What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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He was an actual genius - brilliant but also completely fucking insane. I recall one of my professors saying "Everything he said was right."

He had Diogenes syndrome

>one of my professors said..

He took the ultimate redpill.

He was the most down to earth philosopher who told people to not do even what he did cause it would be too much for them

That he didn't have any.

To smart


People kept standing in his sunlight.
Plato was being a nerd again and lecturing on forms and niggas just wouldn't let him be.


those with the problem are those who are irreversibly mind mutilated by the socialization process and so are condemned to be dependent on society and its lie

socialization is of course necessary to survive at first but if then you are tied to it you might as well have died at the beginning

his figure, and more radically that of pyrrho, represent the human dilemma that the mind imposes on every one of us: we need its images as a mediation to live but wont be able to live if we take them to be the world itself

Sounds just like me.

He was literally nihilistic with a wicked sense of humour

Is it possible for you to recommend the best piece that outlines Pyrrho's philosophy clearly?

>He was literally nihilistic

confirmed that the faster you put a meme the worst you can recognize a meme.

People like you.

Cunts kept standing in his sunlight


He was what you would call a clown.
The people kept him alive out of humor.
Very sad story indeed.

I'm thankful that Kant saved philosophy


theres a good deal of material available for someone who is truly interested in looking for it

maybe you can start with the entry about him in the diogenes laertius book of biographies

and then maybe check his mention on books on ancient skepticism and, checking the bibliography, go from there

Thanks user.

He's not special - people like him exist all over India and has done since the time of yore.
Here is an even crazier man who eats human meat because the humans are already dead - why waste the meat?

>t. baby-boomer

i can understand that but in the video that dude is just straight batshit insane, not smart

No he took the black pill.

No honest people to be found.

He didn't get enough sun shine.

If there was any philosopher that I would kill in the assurance that their thought would never come about again it would be Diogenes.

t. Alexander

Mostly posted that exact clip to bate - unrelated to my point. Even though the aghori has a point - the documentary guy does nothing but talk - later en the documentary he meets an aghori who tells him what he wants to hear. The same exoteric message that everything else is - which is a great message but it just doesn't cut to the core of things like the esoteric teachings does. And asking someone to be your tantric guru is a great commitment in the indian tradition - it is putting your whole life and fate in their hands, and you should be ready to do everything they ask when they ask: That's why you just don't go to some stranger and be like "do you wanna be my guru" like he does - you watch the person first very carefully first for a long time.

You can't be in cahoots with Diogenes if you're not some Bukowski-tier hobo poet.

If I were not me, I would be Diogenes.


STEM major here. Didn't really pay attention in western civ, but I seem to remember that Diogenes did a bit about batin'. Something like "an Aphrodite behind every tree", followed by a lewd hand gesture? Was he known for his lowbrow humor? Sounds like the only philosopher that would be of any interest to me.