Don't you think it's time to update the big four, Veeky Forums?

Don't you think it's time to update the big four, Veeky Forums?

dead meme

infinite jest is not a meme

yeah, you are a meme

if nobody replies to your thread, let it die and make a better one

4 1 2 3

>he said to the mirror

which one is the recent addition? recall it was the big three

some people have been meming infinite jest

I prefer pic related.

The coc

>literary classic
>a meme



The memes that never get old ;)

>wrecks syracuse

Add the ego and its own to the list

I could get used to this one.

I like it how it is, though IJ could be replaced without much complaint from me if a suitable alternative were to be advanced.


Leave it as is

Is this your full time job?

Sometimes, but not recently.