ITT: overrated foods/drinks

ITT: overrated foods/drinks

Attached: cow-pus.jpg (600x600, 39K)

inferior genes

man boobs

soylent grin

Roast turkey

This. OP is likely some kind of slavic sex slave or southern european untermenschen.

I drink a half gallon of milk every day.

Attached: aryan genetics.jpg (800x716, 102K)

>y-y-you must be a soyfag if you don't drink shit from an animal
the absolute state of milkucks

Coffee and milk

I can't stop drinking cow's milk completely. I just can't. I can't do it. I can't stop completely.
I'll never be able to stop it altogether.
I don't want to drink any other milks, but I can't stop drinking cow's milk entirely.

Attached: 2Mq6.gif (500x278, 499K)

Enjoy the gyno

actually, this is false. northern europeans (prob indians too) have high rates of hemochromatosis and overall high iron syndrome.

This is because they evolved on a milk diet, and calcium inhibits iron absorption. So they developed genetically high iron to compensate.

The end result is that milksissies suffer high rates of cancer and ill health when they eat red meat. The Indians realized this but the Europeans still like to LARP as indigenous hunters instead of the milk-drinking sissy Aryans that they are.

Mommy says I need my milkies or I'll get brittle bones.

milk doesn't actually help

Then why the hell did my endocrinologist suggest that I should drink more calcium rich milk.

Anons with their bro science on Veeky Forums ...

Rockstars are overrated

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Enjoy your future femoral fracture
Enjoy your future prostate cancer

be quiet you shitskin

Depends what you have it with
It's fantastic with buttered waffles and real maple syrup
Also invaluable for many of my go-to recipes, I would be hard pressed to replace it in my quiche or souffle

There's more calcium in leafy greens than milk. Milk is only marketed as a source of calcium because that's all it can offer. There isn't much else in milk, other than fat, carbs, and a bit of protein.

...oh, and that delicious taste ofc. That's why I love it and drink a litre a day.

Lots of stuff is like this; there's more potassium in apples and oranges than bananas, for instance
fucking marketers

milk is fucking god tier kys