What does Veeky Forums think about pictured writer?

What does Veeky Forums think about pictured writer?

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They apparently don't recognize Rod Serling. Probably too young.

Jewish, but alright. Kinda.

Mediocre writer (Beaumont and Matheson are the ones that made TZ work) but great host.

>knowing how writers actually looked like
no thanks

He was only at the beginning of every twilight zone episode. Real obscure.

Not true. He wrote almost every episode. His work ethic should be respected alone. He worked 12 hours a day seven days a week for the run of the show. Also, he was a decorated paratrooper in WW2. Had night terrors his whole life.

No he didn't. He wrote about a third of the episodes and they were usually the worst ones.

Requiem for a Heavyweight is a very underrated film - as is the Loner, servings western series which only ran for one season; the twilight zone was good, but only with the 30 minute episodes; despite what avers Serling wrote most of the best episodes of the twilight zone.

Night Gallery is fucking garbage however

He had very little creative control over Night Gallery so it's poor quality was no surprise. Twilight Zone was a great show considering their three day production schedules. I wish he did more movies. I only recently discovered The Planet of The Apes was written by him. Explains the TZ twist at the end though.

He wrote 96 of the 156 episodes. Most of them.

If today's Hollywood writers had even a gram of Serling's talent, we wouldn't have to be subjected to a sh1tstorm of sequels and remakes of old movies. They would be capable of creative thought and generate an original thought or two.

Not to mention he was uber cool. He is everything M Night Shamalamadingdong wishes he could be. That would make great TZ episode actually. Man wanys to be famous writer who inserts himself into his own projects. Forgets to say 'talented'. Wakes up as Night.

>Not true.
The fuck are you talking about, he was at the beginning of every episode giving a short introduction, and at the end giving an outro. Did you even read the comment you replied to?

I had no idea that Rod was one of my guys... Thanks for the enlightenment, lit

Twilight Zone collected stories is actually a pretty fun book

I was referring to the 'only' part of the comment. He did not 'only' appear in the episodes. He wrote and produced the series.

I think you misunderstood the sarcasm. The "Real obscure." was supposed to be a punchline. I guess it didn't read, but fuck, who am I supposed to be, Rod Serling?

Ah. But who among us is?


All I know is Twilight Zone is a top tier television series.

Fair point. I didn't realize POTA was an adaptation. Serling was it's screenwriter however.

Kids these days.