Tfw I’m about to lose my mind due to crippling loneliness and fear of what the future holds

>tfw I’m about to lose my mind due to crippling loneliness and fear of what the future holds
Can any book save me?


If you're lonely you need to leave your house. Not NEET-shaming either. Sharing physical space with others will do more for you than a book.

I do go outside everyone just ignores me

That's a good start. Next just come up with a stupid in to talk to people. Buy a leash and ask cute girls if they seen your dog. See if they want to help you look for it then break down crying when you realize you might not ever find him then enjoy the comfort sex.

You are a disgusting person.

The fuck is your problem

That sound manipulative af. Are you kill them after having sex?

How is it manipulative, what if I actually did lose my dog, then its suddenly OK? What difference does it make if the dog doesn't exist

Lies are unchill. Perhaps if you never state that you’ve lost s dog and only look distraught the ethical implications are different

How so? No one would even care about you losing that fucking dog.

Yes, I #hateit when #sexistmen make their disgusting jokes. We have to #smashthepatriarchy. Grrrlpower! You think it's offensive? #metoo #jokescanbeaformofsexualassaulttoo. How dare this sexist pig make such a traumatizing joke which triggers my PTSD from this time a man looked at me. #imwithher

The difference in demonstration of character traits. Keep telling yourself people don't mind being with someone deceptive, manipulative, untrustworthy.

It’s a morally bankrupt move. Your gripes with Twitter feminism have nothing to do with it

dude... do you know where you are?

do you know what he guys who wrote all your fav books were like???


lmao, you sound like Kashiwagi from the Temple of the Golden Pavillion

wheel of time

>Girl wears makeup
>perfectly acceptable
>Guy tells a white guy

*white lie

Those traits are minded by people, but are you implying that someone desperate to find physical love and thus lies about it - a petty lie that hurts no one - is committing some grave ethical mistake?

>Physical appearance is basically synonymous with ethical character
I'd genuinely be concerned about encountering someone this sociopathic in real life

I'd say physical appearance is more important. This can be a minor indiscretion but your face is for life

Unironically read The Stranger

spotted the dyke

I like you

>shooting an Arab
Fukin baste XD

The Koran

I was giving op genuine rec based on his expressed existential dread in an absurd world. Please refrain from shit posting thanks

The Stranger has absolutely nothing to do with loneliness or dread.

Yeah its like the opposite, Merseault is actively missing something to give a shit about

>be me
>buy dog leash and walk around town asking qts if they've seen my (non-existent) dog
>FINALLY get one who offers to help look
>says she'll help me look again next week
>we spend some time texting
>pussy out about crying in front of her over the dog
>tell her i found it
>she asks if she can come meet it
>sure! :)
>realise what i've done
>buy a dog
>she cancels at the last minute
>stops responding to my texts
>3 years later i still have a dog
>never got her spayed
>dog gets out one spring, comes back with gunk around her end
>mfw the dog is having more sex than me

reddit tier, not funny

The character meursault doesn't struggle with this, but his life is empty as a result. He's reduced to nothing more than an observer in his own life.
Camus himself intended The Myth of Sisyphus to be a companion piece, and I'd recommend that if it weren't a much less enjoyable read.
The story is absolutely about an absurd man in an absurd world, you shouldn't need it spelled out just because the protagonist never explicitly explains this to the audience

>you still lie on the groud crying about your imaginery dog
>she left long ago and cuddles with her boyfriend at home

What does it feel like to be lonely? I've been alone for most of my life but I've never been lonely. I'd really like to know...

Also, what do you expect will happen when you're around other people? Maybe you just need to manage your expectations better, company is almost always a burdensome thing.

Its a constant knawing impatience for any recongition. Like hunger, the longer it goes on the more desperate you feel for it to be sustained and the more willing you become to question and sacrifice your values, ethics, dignity and sense of certainty once it eventually gets you feel like you need.
Eventually when you do get any small contact it only drives your frustration further, like if you were dying of thirst and could feel feint drops of water. It accelerates the decline and a decline it is, loneliness is a self promoting spiral where you begin to resent people for your dependence on them to give you what you need and their refusal to comply and resent yourself for your own resentment. Eventually something breaks, usually within you.

The bible.

more particularly the new testament. Old testament merely provides the foundation in which Jesus comes to fulfill in the highest degree. In otherwords, to explain the meaning behind the old testament laws and to do away with blind tradition of the elders

where my social anxiety niggas at?

This is your brain on nihilism