What does Veeky Forums think of the new diet coke? I'm quite liking mango coke

What does Veeky Forums think of the new diet coke? I'm quite liking mango coke.


>diet soda
Why would you waste your time on a drink that doesn't even provide you any calories? I'm offended by this concept as a hungry skelly who can barely force down enough calories to not look like a cancer patient each day, such a waste.

You're probably better off skelly than drinking what is essentially syrup on a regular basis

>mango coke

>those new can designs
A 6 pack of those is $3.00 at wal mart while a 12-packs of the larger traditional cans is $3.33.

It tastes and looks like cat piss

You're better off dead.

You can't even taste the (((added))) flavor.

I tried the blood orange. Didn't really care for it. It had some floral notes that just didn't do it for me.

Why do you autists have to hold something in your hand while taking a picture. Set it down, retard

I'm mostly just tired of having to check every food and drink product nowadays because the majority of the modern developed world is so overweight that half of what's sold is just pretend food and pretend drinks meant to trick you into thinking you consumed something but passing through your body undigested.

>I have to read food labels to know what's in my food

Except it's not really even food anymore, it's like gum that you swallow.

who is forcing you to buy those foods? Nobody is holding you at gunpoint to make you buy processed pseudo-foods.

I have a can of the mango flavor in my fridge, haven't tried any of them yet though.

Mango Diet Coke is literal fucking poison. then again, most diet sodas are so...whatever.
I will say though, feisty cherry and ginger lime are the best flavors I've had so far.

The Ginger Lime was pretty good.
The others? Meh...

>Why would you waste your time on a drink that doesn't even provide you any calories?
You mean like water?

Yes, plain water is also a waste, you could easily get more than enough hydration through real drinks with calories and flavor.

until you realize that pretty much everything at your average American supermarket is extremely processed

the worst opinion i've ever read

just because the store is full of it doesn't mean your cart has to be full of it. Have some discipline and stop buying the bullshit.

pic related, do I really have to spell this shit out for you?

I bought the peach one to mix with cheap whiskey last night and it was surprisingly pleasant.
The peach completely overpowered the shit whiskey taste.

Aspartame is metabolized into phenalalynanine, which your body can convert into tyrosine, a precursor of dopamine. So in other words, drinking Diet Coke gives you a sense of accomplishment.

>What does Veeky Forums think of the new diet coke?
I'm not going to go out of my way to try them.

They are most likely getting canned in the coming months, and I don't want like one if that is the case