Create some of the most profound writing of the 20th century

>create some of the most profound writing of the 20th century
>write the history of fascism as its happening
>create a model for fascist movements that has proven to be right every time
>revolutionize the fields of sociology, political science, and psychology

>forever remembered as those grumpy commies that hated everything

Has Veeky Forums dug into the based Frankfurt school yet? I just finished Dialectic of Enlightenment

Other urls found in this thread:

Enlightenment is great but the school in general is extremely over-rated Benjamin in particular is very hermeneutically limited.

Frankfurter Schule preached selfhate and german guilt what was thankfully picked up by marxist and leftist that used the tellings of frankfurter schule to agitate communism

citation needed


come on challenge me on that!

Ah yes, a meme.

Is this quote real. I googled it and all I get are quote sites, forums, and that pic, none which cite a source. What book?

kek you asked for citation there it is.

just google “long march through the institutions” retard

stop deflecting

The members of the Frankfurt School that had a strong literary formation and wrote about literature, Benjamin and Adorno, are very worth reading. On the other side, the rest of their crew produced some lackluster works with doubtful conclusions, Fromm, Marcuse with Eros and Civlization, One Dimensional Man and Critique of Pure Tolerance. Even Adorno shitted the bed with his laughable psychopathology on The Authoritarian Personality. Habermas and Honneth are just liberal jerks.

Are you jewish? Whites should not be praising the Frankfurt School, but exposing its jewish, anti-white origins.

Why are there still people not knowing that?! Its totaly obvious the frankfurter schule and the 68ties corrupted the whole western world.

They taught that modern capitalism is nothing but slavery and oppression, when, in fact, it enabled billions to enjoy a living standard and freedom never seen before.

>20th century leftists (and communists) utilized mass movements and institutions to realize their goals
Who would have thought? Did the right not do this? Is this not the goal of social and political movements in democracies everywhere? That quote is nowhere to be found though. There's one by Marcuse that's a lot less menacing, but that's it.

No we want the book and page where horkheimer said that.

>leftists (and communists)
Just call them what they are: jews.

critique /= blanket statement
I'd say obstinately ignoring the faults or potential for wrong in a system is closer to what you're describing. Yes we all know capitalism is better than dying at 29 from an infected tooth, but is that the only take away of your assessment?

Even if we cant find the exact origin nearly every author of the frankfurt school preached cultural marxism like in pic above.

Ah yes, the freedom to choose which way you want to become a wageslave.

>enjoy a living standard
It's pretty hard to enjoy your living standard when you're too busy and tired from slaving away for your corporate overlords.

Then don't work you whiney faggot

Define "cultural Marxism" for me, please.

papa adorno was right about literally everything

Every of these 11 objectives can for example be found in statements of german green party politicians who are all influenced by 68 and frankfurter schule

just see these 11 objectives

Why are some of these highlighted

why is habermas a cuck?

Nah I'd prefer a definition. Not vague boogeymanning.

what cite?

those are the ones they wanted to execute with the utmost severity. that's actually a photocopy of Adormo's personal writings found in the schools archives

A directed effort towards undermining the Capitalist Ideological State Apparatus towards a denial of the reproduction of the proletariat consciousness

What is, this: ?

>muh commie jew degenerate
>no capitalism bad u dumb
>noooo fuck u commi nneds to die!!!!
>nuh u racis dumb capitalist
Now that the kids have argued, what do the adults have to say concerning the historical trend of technological progress in an industrialised society?

Adorno simply chooses to ignore that sensible free market reforms transformed what was Europe’s most crisis-ridden nation (1900s and onward Germany) into one with the higher
We work less hours than ever and live longer than ever.
You can also opt not to work and will still enjoy a better standard of living than most of the human population through welfare. The system is so productive that we actually have a labor surplus all the time.

Note that I am talking form the perspective of Germany and of Germans only. This makes sense, since the Frankfurter School criticizes capitalism in Germany primarily.

>asserts claim
>cant find source
>asserts claim
>supports claim with another unverified source
When did you guys first realize this thing feeds itself?

>concerning the historical trend of technological progress in an industrialised society?

It happened.
What type fo stupid question is this

Okay I've fuckin had it. As an American, which country do I need to move to if I don't want to work?

That's the jew speaking to gentile definition.

The jew speaking to jew definition is the use of social divisions based on class, sex, and race, and the mobilization or weaponization of these atomized groups against the host white male population to promote jews to power and insulate them against the host white male backlash.

