What's so bad about ideology?

What's so bad about ideology?

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Nothing as long as you agree with me.

"it goes unrecognized" is probably the most efficient and accurate answer so long as we ignore the fact that it's inaccurate to portray Zizek as efficient

What's the alternative though? Being completely passive and cynical and paralyzed and having no strong conviction in anything?

nice get

the alternative is being ignorant enough to think you aren't within an ideology, you're running really far ahead. Just watch the opening scenes to the pervert's guide to ideology, up to the "I ALREADY AM EATING OUT OF THE TRASH CAN ALL THE TIME" part.

You're misunderstanding what ideology is in Zizeks terms. Its not individual schools of thought like Capitalism, Socialism etc. Rather its like the radio static background from which we announce such views. The underlying sense of "official reality" in any given society that is impossible to grasp directly but yet underlies every other expression.
This is why we can not "escape" ideology since it is always there but we can become aware of it and in that way find ways of overcoming its limitations on truth.

Zizek is just another postmodernist who is skeptical towards all integral frameworks because of the retarded modernist adults that nurtured him in their shitpile.

Zizek isn't a post-modernist

I disagree. He is full of fluff and skepticism as much as all the others. Seems like a suitable enough classification.

Not an argument

His staunch objection to capitalism essentially places him in the category of the postmodernists, as postmodernism is essentially a reaction to modernism, which was one result of the growth of capitalism in the west, namely a (failed) effort towards abandoning traditions in order to adapt to the new demands of the modern capitalist urbanized society. Postmodernism is a skepticism born from that failed effort of incomplete abortive movements.

blah blah blah wheres the stuff about the jews

that's what im here for

nah we just follow my post-modern self-aware ideology of praising kek

>His staunch objection to capitalism essentially places him in the category of the postmodernists

What, no. God you're a fucking retard

Does having a set of principles mean you are an ideologue?

He also criticizes its ideological foundation and the effects it produces as being a cynical self-sustaining loop, i.e., he downplays its productivity and THIS reason for why the west adopted capitalism as its primary system, in favor of his own flavor of skepticism towards it.

What if I told you you can be interested in politics without going to Reddit / /pol/ and making memes about righties / lefties?

Also checked

The intellectual dishonesty that follows it. Ideologues are monomaniacs. I remember when I was a Christian, I was thinking about God all the time. It was like my mind was frozen on this one thought and everything I heard or read I tried to build into my godly monomaniacal world. Oh and I thought it was a good thing too, "giving my whole life to God". LOL, I was the kind of person that would blow themselves up for Allah, had I been born in kebab world. Zizek is right, if there is a God, everything is allowed, cause people would do anything in his name.
Also, youtube.com/watch?v=xL13Ptrfsns
Stirner saved me

Information (environment) + gene expression
Everyone has it
Read Predisposed

>when I was a Christian, I was thinking about God all the time
>if there is a God, everything is allowed, cause people would do anything in his name
none of this makes sense at all. Sounds like you went to a brainlet church and were then talked out of it by brainlet athiests

uh, I'm pretty sure salvation is a phantasm

No he doesn't. Stop being stupid

here: youtube.com/watch?v=NHWDRTKLyek

>to criticise capitalism is postmodernist
this better be some meta ironic shitposting lad

Total bullshit.

It is postmodernist if it's just a description of the evils of capitalism and it isn't sustained by at least some sort of sense about where should be headed. Most post-modernists doesn't provide anything substancial to answer the question "then what?", and Zizek is a prominent example of that sort of post-modern thinker.

>inherently postmodernist


He never claimed to be one :^)

And yes, Foucault was a post-modernist. Do you have any arguments to counter that?

What this guy said >It is postmodernist if it's just a description of the evils of capitalism and it isn't sustained by at least some sort of sense about where should be headed.

It makes sense because "postmodernism" is a reaction to "modernism" which was fueled entirely by the social changes being pushed forward by the growing adoption of capitalism.

What's up with all of the Zizcucks on this board?

Zizek is /our guy/ reddit