Ladies of Veeky Forums, is there any food that causes your chemistry to be a

Ladies of Veeky Forums, is there any food that causes your chemistry to be a To what extent does your diet affect that kind of thing?

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Show bobs.

>on MY internet

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Begone dirty slut.

Next time stop being a dirty hoe.

post feet


What the fuck is this shit doing on Veeky Forums

Hard drugs. Any time I take hard drugs, my hormones get fucked. I'm fairly fit and eat a well-balanced diet. Never really noticed a change in hormones in relation to what I eat. I'm Celiac so gluten fucks me up internally but in terms of women problems not much. Binging alcohol, injesting too much caffeine, and sitting down 24/7 makes menstruation heavier and more painful.

Post feet plz

>ywn wander the radioactive wilds with your friendly dogger companion

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This or gtfo

what sort of a fucking idiot eats vagisil

Five. You want inches with that?

I'm guessing you

Don’t be a tease, show us your fucking feet you dirty slut

What sort of idiot thinks they need it?

Cortizone is my cream of choice for itch free eating.

Vagisil is just meme-cream. Flavor of the month.

How many?

stupid cunt. post your tits or feet.

>can't keep up with a thread
I'm not the stupid one here.

Do you give footjobs?

Jobs on feet?
I'm not Asian.

and i doubt ur problem is food, unless u have an allergy

>tfw you get your tampon changed at valvoline

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try eating less dick

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Show mi da pusi b0ss

I find that only consuming fermented sugars is the most important thing, as long as you don't do it while taking overly long baths.

Does anyone else have the problem where their girl's vagina stinks the next morning if you cum in her the night before? It's like a cheesy, fishy smell.

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Yeah, that problem is on your end, in more than two ways.


Well, if the only times you notice her vagina stinks is after you leave your body fluids in it there's likely a connection. If you don't take the effort to remind her to wash off a little, or even just sit go on the toilet for ten minutes (the vag is resilient as fuck, and basically self cleaning, like a literal pussy), you're just sabotaging yourself when you wake up and want to munch on a little punani. Third, I'm guessing that you're an adult male who is uncircumcised; that's just nasty, and you should feel responsible for anything gross about your sex life. Do you want me to go on?

try leaving a little of your own cum in your mouth and let it marinate for a few hours and see how your breath smells then


>uncircumcised: that's just nasty
How about you go lop off your nasty beef flaps, bitch?

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>I'm guessing that you're an adult male who is uncircumcised; that's just nasty
uh...wait, wat?

>the vag is resilient as fuck, and basically self cleaning, like a literal pussy
I guarantee you're a lazy thot that never washes their pussy and use this and ph balance as justification for being a slob, your eyes are "self cleaning" too, you think your eyes are clean when you wake up?
Wash your nasty ass pussy you whore

All jewish owned slaves must be circumcised so it's normal in america, turns out all the memes about americans knowing nothing about other nations is true about their vapid roasties

You can induce menstration if you eat like a fucking ton of parseley, and I mean like, an entire bunch of it pureed in a smoothie or tea or some shit.

Why do all women write like such fucking redditors?

>simply using proper grammar is now considered reddit

>Not reddit grammar
um sweetie ??

who do you think uses reddit?

Every bathroom I've been in of a woman over the age of 30 had vagisi and/or monistat. I wash my hands constantly which helps if I end up diddling unexpectedly, bath daily and change my underwear. Diet doesn't effect my wound and I feel for those it does if true because an itchy cottage cheese vagina seems like a shitty way to live.

don't show feet, show tax returns

>t. still share a single bathroom apartment with mommy

Papa always told me: "never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die"

bake bread with your cunt yeast
post results

Fuck this entire thread, not a single femanon has posted feet. What a complete and utter disappointment.

Any girl worth dating is on birth control these days and most likely doesn't bleed at all.

the feet are a lie, lad

This might come as a surprise to you but many houses where women live these products are not uncommon. OP and others ITT have a rancid pussy problem that is to be addressed so just stay out of your Mommy's medicine cabinet.

You still spot and bleed to some degree depending on the type, and I've known quite a few women that had terrible clotting because of it or deviation of devices through their anal wall.

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Eh, a spot and bleed isn't anything like 7 days a month. The last grill I was with was an old flame who'd apparently got an abortion at some point and had been on some new stuff for a couple of years and had zero flow the entire time. Still tasted nice, too.

Years ago I got a yeast infection from antibiotics after I had surgery and the fucking yeast infection was worse than my surgery recovery.

Diet doesn't seem to have any effect on the functionality of my lady parts, bit I do notice that it smells like garlic down there if I eat a lot of it.

Most birth control won't stop you from having a period.

wtf I hate women now
seriously, I'm out of here lest I turn into a flaming poofter

Kellogg wasn't a jew

OK schlomo

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Women are the reddit of gender.

what does yeasty vagina taste like?

yeasty vagina

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Dont mention circumsision theyll spam the thread with pics of anteater dicks to try and prove a point

Sweetie, you do know that if you pull back the skin it won't look like an icky 'anteater' anymore, right? There's no need to snip it off.

I don't think I ever had a problem...well I drink a lot of water

>tfw I wanna see some man feet

Redditors are effiminate soyboys who sound like women.