Islamic Tolkien and Narnia

Who are the Islamics worlds version of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien?

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Hillary Clinton.


ROFL this is gold!
Upvoted fellow kekistani!

You're talking about a region with people who are completely dysfunctional, inbred, and borderline retarded. There is no art or literature of merit and what little has come from there was produced by holdover Indo-European post-Islamic rape baby populations.

Sounds like America tbqh famalam


Without Islam we wouldnt know what greek philosphy is.

This but unironically

*Without Arabs greek philosphy would not have been as influential to the Medieval world.
Arabs not Islam, you racist backwoods fucktard.

Why would you even defend arabs and islam? This is a force entirely for bad.

That's just not true and those savages destroyed an enormous amount of western culture. The people who did that were the Indo-European peoples who had their societies taken over by these heathens.

When will people stop spouting this meme?

If you're not baiting, look into who the Arabic translators of Greek texts. Hunayn ibn Ishaq al-Ibadi and many others were Nestorian Christians. The Eastern churches never forgot.

The Arab golden age and all of the advances that came out of it actually happened in spite of Islam.

>A fucking christian talks about destroying other cultures
Unironically off yourself

I'm not a Christian and Christianity is what originally destroyed European culture. Semitic ideology is the central theme and the main problem here.

what were the byzantins?

Go home, Varg

You've still failed to put forward an argument against his original statement that Islam is and has been a destructive force to western culture.

>Why would you even defend arabs and islam? This is a force entirely for bad.
I’m not defending Islam. I’m just saying you have to be autistic to ignore all their art, music, and architecture. Some of it’s pretty good.

You mean those things that were produced by the semi-competent R1b rape babies living in lands arabs took over and destroyed?

A lot of those supposed “rape babies” were Muslims.

I can't really think of anything that would be equivalent to Tolkien or Lewis (i.e. allegorical, instructive texts for children)

Whatever amalgam of writers did the 1001 Nights.

The closest I can think of is one thousand and one nights, which gave us aladdin and sinbad

The Chinese?

Conference of the Birds

pretty sure it was sandniggers

>The Chinese?
Burton's covfefe translation

Aladdin is Chinese

Aladdin was a later addition.

Just because the character of aladdin is interpreted as being chinese, doesn't make the story itself chinese you antirationalist tardhammer

I het the feeling most Muslims would fond such a thing heretical.

Taha Hussein and Naguib Mahfouz are cool.
They did.

Read Sylvain Gouguenheim's "Aristote au Mont Saint-Michel" and stop spreading these jokes

eh... given the time period, the Arabs that acquired and preserved Greek philosophy were Muslims, the original Muslims.
Besides, it's the Sunni Muslims (i.e. Arab Muslims) that the western world seems to have a problem with via terrorists.

thousand and one nights or whatever the fuck it's called.

It's not even Arabs; the majority of scientists were Persian. Arabs made a fraction, somewhere between 1-2% of all contributors to the Islamic Golden Age.

I find it interesting the muslim apologists in this thread didn't respond to this post

Has there been a Buddhist Tolkien or a Hindu CS Lewis? No. Genre fantasy novels were primarily a popular invention in a particular time in European history. Buddhist, Hindu, and Islamic cultures have incredible mythologies, but they never even have such a trivial art form as the fantasy fiction genre novel. How could they ever even have their own versions of Tolkien or Lewis?

In all honesty, it's most likely related to mass literacy.

>implying Western culture is good

>Buddhist Tolkien
Wu Cheng'en

Not for children.

Who’s the Islamic version of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison? Ohhhh right. Cars and lightbulbs are inventions of advanced, industrial superpowers and making a comparison between a vast multi-continent empire and a few competing desert caliphates is actually pretty fucking silly.

For the bulk of European history, fantasy fiction wasn’t even a genre. People took these things very seriously, as fact or probability. Islamic cultures have many myths and oral traditions concerning jinn, but they simply didn’t develop the popular trend to write fantasy stories about them. There was simply never that need or cultural byproduct. How does that make them less advanced or less cultured? They have sophisticated, beautiful poetry. Was European civilization any less advanced before Tolkien? Come on.

I believe "fantasy novels" and light fiction for children in general is a product of mass literacy, which it is safe to say is a European invention. Note that this is not however necessarily good.

>Moving the goal post this hard

What is art FOR? Have you considered that? Maybe living in a fucking desert makes artistic life rather hard? What you’re implying here is really stupid. Europe wasn’t always this great cultural and creative region. It took thousands of years. It took fertile land and leisure time for artists and craftsmen. There were a few geniuses every couple of centuries or so. Most Europeans lived unimpressive, uninspired lives as peasant farmers.

>Cars and lightbulbs are inventions of advanced, industrial superpowers
They were the inventions of white people, like just about everything else.

