Great aphorisms thread

great aphorisms thread.
bonus points if they are of your own conception.

By the time you lived half your life, there’s only half of it left.

-Anono Coelho



A man who writes about death, often wants to die.

-Ernest Anonway

Life accumulates at the peripheries of vision. It is only by looking elsewhere that you notice its ghostly imprint.

-Anone Mouseman


An idea starts to be interesting when you get scared of taking it to its logical conclusion.

Nassim Taleb aka deadlift & ribeye

This one is mine.

"A wall of a thousand miles is useless if but ten feet are missing."

What the fuck is that?

When you eat half a pie, there's only half a pie left

>a man who writes about death has never for on moment lived

If you expect nothing you may be pleased by anything

But how will you support a wall with only ten feet? That's a single foot every hundred miles, or two feet for stability ever 200 miles. How wide are the feet?

you what mate

>a man who writes has never for a moment lived

if any1 wants to read great aphorism I recommend Novalis, sure some of them are kinda crazy or even laughably absurd but they are certainly all stimualiting food for thought

a shallow tree atop a hill proclaims he is the tallest

For every Aryan man there are a thousand niggers

To say the universe is infinite isn't to say that "anything can happen" is to say that "everything will happen". At some point a room full of monkeys with a typewriter will produce the collected works of Shakespeare.....although you'll probably still never get laid

He who's not busy being born is busy dying

Only dead fish swim against the stream.

- user

in politics, what begins in fear usually ends in failure