Nassim Nicholas Taleb

>Nassim Nicholas Taleb

This man is a good man and I like his books very much.

Other urls found in this thread:

i hate him because he's not white

I... I really hope those girls are of age because goddamn they're cute.

>that cutie in the middle

you must not come from an asian country. I would say their mean age is between twenty five and thirty.

no he cant' recognize secondary sexual characteristics because most hue-mans are bad stock and wouldn't survive in a tribal, primitive setting at all. You can always tell how old a woman is by the morphology of her face, the width of her hips, facial texture, hair length, deadness of the eyes etc. I can't imagine thinking for a second those weren't college or grad students at the least. But, then again there is a pedophilia epidemic on the internet so who am i to judge bugs

/r/ing The Rock taxi meme where Taleb insists he's not arab

One of the few "public intellectuals" who's work is actually worth reading.

You can skip his aphorisms book though, it's a pretentious cash grab for his most cultish devotees

I thought some of them were good. His flaw is that he's such a hardass practical business guy that he doesn't have much of an ear for the poetic.

here you go

please enjoy my OC too



I got caught in the shitstorm earlier this year between Mary Beard and Taleb. They both ended up getting mad at me online lmao. Deleted my twitter account but it was wild how you can cyber bully Oxford academics while taking a shit



This is one of Taleb's big problems. His often stupid persona on Twitter with it's many idiotic true believers.

I love the guys work, but man does he have some moronic fans

Is it his problem though?

Man. Imagine having Taleb as a teacher.

>fat tails


If he's a half-decent writer he likely isn't a semitic arab.