What is the best book you have read that you think few others have

what is the best book you have read that you think few others have

what's it like? i have it lying around

it is like a picaresque adventure in usbekistan with the occasional brief science fiction aside

This gem

Cant shill this enough.

this both look good i added them to a list

Good luck with the Kinski book goes for 100 usd at the cheapest i got it through inter library loan when i dated someone who went to college. (Typing out that last bit has put me into depression)

reading that last bit left a taste of faggot in my mouth, faggot. thanks for fucking sharing how your worthless fucking comment made you feel. faggot.

I hate to say it but that taste comes from sucking cock so you might as well get used to it.

Very good thread

You should check out Place of the Skull too. It would be my pick, Aitmatov's great

just gonna bump cause i like to know

Pic related is my pick. Purely basing this assumption on the number of ratings it has on goodreads. What it might have looked like had Raymond Carver ever sat down to write a full length project, and it's arguably better than anything he ever wrote.

Bought this one as a Christmas gift for my Dad because he's read just about everything. He liked it more than he usually likes my recs.


i am sorry could you... wait a minute infinite jest you fuck

Eyelash, by Nikolai Kingsley


This book is batshit insane

unironically this

It's an amazing book that is known by every person born in the Philippines but is virtually unknown by the rest of the world. You could say the book resembles Les Miserables, depicting a tyrannical government and the hardship of the poor with eloquence and fervor. It also has an interesting history behind it, as the author of the book was executed and consequentially became a martyr for the revolution (this was just before the Filipino revolution). Now he's seen as the national hero and it's almost impossible to cross the street without seeing his face on a poster somewhere.

I read this but I remember nothing from it

south-norwegian equivalent to growth of the soil E T E R N A L comfy