Where does the desire to not sink into nihilism come from?

Where does the desire to not sink into nihilism come from?

Why do atheists follow moral codes despite the absence of a deity?

I WANT to a sink into nihilism and hopefully be relieved of life's suffering as a result.

You may want to read a book

>nihilism: the reality

moral codes of behaviour have probably been ingrained since primitive social life - not needing external justification until tribes/cities/civilisations come into significant contact with each other and gain awareness of alien moral codes, as well as when their own moral definitions lose context due to change in social structure etc.
in other words when the ephemeral, partial nature of morality is realised it becomes necessary to philosophise. monotheism and objective morality necessary development for cosmopolitan humanity to thrive. then once that disintegrates... what comes next?

Cause morality is a myth.
We don't commit crime cause we don't want to/don't want to be punished/can be caught.
We do good things cause it feels good do them.

Any deeper moral code is made by ourselves.
Just see how easily we break the sabbath, this supposedly top 3 most important "holy codes".

Atheists cannot be moral.
Back to plebbit, STEMsperg

Op is not a fag!!! All you atheists are cheating yourselves of really pleasurable lives, succumbing to your conditioning. Lol you lot is the biggest parody this side of the paxific!! Lololololol

>finds some obscure tribe in the amazon rainforest has moral beliefs that slightly diverge from the predominant world-wide norm

This is what modern people actually believe

why do you think im stemsperg? literally just talking about ethics

muh evolutuonary psychology is STEMspergery, not ethics. No serious ethicist takes it seriously.
Go back to listening to Ben Stiller.

This tho. Utility/isness is the lamest ethical argument one can surmise. Pseudamentary my dear

There's no evopsych in my post at all. All I'm pointing out is that primitive man is a social creature, constrained by social mores, not an egoist. Are Hobbes, Rousseau, etc. STEMspergs for having theories about the state of nature?

I didn't mean to imply that morality exists or "should" exist because of its utility. I was just framing its evolution, and how the situation we are in came to be, in response to OP's question.

Nihilism is a learned behavior.
Children do not come out of the womb only to hold their breath and die.
Life desires more life and seeks to perpetuate it through reproduction.

Make no mistake, your purpose on this planet is to have children, especially if you're white. :^)

There must be a truth out there and humanity is evolving in order to come closer to finding it.

If humanity ever becomes immortal, then everything becomes a certainty and we will eventually find the truth.

Have faith friend, have children so you can say that you've done your part for the future generation that will discover the truth.

Just means it's not ordained or revealed.

>predominant worldwide norm

>There must be a truth out there and humanity is evolving in order to come closer to finding it.

they were all created in the image of God and bear an imperfect form of His morality. Athiests try to deny this and some nihilists try to overcome it

>Why do atheists follow moral codes despite the absence of a deity?
Culture/socialisation. But morality is inherent and inescapable. Having a rule saying there are no rules is a contradiction. If you say "no limits" or "full freedom" you are trapped by your deterministic approach to do "whatever you wish". Marquis de Sade knew this, and that's why all the libertines in Sodom end up dead, following their moral code of "whatever you want".


Life is longer than you think. You can't be a nihilist forever, it's unsustainable.

>primitive man
Fuck off back to plebbit.

not that user, but what do you really seek by instigating this argument? It's clear you will simply hand-wave anything against your thought process as "us vs them". What is the point, then? He even stopped to articulate what he meant.

>primitive man
is the very definition of 'us vs them' hand-wavery. Read your shit or you'll get hit.

Or maybe the tribe are fucking retarded and can’t listen to god properly

Oh so instead of being the better man you will answer buzzwords with buzzwords thus continuing the cycle of shit.

Carry on then.

To suggest that there is no truth is absurdity.
Reality is truth in its own right, even if you accept that there is no noumena, no reality, then you would still accept that "Being", as Heidegger states, as truth.

Believing in absurdity is nonsense.

>Why do atheists follow moral
The weak can not resist pavlovization.

I remember when I was 16

>All morality is just pavlovian , any kind of behavior which is inherent or modal to a specific people or animal is a spook
Edgy and incorrect

once you've gone through nihilism, you never have to go back

youve got to go through though

i mean not if you kill yourself

All arguments based around morality requiring a deity can be reduced down the needing a carrot dangled in front of you to move forward. It reduces all of us to stupid slaves who must be told what is right and wrong instead of empathetic beings who can learn what does and does not hurt other people.

I hate my stupid mother. She is an alcoholic waste of space whose greatest achievement was shitting out a kid. I want to kill her, but I do not, not merely because I may be punished for my actions, but because it is the wrong thing to do. I would not want anyone who hated me to kill me, so I do not do the same things to others. This is human empathy.


You shouldn't be a dick to other people because you understand it sucks when people are dicks to you.

You shouldn't slip into nihilism because there's so much joy and happiness you could be enjoying and sharing with others. You could argue that it's better not to feel than to feel bad, but I'd say it's better to feel your emotions and understand them and how you react to them and using them to your advantage rather than just not feeling at all.

