Is any beer that comes in a twist cap bottle shit?


Attached: Starr_Hill_Pry_Off_Bottle_Cap-450x337.jpg (450x337, 47K)

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All caps are twist caps when you have strong hands.


no, and I'll also add that I believe that many shithouse beers have the pry off added to make it marketable as more exclusive. It's a throwback to a different time. Much like all beer in can used to be swill, but now most brewers acknowledge that it is the superior for many reasons.

also: huh? Best meme since keyboard cat tßh

Attached: coopers_best_extra_stout_375ml_bottles.png (321x473, 131K)

Whats the point with these caps?

Attached: 5D71DC23-B2DD-458E-8FEC-241C34B1818C.jpg (458x458, 27K)

To confuse the emrifat

so you can store your pee afterwards


it's german recycling

Yes, bud light

I love these kinds of tops. I wish Grolsch wasn't the only widely available one to have it.

>le ebin pop sound


Yes. Lots of them.

What's a keyboard cat tssh?

>Much like all beer in can used to be swill, but now most brewers acknowledge that it is the superior for many reasons.

Beer in a can used to be swill because the can was unlined and awful metal taste seeped into the brew.
The solution was to start lining the cans.

If the market really gave a shit about inconvenience as exclusivity than Churchkey beer would be the best selling beer in America.

Attached: Churchkey-Poured-into-a-Brewpublic-Glass.jpg (3264x2448, 1.07M)


You keep it and put it on your guitar

Based South Aussie

Huh? A lot of beers use twist offs.

I bought this beer once, fucking hell how disgusting it was. I'll drink most any stout but this is probably the only beer I have had to pour out.

If the bottle isn't threaded twisting won't give you any mechanical advantage. You clearly aren't very strong.

pee is stored in the balls

Don't see what the issue is.

Huh? OP isn't denying that fact.

cheap bottles for homebrew

Why is beer in a long-neck bottle so much better than cans or even short-neck bottles? What's the science behind that?

If you twist at an angle you should be able to open beers easy wimp.

Yuengling is delicious and is a twist off. You actually need specialized equipment and a bottle with a corkscrew pattern to utilize twist off caps. Pry-off bottles are much more common.

Same thing applies to coke. A friend once told me that some of the materials of the can or plastic bottle mix with the fluid but that does not happen with glass. Could be bullshit though.
Also litterally never had a beer with a twist cap. Is that a specific american thing?

keeps all the carbonation escaping and your beer becoming flat if you're having to put it away for a while

all that equipment is standard now in the industry and mass produced bottles are available for the same price twist or pop top

>Same thing applies to coke.
Only mexican coke, and only because they use cane sugar.
Same reason kosher coke tastes better than normal coke even though it's still in a plastic bottle.

>What's the science behind that?
glass will taste superior to can as there is no chance of chemical liners leeching into the contents

as for the style of bottle that is completely subjective
pour either into a mug and the beer taste identical

Cans have been lined since the 80's.

Look up Schlitz floaties if you don't believe me.

Yes. Take it from a European. Americans and their frail little hands need twist caps because they lack the motor skills to open a bottle on any edge/other bottle.

Looks nice, comfy to open, easy to reseal when your break is over and you return to blue collar work.

>Cans have been lined since the 80's.
I never said they weren't?
The canned beer being swill meme is a holdover from the '70s, when the cans were unlined.

This. Whenever I homebrew I grab these because they're 100x easier to fit and cheaper.
Plus the hipsters love them I guess.

its sacrilege to buy empty bottles when you could buy bottles with beer already in them and reuse them

Stick to your Guinness, kiddo.

Twist off is just convenient and even then only shit tier beers like bud light use twist caps. Even killians Irish red, a Wal-Mart tier beer uses traditional caps.
The truth is that twist-offs are just more expensive to produce. And the European beer brewers can't scrape together enough Euros or whatever the fuck to do it.

That guy's second point of twist-off caps being impractical for storage has, naturally, been omitted in favour of making fun of Europeans a.k.a. the inventors of beer and downplaying their brewing prowess.
Grow up, Chad'arius Lopez Johnson III


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Guinnes is a bit boring to drink regularly.

the OP image reminded me of Fallout NV

Fuck off bitch, you've outstayed your welcome here



HUH HUH HUH what are you, REEEEtarded?