Whats your goal for tonight?

Whats your goal for tonight?

Mine is to drink 6 liters of ice cold guinness

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That's like 10,000 calories and not enough to get even buzzed.
Guinness has barely any alcohol

I like the taste and creamy texture.

I have vodka to chase it down with afterwards

Pfttt...amateur. My record is 26 pints of Guinness in an evening.

Probably watered down. Pubs are known to do that esp outside ireland

Eh...no, not watered down.

guinness has less calories than a budweiser
>look it up

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Just over 2k calories desu

That's more than a pint every 12 minutes for for straight hours. I'm calling BULLSHIT.

my goal is to not drink tonight, trying to cut back

Call whatever you'd like. It was over the course of 6 hours.

* five

I will finish off all the aldi lager in my house before opening the aldi spiced rum we will watch googlebox and have a quick routine friday night shag. All this after wating my asda tins of curry. My perfect night.

My left shoulder, heart, head, and overall innards are in slight discomfort. I didn't drink yesterday but am going to tonight. I'm on the edge.

That's still a fucking lot. Thats like a whole days worth of food.

You need 3k cals to gain one pound of fat

If op dieted the rest of the week he wont even gain anything

Aside from the water bloat but that goes away in days

My goal is to get to sleep. I havent slept more than a couple of hours a night a week straight and im exhausted. I have already had my nervous breakdown so i might be ok for tonight. Just ate a bunch of candy tho. Probably shouldnt have

To me dieting the rest of the week != to the utility of drinking 6 beers in one night

Im happy for you

>12 pints of Guinness
>not enough to get even buzzed
If you can't get buzzed off 25 units, you need to stop drinking.

You could just get a real stout and it would be like the alcohol content of 6 Guinness in like 2 12oz

I imagine im a tramp and im roaming the cold streets and i find an abandoned warehouse which sold beds. I get out of my tramp clothes and get into a brand new comfy bed....when i get to this part im asleep works every time.

Or i imagine im a slave and iv just done a hard 20 hour shift building pyramids i get back to my cave and get in bed. Works every time.

Sounds pretty comfy, atleast the bum one. I imagine similar. But when i start to lose some serious sleep its because of stress and the stress makes my brain race away. It makes it impossible to play with my imagination. Its hard to explain, it turns my head into a useless engine thats good for nothing but wont shut off. I have to let it run out and its fucking frustrating

Get together with the lads and doing some sake bombs.
Had some on St. Patrick's and they were fucking delicious.

I always imagine im solid snake having to take a nap inbetween infiltrating the enemy base

Just finding a nice corner under a snowy bridge and turning the suit heating on high and napping while watching the snow fall and stars twinkle

mine is not to fall asleep before the end of my night shift

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He's drinking six LITRES of Guinness.

How the fuck can you even drink 6 litres of beer?

Wouldn't you get dehydrated af?

Just drink water inbetween lmao idiot

Drinking 5L of wine.

exercise for 30 minutes then 9-10 shots of hard liquor (3 mixed drinks)

>taxing your body with even more liquid


Lmao i bet you think your ass is too dirty to wipe you moron

Fucked up with portioning out matcha tea. But it's making my nose feel better so I'm drinking the goop.

As someone who just spent 12 days in Ireland, Guinness sucks.

Stick to coors light you filthy mutt

You must have been tarmacing the toilet the next day

I stopped drinking (((Guiness))) when they made it vegan

Is there any reason why you dont like vegan beer aside from pol memes?

Guinness used to put fish guts during the brewing process. They stopped that so now theres no animal products.

How is that a bad thing you moron?

>from pol memes?
what's a pol?

You just outed yourself nigger. You need to go back newfag.

I'm getting two 40s of PBR and making tuna melts


Listen to yourself you paranoid schizo nigger

>they stopped using fish guts! I bet this is a jewish plot!
>’g-go back nigger’

Just kill yourself you ugly mutt

I'm not even the one you were replying to but you keep missing the slashes and type like you are going to have a seizure, I recognize your posts by now and you are clearly are tourist.

GET and commit sudoku nigger

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Just go die you retard

Seriously kill yourself

Im better than you

Go die


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It was an unusually bad case of day-after shits.

>vodka to chase guinness

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I am trying to as well even though i have to work tomorrow. It is very tempting.

Never mind, we just had some Michelobs and Crown Royal whiskey because my friends are afraid of trying new things.

I didnt reach my goal. Another weekend done trashed