What? What is "us vs them" about it? When I say primitive man, I mean before history. Not anyone who exists today.

>You shouldn't be a dick to other people because you understand it sucks when people are dicks to you.
What exactly is the "shouldn't" doing here? It should be qualified by an explanation - such as "if you wish to experience/attain x" "for God has decreed it wrong" etc. Unfortunately, though we all crave it, there is no independent "ought".

>implying one can know 'before history' or even anything 'during history'
Fuck off, modernist.

I suppose you'd know, by appealing to revelation though, huh? The prehistory of man, and his fall.

Not objectively, but we exist as subjective individuals. If you subjectively feel like you are being a dick then you are creating a subjectively negative experience. If there's no objective reason to be a dick and there's subjective reasons to not be a dick, why would you be a dick?

This is objectively false. Anthropology and biology play an important role in much modern ethics, particularly in virtue ethics which is a field that has been gaining traction for a while now.

What if someone subjectively enjoys being a dick?

Then they're enjoying themselves more than a nihilist would.

You've been brainwashed by Christianity to think that morality is inseparable from religion. Outside Abrahamic religions, this is not how most people throughout history thought of morality. More often they would see piety as one virtue among many.

Then he probably enjoys it more than the other person is saddened by it. Therefore the total happiness in the world goes up. So whatever.

>Why do atheists follow moral codes despite the absence of a deity?
It honestly scares me that some people legitimately think this. What if they lose their faith? Are they just going to shoot up a school or something because the only thing they could rely on was a deity? What a shit life that must be.

>If humanity ever becomes immortal, then everything becomes a certainty


It's still more mature a position than behaving in a certain way because someone told you the big sky-daddy will spank you if you don't.

A lot of 'atheists' are still religious in that they are adherents of irrational moral systems like antiracism. If you're an atheist and not a moral nihilist or moral subjectivist, then you haven't truly lost your religious thinking.

>we don't do a thing because we either:
>don't enjoy it
>would like to, but are afraid of the consequences

You're missing the point. Filthy moralist. Weakling...

>It's still more mature a position than behaving in a certain way because someone told you the big sky-daddy will spank you if you don't.

Not an argument.

If you're really interested in a possible explanation, read Nietzsche's Will to Power.

Essentially, a shift of value from religion to science means nihilism -- at least in the 20th century.

Why do certain actions and behaviors make us feel good?
>in b4 'muh procreation'

>What does 1+1=?
>in b4 '2'

Because things that behave in certain ways become prominent, and self-perpetuate. Like a mechanism. Impartial - simply cause and effect.

Can you describe this moral code that supposedly exists?

It's about 6'2", aromatic with a nutty texture, drives a Ford Focus.

>finds some well-known mesoamerican tribe that wages wars for shits and giggles and ritually rips out hearts from the chests of their living enemies
>finds an ancient European empire that thought it was fine to entertain itself by making slaves and animals fight to death in arenas (also by making animals eat the people they disagree with on religious grounds)
>llalalalalalala can't hear you morality is objective and obvious

>needing divine commande to be """moral"""
Brainlet detected

I think it's mostly because, unless you kill yourself, you'll become bored until you feel the need to do something with your life

>Why do atheists follow moral codes despite the absence of a deity?

They actually don't, their morals are as flexible as blades of grass. They read or watch something in pop media, and suddenly decide being that gay is okay, or that they should join the nazi party. Most of the time they choose whatever is the easiest and most pleasurable, and if they don't see an immediate negative effect they do it.

My point being it's an intellectually shallow argument with no insight whatsoever. And it's not to say that the argument doesn't have some truth, it's just such an empty insight -- which as pointed out, any 16 year old could state.

People have been believing in the spirit for thousands of years because it gives to them some fulfillment and makes them 'feel good', how might this perpetuate procreation?

If it's obvious then why are you asking for further insight and explanation?

not the same poster you are replying to, but the way you write makes it seem like you have at most a double digit IQ
stop trying

>Cause and effect
with possible causes being?

Asking for a better argument for the sake of the possible bettering of my own insight? I'm interested lol, isn't that the objective of discussion?

for fucks sake, please stop repeating "insight" ad nauseam
goddamn teenage internet armchair philosophers

>The fact that 1+1=2 is intellectually shallow with no insight whatsoever. Not that it's wrong, just that any 16 year old could tell you. If you were a deep and insightful 17 year old like me, you'd know that 1+1 = Souls and 2 = God.

>Why do atheists follow moral codes despite the absence of a deity?
Since absence of a deity is a scientific fact you may as well ask why religious people follow moral codes despite the absense if a deity.

>Since absence of a deity is a scientific fact

Alright, show me at least one (1) publication from a proper scientific journal which supports your thesis.

right because the principle follows, from 1+1=2 we can figure algebra. There certainly can't be any better explanations.

fair enough

Thanks for the spoiler fuckface

Edgy for sure, but why incorrect?

