I've been reading some of his works and I think he is mostly right about the dangers of technology and...

I've been reading some of his works and I think he is mostly right about the dangers of technology and late-capitalism/post-modernism. Also a friend told me to watch Texhnolyze and read into the Mouse Utopia experiments, so I've been getting more and more troubled about where we are heading.

However, he isn't exactly the best writer so I'd like to read something along the sames lines from a different author. I know about Nick Land, but I would have to read Deleuze and Guattari to get what he is trying to say and I don't agree with accelerationism per se.

Use thus as a Nick Land thread if you will, those are quite interesting too. As long as I get a few recommendations I'd be thankful.


another shameless bump

I’m still working my way through ISAIF and Tech Slavery in general, but I have heard Jacques Ellul is the next step.

I'll check him out
I wish Kaczynski (or rather the idea of anti-technology) was more popular here

i'd take kaczynski's criticism of postmodernism over peterson's garbage any day

Mouse Utopia isn't really all that illuminating. We already know that people with no social roles fall into anti-social behavior.

There's something inherently unattractive about Kaczynski's ideas, in that, if the development technology is fundamental human nature (or nature in general, really) - and Goethe captures this perfectly with a line in his Faust - and we accept Kaczynski's central thesis, then that implies that mankind can never find a state of equilibrium. Rather, it must keep building it's way up, only to crash and repeat.
The idea of a solution, a state or a framework which remains more or less the same, is very attractive, and is essentially part of all ideologies (though to varying degrees).

useless & wasteful technology is a problem of capitalism t b h

Didn't realise he published a book last year. Just ordered it off amazon so should be here in two weeks.

Kaczynski is the most important thinker today. He is too contemporary to critique. I recommend everyone to read his works. He transcended dialectical materialism. Kaczynski represents the mathematical culmination of Nietzsche and Marx ideas.

I agree that its quite unattractive to most people to think that we are destined to doom, but that doesn't mean he is wrong, environmentalism is still discussed ver openly. I personally believe this is the big issue of the XXI century and everyone should at least invest some of their time being familiar with the arguments. Marxism is falling behind as a theory too imo.

Also, I think he addresses why systems are destined to chaos on the first chapter of his last book, I don't remember the exact arguments, but it made a lot of sense, so even if someone is on denial they can see where he is going.

Good book t b h, I'm halfway through it.

I don't know about this, he certainly is the most interesting writer I've read in the last few years, but he isnt as good as Nietzsche.

I believe many will use his chapter about the left in ISAIF as a way to either discredit him or to meme him as a champion of alternative thought (I don't want to name them).

I read (The essays at least) Technological Slavery (which includes ISAIF). It's difficult to refute what he is saying but I don't agree entirely in what he is advocating.

It's a useful starting point in finding answers about why life in this veritable technological Utopia of ours feels so shallow because of how it inflates everything for you but it's not a great stopping point.

From there I went on to read Walden which offered a much more balanced and sane perspective on the idea from somebody who was actually there watching the world transition into the modern age.

From there I went on to read the Cynics (both Greek and their roman counterparts) and from that I took away that this whole matter of giving up pieces of the human soul in exchange for technological convenience is an exchange that dates back to the earliest moments of human society and not just some sudden loss that occurred in recent years.

From there I took to the Bhagavad Gita the core lesson of which seems to be that it's not important what action you feel you have to take. Rather that it's important to look inside and ascend beyond your emotional attachment to the issue and act only out of pure wisdom instead of passion or material gain or ignorance.

Begone cuck


fucking optimists

>and from that I took away that this whole matter of giving up pieces of the human soul in exchange for technological convenience is an exchange that dates back to the earliest moments of human society and not just some sudden loss that occurred in recent years
People need to undrstand that we're going down the drain since ancient times, it's nothing new.
However, I think that we're at the end of the road.

> faggot with a dirty room and daddy issues call someone else a cuck
holy shit, the irony

ooga booga muh power process

ooga booga hunt rabbits all day

ooga booga protesters dont get paid

ooga booga weak power process

"The Unabomber manifesto was mostly drivel, along with some very simplistic technological analysis, some interesting psychological ideas, and some quite extraneous anti-leftist ranting. It reads like someone who hasn't read widely in the areas of politics and technology, who thinks he's come on these ideas for the first time, and there are a lot of things not well thought out. I wrote an analysis of it in the Nation when it first came out, before we knew who wrote it, and I gave it fairly low marks, although I did say that it contained some very important nuggets that society ought to pay very close attention to--and I'd stick by that today."

Kirkpatrick Sale

>ooga booga
>T-That's how my ancestors used to talk r-right??


Why are you bothering posting somebody else's opinion about it? The manifesto is a short read. Decide for yourself.

Land isn't really what you're looking for. Check out Jacques Ellul's The Technological Society.

I know he isn't, but as the antithesis it might have been part of an interesting discussion.

Heidegger, jünger, spengler and pentti linkola

There's a difference between anarcho-prims and anti-tech

No use including a mediocre polemicist like Linkola among actual intellectuals. I respect him for his lifestyle and unwillingness to compromise but at least in his work published in English, he spends his time ranting about cats and his bird journals rather than offering any insight. Almost reminds me of Celine without style.

Can you explain something about the book?
It seems like it's quite new and there's nothing about the author on Google.

What is the best possible refute to Thoreaux and company? Someone mentioned some author who does this in a thread weeks ago but I forgot their name.

It is a more wholistic and deeper analysis of power and powerlessness, including how modern society is instilling powerlessness. The beginning is the core philosophy, then he goes into sexual dynamics between men and women and how power plays into sexuality, and in the final section he delves into economics, technology, and every area that comprises society. Economics is the facilitator of our destructive industrial technological society, and Goonan's "Conscious Capitalism" is the ideal solution. That's where Kaczynski and others fail: they don't attack the problem deep enough philosophically or economically. Blowing up everything and everyone in order to crash our society will not work and it is wrong, in order to enact long-lasting change you have to revolutionize how people perceive their life, their goals, their actions, and how they treat others and the earth. Goonan also hones in on tech specifically as well, but the entire book is not on it.

It's a meme.

Probably some nerd like Elon Musk.

Well this is contradictory

It's a meme

You've read it? It might be difficult given your tremendous analysis already, but could you elaborate?

If you think TK is an anprim, you clearly haven't read any of his writings.

New phone, who dis?


"Useless and wasteful"

Yeah because in communism and feudalism you're much more concerned about your next meal than your new iphone

Stop thinking an economic system has to be either pure capitalism or communism. You are probably a Republican who thinks anyone else who disagrees with you on anything is a Leftist.