Environmental determinists realized they were stupid and wrong about a decade ago, mate. Why did you miss the bus?

the caliphate was what provided the political stability that led to that, without Islam there would still be tribal infighting all over the place

>Who’s the Islamic version of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison? Ohhhh right. Cars and lightbulbs are inventions of advanced, industrial superpowers and making a comparison between a vast multi-continent empire and a few competing desert caliphates is actually pretty fucking silly.
Technological advances and cultural development are not the same thing, and it's a false equivalence to compare the two. Stop being intellectually disingenuous.

>Some of it’s pretty good.

It took a particular economy, a particular political system, a particular culture, a particular opportunity of conquest, a particular availability to metals and metalwork, which could create certain tools.

It had nothing to do with whiteness. The Slavs were white and they didn’t “accomplish” much compared to other cultures. Early Germanic tribes were similarly pretty backwards for centuries, in spite of their whiteness.

The Chinese, the Indians, and the Egyptians (which were an Arab people with a black minority population), all had great advancements, sophisticated technology, and great academic cultures.

>Who’s the Islamic version of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison? Ohhhh right. Cars and lightbulbs are inventions of advanced, industrial superpowers and making a comparison between a vast multi-continent empire and a few competing desert caliphates is actually pretty fucking silly.

>the Egyptians
>which were an Arab people

Economies, political systems, cultures, and fortitudes unique to and created by white Europeans. The accomplishments of Europeans result from European genetics.

Seriously, talk about embarrassing yourself.

>The Slavs were white

The Chinese, the Egyptians, the Indians...were all white? They all had immense technological achievements, vast empires, philosophies, mythologies, political systems, etc.

You just glossed over the white European failures. Germanic tribes, the Celts, the Druids, the Slavs, lived lives which many would consider “savage” or “primitive.” Europe didn’t start becoming advanced until about 500 years ago. For the majority of human history, Europe wasn’t as significant as China, the Mongol Empire, Babylon, Egypt, and India.

And before you say “the Roman Empire”, you should know that this was a very racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse country that took over and fought against whites and blacks alike. The ingenuity of the Roman Empire came from their brute force and their intellectual prowess, not their whiteness or “white genetics” because white genetics did no favors to the German barbarians which the Romans were often fighting against.

>only my particular perfect example of whiteness is correct

The US once legally considered Latinos white. Are they?

Do Celts and Druids count as white? They lived just as “primitively” as Native Americans.

You're so out of your league here. Egyptians were white before semitic invasions and Indians to this day speak an Indo-European language. The highest castes have the highest European admixture because Europeans settled there about 5000 years ago, and the same with Iran, the name for which literally derives from "Aryan." Please, don't start talking about stuff you no understanding of.

Intellectual prowess derives from genetics, you mongoloid.
>Last 500 years ago
>What is the Middle Ages
>What is Rome
>What is Greece
>What is the Byzantines
All of those are white and there is a continuous progression of white ingenuity.

>The US once legally considered Latinos white. Are they?

>every successful culture ever had to have been white in some way

Jesus Christ, you white supremacists are so pathetic. What are you trying to prove?

India has an Indo-European language and white settlement, but Germany and Russia also have Indo-European languages and they’re fully (not partially) white. For thousands of years they lived tribal, peasant lives while India was a great center of culture and knowledge.

What next? Are Chinese people also white? Come on, get serious. Whiteness isn’t a superpower.

India was nothing until white people settled there. They created the caste system because they wanted to halt more people breeding out into the brown hordes. You don't belong in this conversation, guy. You're working from too far behind.

>Europe didn’t start becoming advanced until about 500 years ago

Do think that advancement just materialized out of thin air? That we all received some sort of divine revelation at exactly 1500 AD?

We white supremacists go where the facts lead. And the facts lead to the fact that "whites" reached India and slowly became mongrelized with the Dravidians.

White people lived in squalor as tribesmen and peasant farmers for centuries. It took the Enlightenment, the Renaissance, and the Industrial Revolution, to pull Europe out of its witch burnings, inquisitions, crusades, etc. You speak of Europe as if it’s perfect and has always been great. It hasn’t. Remove your bias and your stupid belief in white supremacy and see history for what it is. Life doesn’t give you a medal just for being white. You aren’t better than anyone for your whiteness. It took the collective ingenuity of many generations of people trading knowledge and ideas across national and racial lines.

One-Thousand One Nights?

European civilization was destroyed first and foremost with the plague of jewish Christianity spread by Charlemagne whose court was stacked with jews. That's the common theme here and the accomplishments of white people speak for themselves. Whites lived in peace until the jew decided he wanted in.

It was the Black Plague and the instability of feudalism, which led to capitalism, which then advanced and enriched Europe, over time. Had this happened anywhere else, the result would’ve been the same.

>It took the Enlightenment, the Renaissance, and the Industrial Revolution, to pull Europe out of its witch burnings, inquisitions, crusades, etc.

Why is it that certain ethnic groups are seemingly unable or unwilling to undergo this process?

