How much does a jar of peanut butter cost in the US?

How much does a jar of peanut butter cost in the US?

Attached: peanut-butter.jpg (700x350, 46K)

bout tree fiddy

If you're a nigger the government gibs u dat fo frei. Why are yuropoos so obsessed?

found the nigger faggot

Anywhere from $1 to $5 depending on the brand. Normal price for 16oz is about 2.49.

>t. Yuropoo

Get back to work pajeet, those dishes won't dirty them selves

But how many grams is that? Does it come with chucks of peanuts or do I have to add my own?

you got me all wrong mate. i'm the guy that designates shitting streets. it is quite hard work i'll have you know.

Is $3,47 overprice for a 17,67 oz jar?

A 16oz Jar from Trader Joes is $1.99 here which is dirt cheap. I know it's higher quality than the sugary shit like Jiff and cheaper but it's probably worse quality than the overpriced but nice stuff I can get from local farms for $5 for a tiny 5oz jar.

We all know you moonlight as a dishwasher Mr. Patel

I wish I was American. Our peanut butter is garbage, there's like two brands only, and it's overpriced.


I have you noe I was respekt doctor in home cuntree

Where do you live?

Why the FUCK are there 3 (THREE) peanut butter posts on the first page?

Because genelets want to know what they are missing out on.

I pity non US countries. It's strange, but I consider the peanut butter selections in most grocery stores to be one of our defining hallmarks as a nation just because it says so many different things about us, and all of them are AWESOME. Seriously, how could you look at this fucking wall of peanut butter and say anything other than "I'm proud to live in a country where this is possible"

Attached: jars-of-peanut-butter-and-jelly-displayed-on-shelves-at-a-grocery-gp9ym2.jpg (450x320, 74K)


Just pay Dr patels virgin daughter to shit in your mouth. That's the closest you'll get to freedom butter in bongistan user

I want to become a peanut farmer to contribute to the amazing creature that is peanut butter.

why make a thread for this when you can look this up so easy on any search engine you feel me?


Attached: pbco-jars.jpg (600x472, 101K)

I wunder what George Washington carver wood say about that image?


>"god damn that old hwhite man for inventing peanut butter before I could think of it"

Got a jar of white chocolate wonderful in my pantry right now.


>he doesn't keep his peanutbutter in the fridge next to the bread

>I can't believe the Jew tricked my people into thinking I invented peanut butter

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JIF creamy is the one for me

>we wuz p nut butta n shieeet


$2.68 for 450g, $6 for 1.1kg

Smooth or chunky? I have a killer ants on a log recipe if you're interested.

but all of them are full of preservatives and sugar tho arent they?

you can buy it chunky or smooth

depends on the quality

does peanut butter make your poop sticky

No, and if you still worry, most groceries have a pb grinder right in the store, sometimes with other nuts available.

$3.99 for the good shit. $0.99 for the cheap shit.

After eating "natural" peanut butter (peanuts, salt) the regular stuff is too sweet now. I can't eat the flavored/sweetened shit like in the Peanut Butter & Co photo

Attached: pb.jpg (1600x1600, 320K)

maybe if you eat an entire jar at once. a couple tablespoons doesn't change your poo

why does the american love pee nut butt er so much?

Because it's cheap, filling and high in protein.
>80oz for $8.99

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 12K)

I haven't tried that. It's not sickeningly sweet?


Can you fix virus on my computer?

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Prices on US peanutbutter in Europe is going increase soon.

>I have to stuff my fat face with food to fell "full" I still never feel satisfied and cry myself to sleep
Sorry you're such a sad fatty.

yeah nigga if your peanut butter has ingredients other than peanuts and salt you a bitch

Why is everyone so obsessed with what the US is doing? Are you mad that no one is asking the same questions about your fucked up no-name country?

My BMI's 21, mutt, what's yours?

What's your problem?

Sure it is, kiddo.
Sure it is.

Hahaha fucking shot down. How's your mobility scooter?

Attached: 20170730_161753.jpg (645x1147, 123K)

Yeah kid, I totally believe that's you.
You really got me.
Good job, kid. You're a real man now.
Everybody totally respects you.

>Jagwire Road Pro cables

Good taste.

>being a normal weight is so preposterous user must be lying
Where in the deep south do you live?

>proceeds to shart himself to sleep while spooning peanut butter

No, I'm totally on anons side. That kid is aces all the way. Everybody else is just jealous of him.
Way to go!
Let's all show user how great we think he is!

I'm not the one worrying about how much food costs where someone else lives. I guess that's my problem.

peanut butter is ok. you about got to have jelly. and bread. I think it's 4-5$ for a big jar last you forever. do you pimento cheese? do you liver mush?

No, you guys!
Stop fucking talking about Peanut Butter!
This user is so cool! He posted himself riding bicycle!
We need to recognize his achievements. He's a great young man who DESERVES our validation and adulation.
Here here, chap! You've earned every single bit of this attention. You're the king of Veeky Forums today! You're a legend in your own right. You good among anons.

Good enough

Attached: PB.png (874x410, 123K)

Too true. He also has good taste in bikes.
>it's boring to think about what foods are common in other countries

Attached: hello.jpg (2152x1580, 543K)

Gawd Damn Loch Ness Monsta!!
Quit harassing my children now!