/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General

Paksenarrion Edition

Best Fantasy 2017 — Goodreads Choice Awards
Best Science Fiction 2017 — Goodreads Choice Awards



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

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not literature

Asking again for a friend from the last thread.

Anybody got a link for Obelisk by Stephen Baxter? It came out over a year ago, but libgen and bookz give me nothing.

>Elizabeth Moon
That reminds me, is Speed of Dark worth a read?


From Goodreads:

>In the near future, disease will be a condition of the past. Most genetic defects will be removed at birth; the remaining during infancy. Unfortunately, there will be a generation left behind. For members of that missed generation, small advances will be made. Through various programs, they will be taught to get along in the world despite their differences. They will be made active and contributing members of society. But they will never be normal.

>Lou Arrendale is a member of that lost generation, born at the wrong time to reap the awards of medical science. Part of a small group of high-functioning autistic adults, he has a steady job with a pharmaceutical company, a car, friends, and a passion for fencing. Aside from his annual visits to his counselor, he lives a low-key, independent life. He has learned to shake hands and make eye contact. He has taught himself to use “please” and “thank you” and other conventions of conversation because he knows it makes others comfortable. He does his best to be as normal as possible and not to draw attention to himself.

>But then his quiet life comes under attack. It starts with an experimental treatment that will reverse the effects of autism in adults. With this treatment Lou would think and act and be just like everyone else. But if he was suddenly free of autism, would he still be himself? Would he still love the same classical music–with its complications and resolutions? Would he still see the same colors and patterns in the world–shades and hues that others cannot see? Most importantly, would he still love Marjory, a woman who may never be able to reciprocate his feelings? Would it be easier for her to return the love of a “normal”?

>There are intense pressures coming from the world around him–including an angry supervisor who wants to cut costs by sacrificing the supports necessary to employ autistic workers. Perhaps even more disturbing are the barrage of questions within himself. For Lou must decide if he should submit to a surgery that might completely change the way he views the world . . . and the very essence of who he is.

Hey sffg I asked last thread if there is a book with similar vibe to robocop's. Been pretty nostalgic about the film

Recommend some good recent time travel stories.

>Anybody got a link


>Female author
Robin Hobb opened up fantasy for female authors for me but I've been disappointed every fucking time since.

The original Paksenarrion trilogy was good, but the prequels kinda sucked.

>none of the cyberpunk recommendations include The Long Run
I actually think that should be a crime.

robin hob only writes misery porn so lol thanks for your opinion.

>that reincarnation love triangle with the ghostgirl and foxgirl


I'm literally triggered.

Gonna check this out, reading the lioness quartet as a teenager gave me a boner for lady knight stories.


That has to be the least tacky Baen cover ever.

Kindle unlimited - worth it for sff or no?

they're a big publisher

Richard Paul Russo - Destroying Angel

Has a nice 80s cyberpunkish feel

Daniel Keys Moran?

No, just pirate shit my guy


I do. I just never know what to pirate. And asking for recs just gets the same shit recommended over and over.

You don't even have to pirate it - he's made it a free to distribute release now, so it isn't hard to find.

Oh I have a hard copy. I was just making sure before I agreed. But yeah, agreed. Criminal. First two books especially. The last dancer didn’t quite live up for me.

Interesting, I liked TLD a bit more than Emerald Eyes, and I didn't really care much for The Armageddon Blues. He's written a new one featuring Trent, finally, but I'm honestly kind of afraid to read it. Hard to believe he'd be able to recapture the vision of EE and TLR after all this time.

Wait, what? A new Trent book??? I have research to do! Oh yeah, forgot about arm blues. Not up to snuff either.

I'll check it. Thx user

Pic related was good.
An echo of things to come completely shit the bed though. I don't know how I liked the first after reading the second. All I know is that the series is DROPPED.

Been awhile since I’ve read it but I remember liking it. Especially the psycho midget guy and the part of the city that’s so fucked even the cops won’t go there. Ever.

Webnovels are novels too

Yeah it seems interesting. Also the onto the leviathan from the same autor look pretty cool. I rewatched event horizon, film wich blow my mind when I was a kid, and is overall mediocre but some of the concept are nice. The book have a similar premise.

I thought they were both good.

Unfortunately this guy can tell a cracking good plot and have great characters but some amateur fanfiction authors have better scene changes, dialogue and prose

If you end up liking DA, there’s 2 follow up books that focus on a different character. The first one was good, I don’t think I read the second.

that's so weird, I thought shadow of what was lost was decent, and the sequel was way more entertaining. I guess I'm a sucker for weird time loops and good flashbacks.

>boner for lady knight stories
Why are you me?


>finish book four of wot
>hehe lets read book 5
>900 pages
so this is where the series goes

>goes shit

4 u

is dedicating my novel to "Beatrice" as a joke a bad idea?

