My mom is becoming envious of my cooking skills and now views me as a competitor since my dad has begun to favor my...

My mom is becoming envious of my cooking skills and now views me as a competitor since my dad has begun to favor my cooking over hers. This has caused tension to grow between my parents. I want to keep cooking so I can continue to improve my skills, but I don't want to break up my parents. Should I stop cooking for them and only cook for myself? It helps when other people taste my food so I can know what to improve on, but I'd rather be a sub-par cook than put a strain on their marriage.

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You should tell your mom and dad to stop being autistic and viewing you enjoying a skill and sharing it with them as a threat.

Ha! HAhahah! Oh god I wish.

You and your mom must have a cook off competition thread and ck will decide who is better. The winner will deemed head chef of the household, and the loser will kys.

Kill them op

Mom would probably win and I'd be locked in a closet for ever daring to outshine her. My relationship with my parents is completely normal and healthy, can't you see?
Simple and effective but not fit for this world. Maybe in another life.

fuck your dad while she watches to prove you're better in bed too

as soon as he cums, look her dead in the eyes

Yes, yes, this is the alpha move I was looking for. Cucking mom is the only way I can become a better cook, it is the key to success.

What mother wouldn't cherish your love for cooking? Cook more and tell her you're better.

This isn't a new thing, she gets visibly upset when I develop skills in areas where she considers herself a master. Guess I'm not allowed to master anything kek

is your mother peggy hill?

Cook with your mom.

This thread made me want to watch king of the hill again.

Spitting image, that thanksgiving episode is pretty much how I feel right now.
I've wanted to learn from her since I was a kid but she never lets me in the kitchen when she's cooking and has outright refused to teach me. I learned everything I know about cooking from the internet.
Here you go brother every episode in okay quality. Might want to use an adblocker. Binge watched last week.

Challenge her to a Thunderdome-style cooking battle to the death; Two cooks enter, one cook leaves.

>tfw mom would leave me in the dust
I'm still an amateur, mom has 50+ years of experience. Maybe that's why she's so salty.

if this is enough to cause your parents relationship to fail, it's already doomed.

Your mom sounds like a narcissist. If you're over 18, gtfo, if you're under 18, lay low and then on your 18th birthday, gtfo. Narcs fuck their kids up beyond belief, I mean shit, this woman is supposed to be raising you to survive adulthood on your own and she withheld cooking lessons? Didn't want you to learn basic skills to feed yourself? She wants you to grow up helpless and dependant on her.

TL;DR: your mom is a toxic narc cunt and you need to gtfo

Veeky Forums taught me that in these situations, rape is the only option. Rape your mom OP. Show her who‘s boss of this kitchen.


Kek, I lost.

My mom is the same way. She gets so pissed when I give her tips to make her cooking come out like mine too. Her problem is that she's kind of lazy and cuts corners when cooking, which end up making a difference in the end.

She's just upset dad is fucking you now instead of her.

Kek is your family a bunch of pioneers or something?
This is straight out of Young Goodman Brown or something


Your mom, like most moms, is a wretched and petty cunt. You can ask all these questions like "didn't she want to raise a functional and capable adult?" but the answer is obvious. She never wanted the you that you became. She wanted a cute baby that got her attention and that needed her because she is the whole world for the baby. She would have been happier if you were retarded or otherwise disabled.

>Your mom sounds like a narcissist
well she is evidently a woman so....

Your mom is a narcissistic bitch who can't handle the spotlight being on anyone but her. She needs to stop complaining or step up her fucking game.

Woman jealousy is a strange thing. Once I over heard my parent having an argument because my dad was patting my head while I rest on the bed due to sickness. My mom gets upset because my dad never patted her head

I never had any head pat from dad after that and I miss it

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Have you considered fucking your father to assert dominance?

Women fucking disgust me so much. Your mom is a cunt

Bobby Hill?

Always keep the focus on her. So, whenever you cook, be sure to attribute your cooking (and your techniques, tastes, existence, etc.) to your mom. Also, try to play up the "I'm cooking for you since you cooked for me all these years" aspect.

Practicing active gratitude will not only help maintain the hierarchy, but it's also just true.

how would you cook swinging all over on those fucking bungee cords
are the ovens on bungees too?

With that attitude she would. I can smoke my mom and she has the same lead on me. Find new better techniques, master old ones and if you find yourself on the fence use MSG.

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How long before your daddy decides you ought to take over her duties in the bedroom, too?

Tell your parents to get couples counseling.

Keep cooking.

my grandma totally reks my mom at cooking

Are you guys rich?
If you're not, you should consider that Mom has been shopping on a budget for years because of pressure to do it that way either because you kids replaced a lot of mad money from the family budget with actual needs or the bread winning wasn't equal between them. It can rob a lot of the freedom your once newlywed and trying to impress mother had to work with, versus your living-at-home idyllic use of endless new money can provide . (Save your money kid!). You also grew up with the food network, and they grew up with PBS, sometimes it was good, sometimes it wasn't.

Anyway, you should narrow your cooking skill to things that don't compete with her. Consider very slow craft food that no one in their right mind makes often in a busy working life. Marinate that sauerbraten roast, ferment those homemade pickles, can some jelly, bake a fussy cake, smoke meats, try to make homemade gyro meat, turkey mole, pho stock, stuff those little dumplings, make a sourdough bread, braid that danish. And then take a break. Focus on cooking only once a week. It's her job and you should back off. When she wants you to cook, then she'll ask for the favor. When she doesn't, don't offer. Make it clear what you do isn't competition but based on having more time occasionally or being some rare ethnic thing, like love of food can be. Don't just have juicier roasts, better cooked or seared this or that. Or narrow your focus to desserts for a while, or baked goods for a while.

Now you'll be "her husband's son"