Getting fucking ripped

Getting fucking ripped

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based 40poster

It's crazy how that McDonalds burger is probably fresh but also looks like it was in the fridge for 2 weeks

fuck yea man. have a good night!

crazy how nature do dat

The last time I drank that was 16 years ago, I drank two 40's then an unknown amount of vodka. Barebacked a woman (didn't even know the bitch) then puked on myself and fell asleep in said puke

Liar. You're obviously a virgin. A man who has enjoyed pussy has more respect for women than to call them "bitches."

hell yeah dude

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lol ok buddy

Damn, I remember PissPigGrandad.
Mad respect to that dude for telling Vice to fuck off.

Oh that's cool

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but virgins are literally the CHADs of this world
if you cant even resist your own desire you are the weakest

I'm a chad

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BRO you posted a McDonalds HAMburger. What is the significance of this? One hardly ever sees the white and brown rapper, why? Most people order cheeseburgers, almost NOBODY orders the HAMburger other than for kids meals.

You are one of a small club friend, the white and brown club. Most people are ordinary normies of the yellow and orange club.

7/10 "Too much fuzzy"

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If I went in to kiss you you'd spread your lips

I was raised Jewish so I'll never pay $.60 for cheese

Yo is that Queeblo!


nice unicomp

>one 40
>getting ripped
yeah right

i bought three for tonight

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you're gonna be permabanned from this board sooner rather than later

>tips fedora


>a faggot communist redditor
You don't belong here.

Holy shit literally end yourself now you retarded looking faggot


Watching fiddler on the roof

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50 ounces of Steel Reserve
and Hurricane t a l l b o i z.

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My 40oz stream is endless

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Enjoy that ban

fuck kinda animal is that supposed to be


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You look like Jerry Horne from twin peaks.

I am ashkenazi Jewish just like that actor

He's not a really handsome guy though, or a Chad as you put it.

You look like that one aunt that used to give books as presents when you had a birthday.

>shitting up Veeky Forums

Shadilay fellow kekistani