Congrats. You activated my almonds.
Next macro is anti ikea webnovel shit

No need senpai I gotchu.

Is the aspiring blogger telling people not to blog here? I don't get it.

Cosmerefag. Is Azure the runway princess from warbreaker? The one that ran away with the god for divine dicking?
Did she make her own nightblood? Or is she nightblood's original creator?

>Is the aspiring blogger telling people not to blog here?
Yes. I thought it was obvious. A ban sign usually means not allowed.

who /malazan/ here? Am currently near the end of pic related and I already honestly can't think of anything better in terms of writing quality

But why would an aspiring blogger be doing that? Wouldn't it be a non-blogger telling bloggers not to blog? Or are you an aspiring blogger who doesn't want competition?

And why aspiring? "Aspiring writer" typically means someone who wants to be a writer but hasn't finished or published anything. Bloggers stop being aspiring after their first effortpost.

the aspiring blogger is defacing sffg as martin luther defaced sffg
the ban sign is on top of that, so the moral is to not be martin luther or sffg will hate you

Martin Luther never even posted on Veeky Forums.

I meant to say the church
sorry, I'm half asleep

Try thinking for yourself kiddo

this book is BAD

do not fall for this scheme. bad dialogue and unmemorable, I can barely remember how it ends. utter poop

What am I in for?

So I'm reading Grace of Kings and I like the warring kingdoms antics so far. Only real gripe I have is Kuni Garu inexplicable feminist attitude regarding women. There's absolutely no way a guy in his position would say the things he says, it's totally incongruous with the rest of his character.

Memories of Ice is a hard book to get through cause of how grim it can get. By thankfully there's a break from it in book 5. Hope you're not getting new character fatigue yet cause you still haven't met 2/3 of the cast.

How come if there's a fantasy book with a supernatural threat, the threat always lurks in the north? It started when I was a child reading Deltora Quest, and it's never stopped

based /malazan/ bro. Im nearly done with the first book

The rest are like that? Not just Assassin's Apprentice and Royal Assassin? I probably won't get back into it then.

>yfw listeners were the ones to seal the fused
>listeners enslaved their own people
>fused hates listeners because they remember what they did to them ages ago
>V undid centuries of sacrifice after a plot she devised went sour
>v will become a parschendi radiant with that spren(her sister's soul) that follows her around
too bad I will be dead long before this is revealed as true, or before sanderson releases another cosmer book

The first two trilogies end on relatively good notes and have lots of great stuff, so they're worth finishing. The final trilogy is cover to cover misery porn though.

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn did it, Wheel of Time did it, A Song of Ice and Fire did it too. Hell even Tolkien did it in the Silmarillion. Not even sure where it originated from.

I would be really pleasantly surprised if Assassin's Quest was a well rounded, good book, honestly. I enjoyed the first one. The second was a ... real mixed bag. Great character development (except for Chade and Regal, ESPECIALLY REGAL) but it felt like I read a few scenes more than once. Very drawn out, for a book that details a single season painstakingly and rushes through the rest of a year.

Probably from our deep genetic hatred of Norse barbarian assholes, or canucks

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand R. Scott Bakker. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical psychology most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Bakker’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike R. Scott Bakker truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Bakker’s existential catchphrase “I wrote a book where Conan fucks a hole in the ground,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a R. Scott Bakker tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

I think it's cause most fantasy worlds are just reskinned earths with magic modded in, so they have the same basic features as earth which includes the poles being very cold and empty of human habitation, making them ideal places for evil magic to lurk.

Not at all. I looked for something this epic for a long time. Can thank the band Caladan Brood for introducing it to me

You're in for it now


>Deltora Quest

>be Rome
>north of you is a horde of crazy barbarians who want to squat in Italy and eat Romans
>be Gaul
>north of you is an island of crazy barbarians who paint themselves blue and burn people in wicker giants
>be Britain
>conquered from the north by crazy barbarians in longboats
The theme of things from the north being scary, cold, and evil is older than literature and it comes from the historical fact of things from the north being scary, cold and evil.

>Deltora Quest
It even got an anime adaptation. How many western book series can say that?

Legend of Earthsea?

Pure insanity

>be Chinese/Persian
>crazy steppe riders from the north want to make pyramids out of your severed heads

>be African
>no explanation needed

It was gonna get westerned too, but the author was really picky. She only allowed the anime because her son is a weeb

And Howl's Moving Castle and The Borrowers. And there was that unlicensed Starship Troopers anime from way back. And a Lensman movie.

