How is he so talented?

How is he so talented?

Born with a good brain and an aptitude for work ethic.

Just got bleeding edge from my girlfriend. P good so far

It's the autism OP

>tfw born with a bad brain and lack work ethic

Don't feel bad user, this is pretty much 97% of the western population. It's natural to be a dummy with no fire under their ass. This is why foreigners are taking all of our high paying jobs. Just live your life the best you can.

Lads, how well versed do I have to be in Marriage history to enjoy M&D?

Murrican* history obviously

Curious, STEM and English educated, cultured and vison-cram'd!

How can I overcome myself?

That's a loaded question

Un-load it then, smartpants

Read his essay in Slow Learner about developing as a writer. He read a whole lot, was sensitive to a whole lot, and was growing up in a time when there was a whole lot to read and be sensitive to.

It's called maturity, acceptance of yourself, and humility before others.

How to into maturity

he was part of the university LSD trials and then worked on deep state engineering projects

Being over the age of 26. Having lots of social contact and experience with others outside of the internet, especially with people who are more remarkable than you.

Really I think you should know that the answer is multi-faceted. Every man matures at different paces and some don't even mature at all, but they stick out like a sore thumb.

>maturity comes with age

what a fucking meme

For most people it does, and even people who are mature for a young age don't realize how much more they have in store for them.

And by age I mean life experience, if you live to 40 in your moms basement you will not mature at all.

He's an old stock WASP breeding experiment to create the perfect writer.
This is alluded to in Gravity's Rainbow, it's no coincidence.

I believe it.

He was one of those genetically engineered super rats that escaped from NIHM.

*shit. NIMH*
can't even shitpost properly anymore

Hmm, I didn't know there was such a essay in that. I will read Slow Learner. I really liked Entropy.

I like yr theory

work ethic, constant thinking, constant observing and researching, obsession, love of craft, the stars aligning to make a special one

your girlfriend is cooler than you

>This is alluded to in Gravity's Rainbow, it's no coincidence.

in one of his self inserted persona

"Thomas Pynchon" does not exist. There is a Thomas Pynchon, but Thomas Pynchon the author is a Thomas Psy-Op. CIA through and through.

closer to the truth

There's more truth in this than you know. People should read more globalist books. Charles Galton Darwin, Jonas Salk, Bertrand Russell, etc. They talk openly about the failures of past attempts at genetically engineering (through breeding programs) aristocracies. E.g. Ptolemaic Egypt, Teutonic royalty, National Socialist Germany, USSR, etc. They talk openly about their plans for the future. They believe that the morlocks and eloi are inevitable, and are working to make it a reality.

>They believe that the morlocks and eloi are inevitable, and are working to make it a reality.
Please explain this

I'm following his footsteps. Dropped out of STEM degree, joining the Navy, gonna go to Columbia for English then live in Mexico and California to write the greatest novel the world has ever seen!

Whoops I mean Cornell. I'm such a trickster : o )

all gfs are cooler than their bfs

in fact they're cold as hell

>gfs are cooler
define cooler

they can turn kings in to beggars and beggars in to kings by moderating the access to their vagina

Are they related?

This x 1000. There is no such thing as a "Thomas Pynchon." It's a pseudonym.

There is, however, a Bill Murray. He is real.

>joining the Navy

How the fuck do I understand pynchon's delirious prose? Help a brainlet here, Veeky Forums.

Is not that hard. If you read it too slow it will not make sense.