How much time did it take you to end with the starting with the Greeks tho?

How much time did it take you to end with the starting with the Greeks tho?

Not long. When you start with the Atlanteans everything else is a breeze.

Zero time. I laughed at the whole "you have to start here and read these in this order" horseshit the first time I heard some fool utter it.

I'm only halfway through that and it's taken me 5 months. I don't read a lot, just a small amount nearly every day.

I made a meme to describe how learning is continuous

dam user ur right

no, this reply is just your juvenile way of leaving an impression on yourself. denied, you are now worse than you were before writing that.

What's your learning method then?

Started over since I realized I can comprehend nothing unless I a) know greek and b) have fluency in ancient greek musical modes and recitation.

It never ends.

If you don't understand this, your idea of learning is fundamentally flawed.

Where does one go after the Greeks tho?

I have a couple Roman things tho

What do after the Romans?

Anyone have a reading order chart like this for sadboi Nietzsche?

uh, this might work, but even then I've heard you still need to do some of the Greek stuff to help understand some of the references he makes.

In the Western canon? Catholicism and other christian writings

and pt 2 for those that want it

I'm actually a philo major with my useless degree. Just only ever covered maybe one or two of the big Stache's works and I'm looking to tackle them all soon. So I've got a decent handle on the Greeks at least. Might brush up on the Presocratics.

not exactly what you wanted, but has a build up to Nietzsche

I don't think this is what you mean, but here's a list of Christian Veeky Forums

I would like to add to this



thanks, pal

>part 2
>version 1
where's the rest?

maybe six months, i had already a few of the books

where's the sumerians? the babylonians? the egyptians? this is woefully not beginner friendly

>Not starting with Robert Graves.

Anyone whose answer is a matter of months read zero critical commentaries and probably didn't touch Aristotle at all.