Mfw rejected again for publishing

>mfw rejected again for publishing

Should I give up (i.e. self-publish)?

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How many times have you been rejected? What is it? A novel? How old are you?

29 year-old straight white male. First novel, rejected or ignored by twenty (20) publishing companies in the last six months. I also submitted it to a few contests. Is it a lot? Should I keep on trying or should I self-publish it and try again with the second one?

There's clearly something wrong with your novel.

Give a quick summary of the novel

The problem is that without networking in high level academia you have little chance of getting an unsolicited MS published and your best bet would be submitting smaller pieces to small or midsize publications or if you want to be a bastard building a reputation on social media.

>start writing under the alias of Aaliyah Hoyabembe
>get dozens of publishing deals instantly

Could be. In that case, the next one will be better.

Thought about social media if I decide to self-publish, but it sounds boring and time-consuming. Plus, writers spamming their self-published novellas are probably the most annoying thing on the internet.

An unknown big4 employee leaks a bunch of sensitive tax avoidance agreements between MNEs and the Government, and an IT guy with a working class background is assigned with the task to find out who did it.

Chance your penname to the following
>roman/classical name for first name: Darius, Caesar, Demetrius, Marcus
>Washington for last name
See if it helps

Sounds a bit dry.

bonus points if you can prefix it with "da", e.g. "DaCaesar" "DaMarcus"

Time to rage harder against the machine.

Back to pol, you dumb bitch.

It’s supposed to be dry.

>29 year-old straight white male
If you're also influenced by other straight white males or produce text that could be classified as straight white male you're likely shit out of luck.

Has anyone actually done this?

Why is Veeky Forums so triggered by dry facts?

>implying we need more straight white males writing angry existential novels

fuck off whiteboi

If you want to publish, do it. Most likely your novel is garbage which is the standard for the average first novel anyone ever writes.

Get some traction and try again with a second one.

Your best bet is public suicide/rampage while holding the rejected manuscript.


Then how did this handsome straight white male get famous by writing books about a straight white male?

Woah i didnt know nickelback wrote a novel.

No, since he's a white guy he could use plausible deniability if they find out he is a white by saying "Im really interested in Roman history and Washington and stuff", if he goes with a pure ghetto name he'll be obviously doing it for the free points

I'm sure I've read a news story about a guy who entered a writing a competition with an Asian pen name and won. Subsequently a lot of people got very angry.

The chad suicide.

Way to forget that jews are white.

Brilliant. Other possible last names: Jefferson, Jackson.

fucking this

>jews are white

Dumbest board.

Fuck you hippies. How did Reddit ruin this board within a year?

>There's clearly something wrong with your novel.
That's bs.

How do you know if you haven’t read it?

I would probably throw out your dreadful hackerman novel without even reading a page unless it had some gimmick in the prose

may as fucking well call yourself "tyrone johnson" and accuse everyone of being a bigoted racist for assuming youre black

Speak of the devil.

That's nominal, user. Best of luck to you, and keep at it.

Who the fuck wants to read a book about this? Snore.

What all 'classical' (pre-Amazon) authors say:

1. Go to a book store
2. Look at the genres
3. Decide which genre your book is - if you can't find an appropriate one selling your book will be harder
4. If you found the genre, get a few mid-level authors that live in your country
5. Find out who their agents are
6. Contact the agents, send them your manuscript

It's very, very hard to get published without an agent.

Then again, this information is about 10 years old, Amazon's self-publishing changed a lot.

If your goal is getting a book out so people can read it then self publishing is very viable. Trash sells mostly nowadays and if you're not keen on producing cash to make money then you're kinda out of luck. Also, self publishing is seen as degrading since people still hold the opinion that publishing houses have some sort of quality control which is absolute bullshit. The publishing houses of the past that were enthusiasts first and foremost are forever gone (to be fair they were few to begin with). Its all about the money now, so if you have some sort of artistic integrity and just want to get your stuff to the people, then yes, self publish. Celebrity trash, astrology, smut, "confessions", autobiographies of vacuum head footballers will always outsell anything you can produce. Its the world we live in. Anons can probably call me a fag since I did indeed self publish several times and never enjoyed any sort of success, have a normal job that I finance my publishing with, but living of your writing today means producing literal shit for the masses in 99% of the cases.

>3. Decide which genre your book is - if you can't find an appropriate one selling your book will be harder
>4. If you found the genre, get a few mid-level authors that live in your country
Can you turn the choice of a genre on its head? As in, find a genre that is in and slap it on your book even if doesn't fit?

True, sadly. If you're writing genre fiction it's a combination of luck, patience and connections.
If you're writing literary fiction even more of the same, unless you're undeniably brilliant ( which again makes you marketable)
The more you look like the topics you write about the better; the art and artist are one single product nowadays.

>Also, self publishing is seen as degrading since people still hold the opinion that publishing houses have some sort of quality control which is absolute bullshit.
I'll play the devil's advocate on this. Consider the following: determining a quality of a work requires something that an author doesn't have: a talent of a reader. An editor would provide just that.

I'd like to add that it is mostly about gaining perspective. Even if you say: "Ok, I'll produce trash to make money" you will soon find out that you are unable to. I'm not on a Dunning–Kruger powertrip effect, I'm aware that I'm not brilliant, so its not the case that I'm too smart to produce it. You're literally unable to since you lack the perspective of the common people and their interests, since you're at least lit to a degree, and you especially lack the necessary skills to manipulate.

An example from my life. I know a guy who is a top philosophy pseud and who holds life coaching and yoga shit to superhot chicks which he btw fucks, and makes money off them. I would of course like both and I see myself as rather read in philosophy. But while I can recreate Guthrie and talk about shit I've read and thought about this guy can make the most interesting, womanly pseudophilosophy ever. If I would talk to one of them about the implications of Zeno's arguments against plurality, they would probably die of boredom. Again, its not tfw too smart for normies, its literally not being able to use my knowledge to some sort of practical usefulness. I think this bullshiting effect has a great influence on publishing too, if you bullshit enough and appear deep to normies you will get published.

Nonsense, a good writer is a good reader first and foremost. You have to be able to emotionally distance yourself from your work or you'll never write anything worthwile

I'd agree that an author himself is never in the position to talk about the implications, qualities and worth of his own work. But modern editors mostly look at the potential of selling shit that they review. Not to get into the whole talk about aesthetics here. The reader is often better at seeing the weakness of any worth while ignoring all the beauty, it is the opposite with the author.

Because a great thinker doesn't make a great writer. A good writer can communicate profound thoughts with a special clarity, a great writer also adds a unique beauty to it which gives them even more impact
I know hyperintelligent STEMlords who can't string a clear sentence together to safe their lives while there are hs dropouts, who have the "gift", who can write captivating prose with ease

Im going to say ignore what you know for a while and just focus on other people. Listen actively, ask questions. You'll become legitimately interested in them, and THATS when all you know will come thundering out in a way that is communicable/enjoyable.

Everyone speaks their own language. Listen well and you'll learn to speak it too. Then you won't describe something as 'womanly' so much as 'the means by which woman communicate' (or whatever).

It's like anything, it just requires effort, practice, and resilience, because it sucks at first, and will for a while, until the day it sucks less; and if you have been paying attention, that's the day it begins to click.

Yeah that happened. The Native American author/editor who helped select the winner got super butthurt about it, probably because he realized that he got played as a bigot.

Try shooting a bunch of college age girls while plugging your book on Veeky Forums

why do you expect to make a living from your hobby, you dumb fuck.

people don't even read anymore