If the Jew is so inferior, how has he managed to infiltrate, dominate, and oppress white people so much? I thought you guys were supposed to be superior?

>Muh crusades
>muh war
Fuck off. That is part of life.
>witch burnings
Yeah, and?
>that pic
Explain why ancient Greeks describe characteristics that are typically associated with "whites", i.e., northwestern Europeans, in their stories and myths.

Whites are far superior in every way except for perhaps pure tribal cunning and desert savagery, but we're getting there.

Where did you read that? I'm genuinely curious.

>How can parasite kill its host?
>chekmate, nahtzees

He doesn't play by the same rules.

A lot of it is by chance. It wasn’t white people as a whole who invented things and had these amazing ideas. It was a handful of geniuses over time. Meet any average white guy and I guarantee you, he isn’t going to be a Mozart or a Socrates. He’s going to be ordinary—as smart or dumb as any randomly selected black or Latino person.

By any roll of the dice, one civilization is going to surpass others. Throughout history, this has happened. At times, the Chinese have been ahead of everyone by a lot. At other times, it has been other cultures—the Mongols, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Indians, and so on. But even after centuries of domination, all empires eventually collapse, all civilizations wane, and new ones take their place.

Right now, it just so happens that white people are on top. Centuries ago, this wasn’t the case and centuries from now, this may not be true anymore. It’s important to see progress not racially but nationally and economically. Race had nothing to do with it. Whites have conquered and oppressed other whites. Blacks have conquered and oppressed other blacks. It has been nationality, religion, culture and economic self-interest which have been the primary driving forces of history.

The Mongols never reached a civilization; they only conquered, and left nothing but genetics; moreover, Rome and Greece were coeval to China and India and dominated "civilizationally". China dominated only in East Asia. Whites dominated continuously from one European civilization to the next.

It's dumbfounding how anyone can reach these types of conclusions, that after thousands of years of evolution and various social and environmental selective factors, vastly different people would magically produce the same result. It's completely retarded. Europeans are individualists, which stems from having to be creative in order to survive harsh winters, which is why they are today responsible for 97% of all innovation. The poster above is promoting a half-baked rendition of the debunked GG&S hypothesis that it's all just a fluke.

It’s dumbfounding how, after scientists have debunked racial science as bunk, untrained conspiracy theorists keep buying into this.

>responsible for 97% of innovation
That sounds like you pulled it out of the deepest parts of your ass. Where exactly are you getting this number from?

Here you go

>racial science is bunk
Is that why you can tell racial differences from skeletons? Or how about the different cranial sizes? Or how about the fact that center of mass is different between whites and blacks? And IQ distributions are all exactly the same? And what of the mirror test? It's astounding that it takes blacks several months to recognize themselves in a mirror when it takes Asians and whites a couple of months. Or there blacks gestation periods being longer than whites and Asians. Here's a fact for you, you dumb nigger, racial science isn't bunk: your PC dogma is.

What you call "racial science" is just science. The races are different and you have been blasted with egalitarian propaganda you're going to have to try and shed if you ever expect to be half as smart as you think you are.

Unlike continental Europeans, Nordic people don't trace their civilization back to Rome or ancient Greece but consider it something of their own creation. Completely contrary to your meme, though that is actually the stupid position to take.

*several years, I believe.

The lengths people will go to to believe all people are equal and equally capable. It's ludicrous.

Umm race is a social structure sweetie...

Any sources for this information?

Stormfront? Breitbart?

Most actual scientists recognize this for the bullshit it is. But I’d like to take a look anyway. Show me your best scientific evidence for white supremacy.

Blacks being mentally inept is not proof that there exist a black race.

Islam is not a race. I dont know why you started talking about white men. It doesnt have anything to do with it.

I could read and write very well when I was 4 years old, and I’m not white. What do you make of it? You don’t think there are retards and mentally defective whites? Hell, most random mass shootings and most serial killers are white people. At least when black people kill, its for money or turf. When whites go shooting, it’s just plain insanity.

Hola reddit

What are you even trying to say? There should be an entry exam to post on this board, this reads like a twitter post

>Any sources for this information?
Everything that user posted is so trivial that you can just look it up yourself. This controversy merely exists outside of America.
>Well, most random mass shootings and most serial killers are white people
So? White people are more effective at that as well.
>At least when black people kill, its out of short term gain

It’s irrational to kill random people then blow your own brains out.
It’s rational to fight a competing drug seller and do what you can to survive in a poor, ghettoized community with limited resources and a low class education system.

>most random mass shootings and most serial killers are white people
This only is the case in nations which are mostly white. The most serial killers in African countries are black and the most serial killers in Asia are Asian. This has nothing to do with racial qualities.

You believe white people are equally superior and black people are equally inferior. THAT’S stupid. How about basing it on individual actions and achievements?

I would if I could only post this fucking post, but I'm treated as fucking spam by this stupid site's captcha.