Can someone give me a rundown on Nietzsches Antichrist? Is there something to it or was he just mad?

Can someone give me a rundown on Nietzsches Antichrist? Is there something to it or was he just mad?

Just fucking read it, the work is so short and dripping with readily available meaning.

Have some fucking appreciation for the fact that the best philosopher of the 19th century wrote primarily in aphoristic style.

who and, or, when, and what is your second line arguing against?

As in: don't ask for a rundown on one of the only philosophers who was effectively and consciously brief. Be grateful he didn't have the Hegel virus that dominated bloated German academia at the time

The wikipedia article isn't too bad.

If you wanted to summarise the book in one phrase, it would be:
>the psychology of religion

the state of being in all religions but Judaism is that of revolt against the world order

Given Nietzsche's constant use of the power of opposites, do you ever think that he actually lauded the power of religion and spent his entire life trying to create a mode of thought directly opposed to the following of traditional morality so that people might realize the necessary spirit of life that religion has to offer.

i.e. create a world of lessened moral beings so that a new backlash would be created in direct opposition to complete individualism.

Given the volume of his sphere of thought it wouldn't be out of the question that he'd have noted the possibility of this outcome.

pretend I edited one of those "given"s into something else

I want to comment further but I feel like you really hit the nail on the head.

It was all 56D chess all along


Although it may be one of his most accessible books, I don't think it contains a lot of interesting ideas. Antichrist is mostly just a very repetitive rant about christianity that at many points makes it apparent he was losing his mind. Try Twilight of the Idols instead if you haven't read it, less radical/one-sided while still being a clear and straightforward introduction to his philosophy, and gives a good taste of both his aphoristic and more essayistic writings.

i'll give you the sparknotes summary

1. nietzsche believes in nothing, he wants to kill god and thinks he's superman

2. he was in favour of eugenics and was hitler's best friend, big nazi supporter

He did recognize that in priests the feeling of power was highest among them than any other occupation / social role in human history, I think in Daybreak or Twilight of the Idols. He theorized that it had to do with semen re-entering the bloodstream when you practice complete sexual abstinence. He didn't like priests though.

His body of work does culminate in a morality that opposes Christianity's though. Read "The Despisers of the Body" from Zarathustra:

>The awakened, the enlightened man says: I am body entirely, and nothing beside; and soul is only a word for something in the body. Your body is a great intelligence... Your little intelligence, brother, which you call "spirit", is also an instrument of your body, a little instrument and toy of your great intelligence.

For Nietzsche, the mind does not define the body, but the other way around. The "soul," the "spirit," all those things worshiped in religion, Nietzsche turns the tables on and says that the physical world defines all of that, not the other way around. Those things are concepts, and Christianity, which stemmed from and inherited Judaism's morality, had managed to make those concepts realer than reality itself, which Nietzsche criticized heavily as being the harvest of a long journey of ressentiment towards those who were in power in the world. Basically, the resentful weak crafted a morality that let them feel power over the strong, by making them appeal to their intangible concepts, like the soul. Nietzsche is complex though, and does also attribute the entire advent of modern science as the result of Christian thought.

I read it, nothing I hadn't heard from other people, was disappointed. The Antichrist is a quick rundown as to why Christianity sucks in itself.

>was disappointed
This is only because you went in thinking it would change your way of thinking about Christianity today. Christianity has been old and done for quite some time though. Nietzsche's philosophy influenced a lot and what it didn't influence, it predicted very accurately. In the 21st century a lot of what he says seems a given now but it absolutely wasn't at the time.

Good post. Reading Zarathustra now and just passed the excerpt you referenced. N implies a great metaphysical point: effectivelly all transcendental experience and emotion are still within the domin of the body. You cant escape your own subjectivity and experience.


Even though a lot of new agers would like some N. They overlap, to some degree, on everything being open for interpretation and anti-religions advocacy, though, they have absolutely no idea the implications of their supposed beliefs. Sorry N for even putting you in the same breath, but we all overlap somewhere.

>criticises others for being resentful and weak and crafting a new system of morality that let them feel power over the strong

Pot calls the kettle black lmaoi

Does Nietzsche ever write about people who claim to have had supernatural experiences? People who claim to have seen a ghost, for example. I'd imagine he'd have a lot of contempt for such people, but does he ever directly address that?

>>Just fucking read it
he will do it wrong. I did, i needed some professors and some youtube videos on professors speaking about this guy to get a grasp.
Pro tip : to understand this motherfucker better by yourself read Kant(ethics), Plato(well this is huge, read at least the cave myth) and Spinoza first. or take a shortcut and find a good professor to give you some well accepted interpretations on this guy. otherwise you will use Nietzsche to allow your bullshit lifestyle, and that is not the point, since his ethics is in reality unbearable for 99% of the population. His role models were emperors. This is why Nietzsche is so often praised by youngsters, because they literally do not get it.

he is talking about ethics and morals not supernatural bullshit. do you know who talks about that often ? >>x