Is Castoriadis a good introduction to greeks?

Is Castoriadis a good introduction to greeks?

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What is Veeky Forumss obsession with that woman?

Good God, get a grip.

She is beautiful
Can you help me with my question?

is sasha grey a good introduction to greeks?

Are you a dog? (White girls fuck dogs)

>(White girls fuck dogs)

and the problem is?

Call me fucking pluto then

The problem is white women are the most degenerate human group ever

Thanks for the erection, it touched my boss' left eye and he fired me, hope you are happy

I luv summer!

Me on the right

More like Goofy

She is a porn star turned author.

Of course Veeky Forums loves her.


>oh, hey, user, did you like my book? I know you are pretty well read, would love to hear your opinion :3
How do you respond?

I lose control of my bowels and become incontinent for the rest of my natural life.

Same tb h

who is this qt? booktuber?

Better than that, she's a full fledged author, also played in a band if I recall

>also played in a band if I recall
i thought i had seen her somewhere


>Auf die Frage, aus welcher Motivation heraus sie den Roman Die Juliette Society geschrieben habe, antwortete Sasha Grey in einem Interview mit Spiegel Online am 12. November 2013: „Das war mein Traum, seit ich mit 16 Die 120 Tage von Sodom von Marquis de Sade verschlang. Das schockierte mich damals, aber bestätigte auch Phantasien, die ich bereits mit zwölf hatte. All die verwirrenden Gedanken um meine Sexualität, Verlangen und mein Selbstverständnis, die damals durch meinen Kopf schwirrten, wurden durch dieses Buch geordnet. Ich hatte viele Fragen, die ich niemals meinen Eltern hätte stellen können. Das Buch war meine Rettung.“[21] Grey will in dem Roman zum Ausdruck bringen, dass ihrer Ansicht nach jemand, der sich selbst willig unterwirft, nicht mehr Objekt, sondern handelndes Subjekt sei.[1]

>When asked how she was motivated to write the novel "The Juliette Society", Sasha Grey answered in an interview with Spiegel Online on November 12, 2013: "This was my dream since I had been reading Marquis de Sade's "The 120 Days of Sodom" with 16. That shocked me at the time, but also confirmed fantasies that I had already had at the age of twelve. All the confusing thoughts about my sexuality, desires and self-image that were buzzing through my head at the time were sorted by this book. I had a lot of questions I could never have asked my parents. The book was my salvation."[21] Grey wants to express in the novel that in her opinion, someone who submits willingly to himself is no longer an object, but an active subject.[1]

If you seriously believe this you're either

>not white
>white trash who had a terrible mother

What did she mean by this?

Can you faggots answer my fucking question

Maybe next time post an image related to your question and not Sasha fucking Grey.

To doing it Greek, maybe.

Can you imagine being a young girl at her prime, full of hormones, unsure about the future, learning to explore your body, when lo and behold, you come across something as twisted as de Sade, and your insecurities turn into fear which then turns into appetite. Imagine being driven into it like a strong smell you can't help but breath in deeper or an unpleasant view you can't help but watching. Before you realize you are engulfed in a descending spiral of ever increasing pleasure threshold, crossing through the thin veil of pain into delicious masochism.

Or maybe she just meant she became a naughty girl.

this made me hard

I don't think so, but he also is not the worst introduction to the Greeks.

He is absolutely someone you should read in his own right.