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I take swigs of my roomate's half n half.

hi you're funny do you want to go steady?

I instigate the Jiro-poster. He's used my copypasta.

I google recopies when I cook, and then pretend like I just knew it.

Sometimes I eat carbs after 5pm.

Monday I am partaking in an experiment. I am going to throw my hat in the ring as far as 'making frozen white castle burgers taste good' which is a challenge handed down to fatasses that has yielded no positive results to my knowledge.

Challenge accepted.

I am going to vacuum seal them two by two in plastic bags and then put them in a sous vide bath for an hour or so. Will it be edible? I have no clue. Will post results!

I prefer burger king over mcdonalds and pepsi for coke

I like Fish Sticks....

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I think Splenda diet Pepsi tastes better than Aspartame diet Pepsi.

That's not so bad, user. What's bad was me consistently fucking them up.

>Ooops you overcooked them. Enjoy your chewy fish jerky!

>Ooops you undercooked them. That's nas-ty but you're hungry and eat them anyway.

>Ooops you are out of tartar sauce and now you must eat boring fish pieces.

>Ooops you ate a entire box in one sitting. Now you can feel fucking bloated and gross all day.

I like cold canned green peas with mayo. It never occurred to me until recently that this might be weird.

I am too lazy to actually cook food, I just eat sandwiches all day.

Worst part is that I'm an actual chef

I like pineapple on pizza, burgers and ham ciabatta

I'm an asshole. Eating wise, I have nothing to confess, because I'm not ashamed of anything I do.

I was following a recipe that called for red wine vinegar. I used apple cider vinegar. I didnt tell anyone.

I fap to Kay's good cooking vids. I imagine the metallic taste of her greasy pussy and then her straddling me, milking my dick. Afterwards she brings me up toast, bake beans and sausages to eat in bed for being her good boy

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300 dorrar and all is forgiven.

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One of my favourite foods is a poultry hearts and stomachs goulash. It is mindnumbingly good.
Other one is liver fried with onion.
I think british cuisine is universally trash, except for chips, blood sausage and scones.
I eat mortadella sandwiches pretty much every morning. Local shop owners are starting to look at me weird, because i literally just go there to buy buns and mortadella cuts.
Gordon Ramsay's scrambled eggs in a pot method is the absolute best method to make scrambled eggs.

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I miss the dollar menu at McDicks so fucking bad, the days of getting fat and bloated as fuck on 6 bucks of McGangbangs are over and it pisses me off to no end.

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I go to chick fil a just to stock up on the sauce

I've used a zucchini as a dildo before.

I made a sandwich with 2 pieces of white bread, butter spread on both sides, and raw chopped onions, and then I ate it.

Did you eat the zucchini afterwards or throw it away?

don't the sharp knobby bits hurt going in

This might be the worst thing I've ever read on this website.

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I eat sushi with cream cheese.

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I resort to a lot of crackers and rice cakes and just dip them in random shit

I can't cook

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I hate alchohol. I haven't found a drink sweet enough to mask the taste of alchohol.

im on a diet and i came here everyday just to look at pictures of food.

Even when im not hungry


also, my diet has been trash ever since i got with my gf
cheesecaske factory with cheesecake dinner 4 times a month, fast food damn near every day
my stomach has been all kinds of fucked up

My roommate is like that with his gf. They eat like shit all the time and they are both getting fatter. I imagined that if you were in a relationship you would want to keep yourself super fuckable. But they don't seem to care.

I don't want anybody else
When I think about you
I touch myself, ooh
I don't want anybody else
Oh no, oh no, oh no.

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Been dieting for 3 months perfectly and ruined it all by drinking around 10L of pop in the past two days

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I unironically like plain club crackers. I can eat like 3 boxes of them without getting bored of them.

I put soy sauce in pasta sauce and tomato soup


i am an emaciated faggot (26 years old, 5'9" 130 lbs) and the only thing i eat for lunch every day is a sandwich. not even a good sandwich, literally just wheat bread,mayo and dijon mustard, and some lunch meat (usually ham). not even cheese or lettuce or tomatoes or anything. its what ive eaten as my main lunch since i was in middle school

This except sausage mcmuffins. I'll quite literally never voluntarily eat there again

i spammed slop o shit to see how fast i could get it filtered and to see if people would still say it at all a month or two later, and am happy with the results

I haven't eaten at McDonalds in 5 months.

