Is this correct?

Is this correct?

Now replace those books with people

that's how it seems at least. Hopefully there isn't another level above that.

There is, the cold and meaningless vacuum of space


No. No matter how much I read I can’t figure out how to be happy. It’s a fundamental flaw that no amount of introspection can overcome.

Go on a fast. I never felt sad while fasting it was only when i eat I feel sad.

Wow I finally like one of these images, thats pretty good.
>Big if true.


I fasted a few weeks ago before a medical procedure. My blood sugar levels crashed and my temper flared up to that of an angry child for nearly half a week before I could eat again. 2/10 will not do again.

I just came off a 20 day water fast and I feel great.

No, tits is.


>not going all the way back to the first level
Take the Leibniz pill

>reads Nicholas of Cusa once

fuk shieeeeet you finally get it

OC Donut steal

>It's another "Just read a lot and you'll eventually reach intellectual nirvana" thread

lol space isn't real

guy who hasn't read enough detected


Might well be true

t. fundamentally happy person

soyboy virgin detected


no, this is.

reading in itself is not good nor bad.

it is only properly assimilated reading that is useful for the mind and so for life. so, those who rely only on experience remain blind, but those who rely only on books wont be able to use what they read. the assimilation method cant be told, it has to be found out on ones own.

Ive been down that road and yes, it is true. The greatest advice i can give to someone on this path is "if the fool would persist in his folly, he would become wise".


A pill of absolute blackness for y'all: books don't make you smart, people who are already smart gravitate towards books. It's like expecting your IQ to jump ten points after you ask a plastic surgeon to make your eyes slanted and shrink your dick by a couple of centimeters.

I think it's a metaphor for wisdom and thought in general. And anyone can become wise.