena cosa,
Girando senza posa,
Per tornar sempre là donde son mosse;
Uso alcuno, alcun frutto
Indovinar non so. Ma tu per certo,
Giovinetta immortal, conosci il tutto.
Questo io conosco e sento,
Che degli eterni giri,
Che dell'esser mio frale,
Qualche bene o contento
Avrà fors'altri; a me la vita è male.

>The more she shat the more she grew thirstier, but the more she drank the more she shat

Girl's dick is big and fat and roses are bled from your body moving and trembling like the second chance or smth when probably its desease comes to collapsoration. Feed your animal body by angels in Los Angeles flet by lamborghini or ferrari or smth. Yeah.

You should always be yourself, don't let others put you down or shape you. Never back down, you are special just the way you are.

Can you do it? When the time comes? When the time comes there will be no time. Now is the time. Curse God and die. What if it doesnt fire? It has to fire. What if it doesnt fire? Could you crush that beloved skull with a rock? Is there such a being within you of which you know nothing? Can there be?

not my favorite, but this is the first quotation i found in my notes:
>So much more swiftly than the Trade Winds, these Days, do the Winds of Diplomacy blow.
from Mason & Dixon

>We suffer more from imagination than from reality

Where is that from?


>We suffer more from imagination than from reality
God dammit are you the laziest fucking person on the Internet.

mañana, a lovely word and one that probably means heaven.

"Here are your waters and your watering place. Drink and be whole again beyond confusion."

It's from a Robert Frost poem, but it's also wonderfully misappropriated in an enscription above a local pub. It comes to mind a lot during hair of the dogs.

>I cannot see what flowers are at my feet

>But here there is no light
I love when prosaic lines interrupt intensely lyrical poems. :)

"And then there was Twisk, who usually appeared as an orange-haired maiden wearing a gown of gray gauze. One day while wading in the shallows of Tilhilvelly Pond, she was surprised by the troll Mangeon. He seized her about the waist, carried her to the bank, ripped away the gray gauze gown and prepared to make an erotic junction. At the sight of his priapic instrument, which was grotesquely large and covered with warts, Twisk became frantic with fear. By dint of jerks, twists and contortions she foiled the best efforts of the sweating Mangeon. But her strength waned and Mangeon's weight began to grow oppressive. She tried to protect herself with magic, but in her excitement she could remember only a spell used to relieve dropsy in farm animals, which, lacking better, she uttered, and it proved efficacious. Mangeon's massive organ shriveled to the size of a small acorn and became lost in the folds of his great gray belly.

Mangeon uttered a scream of dismay, but Twisk showed no remorse. Mangeon cried out in fury: "Vixen, you have done me a double mischief, and you shall do appropriate penance."

He took her to a road which skirted the forest. At a crossroads he fashioned a kind of pillory and affixed her to this construction. Over her head he posted a sign: DO WHAT YOU WILL WITH ME and stood back. "Here you stay until three passersby, be they dolts, lickpennies or great earls, have their way with you, and that is the spell I invoke upon you, so that in the future you may choose to be more accommodating to those who accost you beside Tilhilvelly Pond."

- Jack Vance, "Lyonesse"

Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina
Quando fiam uti chelidon—O swallow swallow
Le Prince d’Aquitaine à la tour abolie
These fragments I have shored against my ruins

Live with your century, but do not be its creature.

Não sou nada
Nunca serei nada
Não posso querer ser nada
À parte isso, tenho en mim todos os sonhos do mundo

Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena
Quando a alma não é pequena

>on english website
>every fucking discussion takes place in english
>the question itself was asked in english
>responds in thirdworld "language" just so everyone knows you can speak more than one
>(even tho latin, english, and german are the only ones worth knowing)

>He doesn't know who T.S. Eliot and Leopardi are
What the fuck are you even doing here

Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell'asia

>He translates poetry

Here goes another one:
Voll Verdienst, doch dichterisch, wohnet der Mensch auf dieser Erde.

*English, German and French are the only ones worth knowing.

Curse to you! Literal Guidos will haunt you in your sleep!

Lauren Mayberry is a sex machine of the highest caliber. She is known to be the most devious cockmonster ever to emerge from the Highlands! The grip of her cunt alone can permanently twist a man. Her only loyalty is to the Almighty Orgasmus Throbbing


She's from the borders

I'm about to get a job at costco. (first job) I assume that i'm going to have co-workers, that i'm occasionally going to have to talk to. I don't want to be the boring guy who has nothing going on in his life. So, when someone says, "Tell me something interesting about yourself", I'd like to be able to respond with something like "Well, I'm one of the gentoomen", or something like that. But I can't exactly do that if I haven't actually installed gentoo.

The way she says "so have you got the guts" makes me want to have the guts :/


>no Greek
I hereby banish you from the realm of good books.

> even tho mandarin chinese, south korean and cantonese are the only ones worth knowing
fixed. the world is changing, user. don't get left behind

South Korea will be dying out though

Then why does she sing about

>Pick yourself up boy
>And be my next toy
>Bring some haggis and a hefty blunt
>Signed yours truly, a Highlands cunt