Because they are stupid

what's strange is that nihilism has taken the apatheia of early christianity and twisted it into a useless trait. what we see with nihilism is that the statement "life has no point" quickly 'points' to the statement "death is the solution" in the most hilarious way possible. the truth, my friends, is that your life has a predestined point, and if you're such a failure that you determined it to be "suicide at 20", then go right on ahead. nobody is stopping you from fulfilling your destiny. I, a good christian, am "apatheia" to it,

You don't think nihilism has a point?

>behaving in a certain way because someone told you the big government-daddy will spank you if you don't instead.
See, I can do this too, you fuckwit. It's not that hard.

Actually his question is more "why does 1+1=2" but please by all means continue to feel smart even though you're only really of middling intelligence at best

You don't need to invoke a deity to be believe in the non-natural objective existence of morality


A lot of edgy atheists are misunderstanding the purpose of Religion.
Every human tribe/peoples ever has had a form of religion
Morality likely comes from within, but subjective morality is not conducive to a collective morality by which human civilization lives. This is because subjective morality may clash and cause friction.
Religion steps in to grant axioms by which a tribe may live and ensures that peace is maintained.
The religion becomes law and that's ultimately where any country's laws come from.

Only the most edgy atheists say "BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE COERCED" and perhaps it shows in their birth rates, because by selecting to ignore the reason for the existence religion, they elect not to participate socially.

Besides, you don't have to believe it, just abide with it to a degree.

No it's not.
Virtue ethics isn't serious ethics, any ethics that appeals to STEMspergery is not serious ethics. Try again.

Cause and effect doesn't happen. You're a couple hundred years in the past friendo.
Fuck off with your functionalist bullshit. m-m-mm-m-m-muh white civilizashun!!!!

What a worthless dismissal, Mark.

Do you even try to understand?
Do you have a world view founded upon asking "Why are things the way they are?" or do you selfishly use your emotions and feelings as your guide to navigate the world?

You know why religion exists, the justification for its existence is very clear and yet you choose to ignore the rhetorical truth in front of you in favor of your own whims.

Because we are brought up in an environment that propagates following a set of written and unwritten moral codes. Because if you break those codes, you’ll be punished one way or another. Because it’s more comfortable to live in a society that follows these codes.

If you’re implying nihilists do not follow moral codes: wrong. They’re punished by society and law the same way theists are. Punishment is not desirable.

>we will find the truth!
>dude just believe truth of being is the only real one

I subjectively enjoy being a dick towards you.

>emotions are bad becuz muh psy ants sez so look i explained religion SOCIOLOGICALLY IM LE OBJECTIVE SCIENCE MAN
Back to plebbit you intellectual deadweight. The Will to Truth is a disease.
This is what happens when laymen (platonists) read philosophy.

>Ad Hominem and arguments based solely upon feeling and emotion
You are the perfect postmodernist, any psych ward will admit you for studying purposes.

must suck to be nothing, sorry for whatever has or hasn't happened to you user. if you anhero dont take any of us with you

You do realize that 'muh raisin' 'muh troof' is totally based in emotion, right?
Stop listening to Peterson. Scientism and functionalism are cancers. Peterson is a prime example of a sufferer who hides their scientism behind blinds.
I'm the greatest man to have ever lived. I make mountains seem as nothing.

i think he's saying that nihilism doesn't imply any necessary ethical claim about the world.
like there's nothing wrong with feeling like your life has no point, but it doesn't follow logically at all from that that you should kill yourself, or you should become a christian or any actionable claim about how to respond to that nihilism

Losing belief in the significance of pleasure is part of Nihilism, no fat person is a nihilist as they still worship their stomach

>can't argue for your beliefs on rational grounds so you throw reason out the window and fling shit like an ape, suggesting that instinct and emotion are better guides for man than observation of reality through cognition and reason

What belief do you hold, that you simply can't seem to abandon, that you would deny reality in order to maintain it?
For Kant and Hegel it was tradition, culture, and religion.
For Nietzsche it was his narcissistic belief that instinct was a better guide than human reason, that the enlightenment had marginalized his worth through cognitive observation and rationalization. As if he were so important or mysterious that he could not be weighed and measured.

So were do you fall?
Where is your strongly held contention that you can't hope to prove through simple observation and trust in reason?

>muh raisins muhfugga
Back to plebbit, brainlet.
Reality doesn't exist. Stop projecting your feefees onto existence.
>For Kant and Hegel it was tradition, culture, and religion.
Find a noose mate.
There is no reason for reason, it is a sentiment. Hume realized this, but g*rman brainlets took a bit longer. Yet there are still *nglo scum and g*rman scum that fall for the same shite because they want to LARP as imperialists.

What do you believe in?

nothing because belief is for jews and other subhuman degenerates i am l'homme des Science my ancestors were all emperors and they were all cumskins like me if you think romans and greeks were anything but fucking pale youre a fucking jew ok reason is the only reasonable reason to believe reasons... because it is reasonable. qed fucker read some russell you fucking degenerate btfo there is no so-called god only cultural gods like þor who totally btfo your stupid jew god WHO ISNT EVEN REAL