What do we think of Harold Bloom?

What do we think of Harold Bloom?

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We want to oven him.

He needs to stretch his legs more often

Is that Leopold's dad?

sincerely appreciate him

pic related

guy's a bipedal slug wearing a garment of pudge, smattered with the occasional tuft of pretension. he can't help but have that insufferable reverse down syndrome look of droopy fecal strain on his god damned face. i bet he sounds himself with the phallic bones of raccoons, the freak.


t. jk rowling

>implying i don't think rowling is a piece of camel leather stitched onto a lizard skeleton that happened to roll through an ethnic trashcan on her way to get dosed on amphetamines


He isn't wrong, but he isn't charismatic enough to get away with it.

>Are millions, and millions, and millions of people wrong?
>...I'm afraid so.


This. He isn't particularly sharp-tongued and always looks like a hobo from a cartoon. It's hard to take him seriously even if his analysis is sound.

The problem with him isn't a lack of consistency in his analysis but rather too much of it. From Invention of the Human to Anxiety of Influence to The Daemon Knows, his writing seems to be the same sentence, over and over.

I bet his joints are healthier than mine

He’s a morbidly obese hymie fuck

His interpretation of french lit is absolutely ridiculous. Every is seen and analysed through the work of Shakespear... it kinda feels like a joke, except it isn’t.

Every author/work* Shakespeare*

How did he make it so far while being such a hack? He was a leading professor at one of the top 3 universities in America. Probably top 10 in the world.

Lying about the “stretched his legs” line in Harry Potter, saying he reads about 1000 pages an hour, there’s probably so many more things we don’t even know about. He doesnt seem to really bring anything to the table and he’s never written any good fiction himself. I read How to Read and Why and came out completely disappointed by his lack of insight.

Are you implying that "making it" is dependent on merit?

jealous frogmen detected

not our fault that one possibly trans latinx black womyn bard is worth more than your entire literary canon put together

kys faggot

Pretentious and elitist academia faggot who is more concerned with the aesthetic qualities of a text than with the narrative itself, and also has the biggest nostalgia boner in the entire world of literature and academia.

A good advocate I guess, but he has a habit of making shit up, like the famous "stretched his legs"

He wrote a piece of fanfiction about how part of the Torah was written by some chick in king David's court and claimed he was doing serious history.

newfags: the thread

I don't really like his style, and his crit is too mystical for me. But there's value in how widely read he is. Like because of watching his lectures, I got into Crane, and read Tom O Bedlam, and took a second look at Whitman

Eventually I feel like success in literature should level out. With enough time, the frauds should reveal themselves as frauds, even if they come from the upper-crust or have an Ivy League education, and the good writers should eventually rise to the top (or at least a level of high respect) if they keep publishing good story after good story.

As with all defenders of the Western tradition they sound trite and old.

But that doesn't make them wrong.

please write a book

The mascot of this board

>Veeky Forums hates Harold Bloom now

what happened?

>One person
>All of Veeky Forums

Most of us love Bloom, despite his grandstanding

He's like Edmund Wilson built in a chinese bootleg factory. Don't read him to closely or you'll get lead poisoning.

we love bloom.

>remember me...
>remember.... the canon....
>fades out of existence

>tfw old
>tfw in constant pain
>tfw SJWs took over your profession
>tfw no one cares about reading the classics
>tfw all your Veeky Forums friends like John Ashbery and Frank Kermode are dead
>tfw students don't want to fuck you anymore

he's a disgusting kike who loves Jane Austen and I remember him praising a nigger poet for being up there with whites.

Not redpill approved

He over represents the Jews in his Western canon.

ITT: Goodreads commenters on Blooms review of the fullest franchise in history


I sincerely respect him despite the whole jew thing.

>muh proportional representation
sjw-tier thought process

>all major characters have a backstory

So this is what makes great writing...

Do you think he could manage a 5 minute conversation without mentioning Shakespeare?

Don't really like them kikes all that much.

Or his good friend Tommy?

He's been saying the same stuff for years. He's often, if not mostly, right, but it'd be nice if he wrote extensively about more than the same five authors.

what on earth possessed you to make such a post my child?


a contrarian nobody

easy with the critic


Dan Schneider (not the pedo) exposed this hack

>If lymphocytes could could speak I wonder if their description of a cancer cell would vary much from this? Much has been written & speculated as to what the cause is behind this man’s pathetic drive to be accepted & considered preeminent- especially to himself. Born in 1930 East Bronx, New York, to poor non-English speaking Russian Jew immigrants, it has been thought he has the classic Child of the Depression drive to better himself at all costs to all challengers. His manic critical output, & its subsequent poor quality, has been attributed to a financial desire to provide for one of his children who suffers from a permanent debility. Even his well-reported (& self-boasted) philandering with nubile Yale coeds has been thought another manifestation of his screaming & empty ego needing its fill. Yet, I sense it all, perhaps, goes back to my 3 Intellects Posit. As a Functionary Bloom has spent decades, thousands of pages & millions of words in essays & books, to construct so easily disproved a theory based upon his own stinking, rutting, resentful (of real artists) Bloomium, & his innately epigonal desire to conflate himself with the artiste (O the eternal ephemeral twinkle!), yet his utter lack of concrete reasoning of how &/or why betrays it all, kicks him hopelessly back into the moldering faceless rabble of his foes, while I- in about 10 pages & 5000 words- easily prick his balloon, offer an alternative, & give several concrete examples/analogies. While the tenured Eli sciolist mumbles- doesn’t even talk the talk, I- the poor little white boy from Queens- simply walk the walk. Perhaps that’s the difference between a Cancer & a Visionary!