Inherit The Stars has a manga adaptation, I'm sure some Clarke and Asimov do too.

i don't care what other dullards around here think, these 10 books are some of the best reading/rereading/re-re-re-rereading i've ever done.

i tried VERY hard to approach TSA with an open mind, really did. i ignored his fansite and comments here about the series until after i read everything through the unholy consult. there were some interesting moments unique world-building but there was SO MUCH gay alien rape and SO MUCH kellhus and achamian as stand-ins for what bakker either thinks he is or wants to be that i was very disgusted with things by the time i finished. i'm irritated that i want to know how the 2nd apocalypse unveils and possibly ends? but i'm not holding my breath for anything good. Bakker is so far up his own asshole with his philosophy of a "semantic apocalypse" and whenever anyone seems to ask what he means by that he just yells "CRASH SPACE OF MEANING!!!" before writing more about how everyone's tumescent members are arched and curved against their chests while foul black seed courses out from the alien abominations.

i was led to believe this was a metaphysical whodunit and was sorely disappointed.


So, what happens to people who become infected with a zombie virus and survive.

Not because they have a gene that makes them immune to it that can be harvested from their blood or anything, just that their immune system fought it off an they lived

I wouldn't know because I would shoot anybody that got infected with the zombie virus as soon as is reasonable in a zombie situation, and anyone who wouldn't is going to get zombied

Is the virus still in their body in any way? Did it leave any toxic bullshit behind?

>zombie virus
I hate this fucking cliche. It manages to ruin everything remotely interesting about zombies by reducing it to something as mundane as it is idiotic.

What's your preferred zombie causality, user?

They live on normally, but become a zombie once they die of other violence or natural causes.
What is the alternative? Is there even a non-cliche way of doing zombies anymore?

Legitimate question: How good is the Dresden Series?

I was rather put-off by it, but the fans of the series keep insisting that it gets better down the line?

What's Veeky Forums's opinion?

Magic. The original reason for undeath. Trying to "explain" zombies with pseudo-science just makes them seem ridiculous and stupid. There's a hundred and one reasons zombies scientifically pose no threat at all to people, trying to scientifically make zombies into a threat is fighting an uphill battle against my skepticism and the end result is always the expiration of my patience with every farcical zombie virus story. Know what I'm willing to suspend my disbelief about though? Fucking magic. Necromancy. You ask me how the zombies are able to keep shambling despite [environmental factors that would destroy decomposed flesh here]? Fucking magic, asshole, that's how. And I say "Oh okay, carry on, then. There's are clearly hoary abominations beyond the realm of nature and I should stop asking stupid questions". You don't get that license from me when you drag in mother nature and use her to justify your lazy half-assed "undead".

Slow, but finally finished Oathbringer
I'm kind of surprised that Adolin didn't get shit for killing Sadeas; I was sure that his ryshadium dying meant he was going to end up dead as well.
Elokhar deserved better.

>be a Haitian slave
>this cool cat in a blue uniform wants you to rise up, let the black man be in charge
>this is it, everybody gets a machete, this is our time
>wait, how far were we going to take this?
>that's a lot of blood
>holy smokes Jean what are you doing
>I know they oppressed us Jean Zombi but this is...
>this can't be real
>we can't be like this
>it must've been a witch
>yeah, Jean was possessed, probably dead all along
>still gonna have nightmares

There's a lot of shit in that book that was just kinda glossed over, like Shallan finding out that Kaladin killed her brother and just not really caring, or Szeth showing up and swearing fealty to Dalinar and nobody even making any comments on it

This. There is no good reason to make up BS viruses for zombies unless you're willing to let them starve or organize or whatever, at which point they're not really zombies anymore.

To be fair, by the time it comes out, there are much bigger things to worry about.

Shallan realized that in WoR.
I wouldn't question it either, if I met with the personification of God's own divine hatred, and the fucking Assassin in White shows up (suddenly an actual, honest to Honor radiant. Not a clown with an Honorblade) to swear fealty to me. Oaths are important to Radiants, and Dalinars entire world view just went through a very dramatic shift.

She is, she talks with Adolin about ditching royal duties. Her sword looks to be a safer, less destructive version of Nightblood.

I need to know what happened. She's on the hunt for Vasher, for some reason. Last we saw they were a duo. He must have told her how Nightblood was made, and for some reason she made her own. Vasher started a war to prevent that knowledge from getting out, but to some degree it did anyway. Warbreaker 2 fucking when

It's better than the usual urban fantasy I suppose. I mean Dresden is still a huge tool like most UF protags but isn't a shithead like most of them, the plots and supporting characters are interesting, and the series hasn't turned into "Anita Blake and the Mystery of the Werewolf Gangbang" or anything.

The first two books were originally Butcher's homework from a creative writing course he was taking, his teacher thought they were worth publishing and got him in contact with a editor. The third one is better and after that they improve to a uniform quality.

Though I would complain about the series right now because he's basically put it on hiatus to write a steampunk series with talking cats or something.

>read the 260 page out of 383 page The Will to Battle Google Preview rip
>Ada Palmer kills off Mycroft Canner
Holy fuck

>gender-neutral pronouns

what are you dying from my man?