>As an American, which country do I need to move to if I don't want to work?

Either any European country or teach English in South East Asia

Yeah they mean the same thing, I just wanted to describe it to the leftcuck in a language he'll find "acceptable"

Germany is socialist by the US and UK right wing pov


Germany is a social market economy.

It has been a social market economy from the beginning. We never bought into Anglo trickle down memes.

This. I don't want to have to work. Why should I slave myself just so I can survive?

No it's not that you can't find the origin is that you are making it up.

Where are those 11 objectives quoted from? Give me the book and the page.

learn german and dig in german public discussion about 68tie studentrevolution. its common sense to see the connection between frankfurt school teachings, the march through institutions and the outcome of cultural marxism

You know I hate to even post this, but John Oliver did a segment on fake infographics awhile back


its common sense if you have spend an inordinate amount of time with that material. if you're coming to it as an outsider, who has not put in the hours of "research" it looks like nothing you have to say exists anywhere outside of those infographics and questionable sites that post these quotes from... where?

Oh, Oliver.

Adorno used the horrors of auschwitz to start a theory of german collective guilt that he wanted everybody to learn

de.wikiquote. org/wiki/Theodor_W._Adorno

Yep and this is by far the biggest flaw with the Frankfurt Schools analysis. They place the fault of Auschwitz on the entire Western project without ever considering that Jews themselves had any part in its fruition

Jews did the holocaust?

Jews were responsible for creating the social and economic conditions wherein people would feel inclined to want to kill them, though the results didn't happen the way you're told they did.

If you follow history trough an unbiased perspective, it's obvious how it was all a falseflag operation with the goal of creating the ultimate scapegoat (whites).

Turns out when you denegrate and subvert the Christian valaues and familial cohesion a Civilization was founded on in exchange for materialism nihilism people don't take it well

>Victim blaming

You're retarded if you believe jews were mere victims in this equation. When you get kicked out of 359 countries that means the problem lies with you.

Or that antisemitism has been around

Jews are and have been universally disliked because of their actions and behavior. They are not victims.

Didn't Germany get fucked with the war guilt clause (Article 231) by the Allied Anglos, have to pay reparations, and tank economically?

Or are you talking about something else, or did Jews do the war guilt clause, or what?

It has, justifiably

You are victim?

Yeah. Victim of brain amputation.

I was referring more to jews in Germany during the Weimar period who were destroying the nation from within, but there was also what you mentioned, which jews also played a considerable role in.

If we are to properly research the Frankfurt School, then people need to stop posting fake quotes. An actual 'anti-German' quote from Adorno is pic related:
"All that one has wanted for years has happened, the country trashed, millions of Hansjürgens and Utes [typically German names] dead"

This is the most accurate post in the thread. Adorno and Benjamin are worth reading even if you hate the left just for their beautiful writing and their brilliant engagement with art and literature. Fromm and Marcuse (and people like Norman O. Brown) are worth reading, but should not be taken too seriously. The Authoritarian Personality is interesting and influential, but also really stupid. Habermas is basically just Rawls.

This is the problem with Fascists and Nazbols. They get SO ASYMPTOTICALLY CLOSE TO CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS:

They see the military industrial complex

They see the oppression of the working class

They see the destruction of identity and tradition beneath the heel of international finance.

But instead of uniting against it for what it is, they united against it as a Jewish conspiracy, or the conspiracy of some other minority. And instead of implementing international worker alliances, they implement nationalist race-based cronyistic cabals that become even worse than their imagined Jewish menace.

Who do you agree with more Veeky Forums, Benjamin or Adorno?

>t. Dr. Goldsteinberg

Read Ellul.

What a sick and disgusting people. We can't get rid of them soon enough and I feel grateful to live in a time when mass consciousness of the jewish problem is reaching so many white people.

I'm honestly surprised you decided to go with a personal insult over a frog and reddit.

But that’s because they are cowards, shills. They are not against any of that, they just weaponize it to switch the blame onto others and be rewarded by the rich and powerful.

They are not honest, they are hijackers of leftist rethorics so that they can put it in service of the powerful. They are the ones who believe in nothing and are always for sale.

RACE is the most important thing to them. They don't care if the world is what it is, as long as its white men who run it, they're happy. They will defend anything they believe Jews have done if a white did it.