I haven't eaten fast food in a week and I feel fucking fantastic

I give myself enemas with my half-and-half, then put it back in the fridge.

I throw away the icing in Oreos and just eat the chocolate biscuits

the icing is fucking garbage

I eat two $5 boxes from taco bell every Sunday

Never post this again Lee

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What are you, a gay fish?

I put these on coca-cola

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both sweet af so probably not horrible.
idk why you'd prefer coke over a nice glass of milk though.

>be wagecucking in grocery store
>going to take out trash
>sees garbage container with plastic bag full of yesterday’s pastry
>fuck ;_;
>couldn’t resist
>opened the bag and munched 3 spandauers, 3 donuts and 2 donuts filled with cream
>felt like a disgusting piece of shit afterwards
I’m not fat tho

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>not fat tho
Just delusional then is it?

>im not fat tho
And im the prime minister of Britain

I fucked a tranny in a McDonald’s parking lot. It was breddy gud desu.

As long as you don't like anchovies on pizza then there's hope

hi theresa

>this is how wagies live
>eating out of dumpsters at work
not surprised

>Not liking the best pizza topping on pizza
Seriously what the hell is wrong with you?

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if i can detect what i've eaten in my farts it makes me smile

Yesterday I got drunk and posted a Jiro thread.

I put peanut butter on my pizza and spread grape jelly on the crust when I eat it at the end

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I secretly stick my dick into my roommates jar of creamy peanut butter at least once a week.

>work in the pastry section at the grocery store
>nearing the end of the day, a bunch of pastry we have is getting a bit too old to sell
>head off to the bathroom to rub one out
>finger my asshole a little because I'm a faggot
>don't wash my hands
>get back to work
>toss out the pastry
>no gloves
>nobody's gonna eat it anyway, right?

I can't stop masturbating to sissy videos

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Homeless but those aren't really people anymore so it doesn't matter

That’s kinda hot considering it’s a woman who works there who are extremely THICC

but do you drink it

i canceled a fully paid for trip just so i can take part in a "think outside the box" food challenge when on the list of the participants i saw the name of the man i once witnessed bullying his kid sister to tears - complete with physical abuse.

This was early 80s, I was 6 maybe, she was around my age, he was 18-19. Never forgot it. I will stop at nothing, im above nothing. haven't seen him in 30 years, he might be a saint now. I'm still going to fucking humiliate him.

i'm a thirsty, desperate bitch and will fuck anyone who offers
joke's on me because no one wants to fuck me

Probably because youre a fatass and bitchy

>I fap to Kay's
STOPPED reading right there

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I'd rather my roomate fuck my boyfriend behind my back than put her filthy dirty roastie herpes lips on my half and half


Thanks for reminding me, that was my breakfast every day over the summer. Micks can fucking eat a dick.

I put corn on my pizza


99% chance you’re fat

I'm pretty sure there are like 3+ Jiro posters on here

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I'd like to think at the beginning it was just one guy trying to force it Milhouse style.

at least post the correct unpopped version

I have eaten nothing but these for lunch for nearly 2 years running now

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I like Cincinnati style chili.

Skyline is god tier. Non Ohioan opinions need not apply

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Same, except it was just cucumber. I was gonna eat it but I kinda crushed it during the process. Sad

I guess they reached the stage where they're very comfortable with each other and doesn't care much about physical appearance.

Until his gf finds him unattractive and moves on to the next guy.

I fucking love McDonald's and if I could eat it every day of my life without gaining weight I absolutely would. Also SzeChaun sauce is good as fuck despite the Rick and Memey shit surrounding it.

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can you give me a quick rundown? subject matter doesn't interest me so I'm not watching it, spoil this whole thing please.

I cum on my wife's food before serving it to her. She doesn't know i do this.


You CAN eat there every day and lose weight. There was a documentary put out to btfo (((supersize me))) where the guy ate every meal there but ate under his TDEE and he lost weight

My boyfriend and I were planning to make doughnuts glazed with his jizz and feed it to his douchebag roommate

I think pepsi is better than coke but I still think thums up is the best.

I've been browsing Veeky Forums for over 10 years.

>I fap to kay's

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