Everything you're saying is true but Jews are also a problem

Adornos style of writing is fascinating, but ultimately obscures what he actually wants to say. And his views on art are seldom comprehensible as well. He randomly associates some styles with fascism and others with Marxism.

>"All that one has wanted for years has happened, the country trashed, millions of Hansjürgens and Utes [typically German names] dead"

Yeah, thanks to Hitler and his followers. That's what he meant.

Gee these white guys are so self interested.
Its a good thing Jews could never have the same mindset

The fundamental error here is that it assumes people are mostly the same and that these problems are abstract manifestations, when people are different and work towards different interests, with the current problems being what they are because a foreign tribe has power over white countries and is exerting its interests at the expense of white people.

There is nothing more important and foundational to one's being than race. It informs everything about who we are.

>There is nothing more important and foundational to ones being than race.

They could, they might, some do. I don't reduce someones personhood to their race. The people who spread these antisemitic lies are not jewish, and they have a selfish reason for spreading them that does not suit your interests.

>There is nothing more important and foundational to one's being than race. It informs everything about who we are.

I'm a race realistic but I totally disagree with this. My issue with multiculturalism is exactly that we suddenly have to see ourselves in terms of race instead of the deeper aspects of who we are.
If minorities didn't congregate to lobby against whites 24/7 we wouldn't have to care about our race at all.

>It informs everything about who we are
Well then the white race is

>I don't reduce someones personhood to their race.

Too bad the Jewish religion does. Woe behold the Egyptians and the Philistines who get in the way of God's chosen

>It informs everything about who we are.

Ah, yeah. Breivik and Ed Sheeran are the same people inside, they're both white, after all.

Do everyone a favor and kys, /pol/yp.the white race (and every other race as well) will be grateful.

Your perspective is unrealistic. People are tribal and will congregate along tribal lines in a multicultural society. The only way to attain what you want -- which is an inherently white thing, i.e., a society based on abstract principles -- is in a homogeneous white nation. Non-whites don't think like that or organize societies based on that, only white people do.

So my answer to that is to help a charlatan in their career to the top? Why?

> The promotion of excessive drinking
literally just making shit up, lol

Andrew W.K. was part of the Frankfurt school.

Let me confess, I didn't have the stamina to read through a whole thread about jews and cultural marxism, but I did Cmd+F 'minima moralia' and nothing came up, so what the heck guys? You're not even trying. That book is just page after page of perfectly thought out, perfectly portrayed complexities of twentieth-century experience. Perfect in the dialectical sense though, he makes it possible to transcribe all the impossibilities of transcribing that experience.

Anyone a Fredric Jameson fan here? He's been my gateway into Adorno but also Barthes and Benjamin and all the goody good boys. He wrote a book specifically on Adorno, 'Late Marxism', but I was massively under-competent when I first tried to read it and probably still am.

I don't think that is real, but some of the backlashes against jews in eastern Europe resulted from jews monopolizing the liquor trade, paying people in liquor instead of money, and promoting a negative culture of drunkenness. This is what jews have done throughout the ages though: poison the culture and people they live among, promote bad social conditions, etc.

>Too bad the Jewish religion does
>It informs everything about who we are
So Jews are like Nazbols in this regard? Why the overlap in beliefs?

'The ideology of the Dionysian, so wholeheartedly accepted by the bourgeois consumer of Nietzsche as but one alternative mode, one appointment among others to be noted down on their daily schedule, has been rigorously disassociated from the dialectical complexities that intertwine it with its opposite pole. To take the lone Apollonian as cause and centre of excess, to take that bourgeois subjectivity that so strenuously seeks to lose itself in 'hedonistic excess', and re-conceive it in terms of in fact being orchestrated or managed by that most classically bourgeois-Apollonian of figures, the maestro or genius conductor, is this not what is dramatised in the productions of Andrew W.K.?'
- Theodor W. Adorno, "Unpublished Notes on Music"

This is exactly the kind of complexity and perspective that Adorno strove for all his life. He would be so proud of the level of thinking going on in this thread.

>oppression of the working class
They choose to believe lies.

Two competitors in the race war.

Stop giving this guy more credit than he deserves. Adorno was a vengeful jew who fit the subversive kike archetype like a glove. His ideas have been harmful to whites as intended and he should be held up as a prime example of why the removal of jews from white nations has become a necessary action we must take.

I don't really get it anymore, are these ironic /pol/tards who just pretend to be retarded? I have trouble believing people can have this bad reading comprehension