So why does nobody seem to talk about this one?

So why does nobody seem to talk about this one?

I try to. It's underrated though it has its issues. First 100 pages are so are great but then it goes in a less interesting direction.

Because this place is devoid of people who read, especially those who read Pynchon.

Because when someone reads Pynchon, they generally read one of his best known works: Gravity's Rainbow, V., Mason & Dixon or The Crying of Lot 49. After doing so they quickly find out that Pynchon is an awful writer.

I have my gripes about pynchon, but bad writer isn't one, and one I don't think holds up.

I don't know, I kinda liked it. Had a comfy feel to it...

currently reading V. I want to read Vineland eventually though, seems really interesting.

>read muh light in the darkness that is contemporary culture
>forced happy ending

I didn't like it very much so I don't post about it.

Why don't you?

>starts off with divorced Homer being wacky
>most of the book is actually about Lisa and The Bride from Kill Bill trying to find a parasite of a woman

This, it's just too much of Pynchon's traitorous girlfriend stuff and not enough of his everything else, even though it's there

Veeky Forums doesn't talk about many books anymore

This was my first Pynchon, read it cover to cover in the Bulldog coffeeshop in Amsterdam when I was chilling out after graduating in 1991 (yeah: dude, weed). Still one of my favorite books - a good appetizer for the weightier stuff I was going to discover later.

People thought they were getting Mason & Dixon. Instead they got this and they unfairly dismissed it.

Read this, read IJ.
Zoyd, Prairie, Brock Vond, Frenesi all ingrained on my brain.
Can barely name a character from IJ.

I'm reading V. right now too, though I've put it down for a while after slogging my way through Mondaugen's Story while feeling dumb for not understanding most of what was going on. Inspire me to pick it back up.

>he weightier stuff I was going to discover later.

like what

I felt the same way user... I'm maybe a hundred pages ahead of you right now and I can say that there's some more parts like that ahead. But the scene with Profane and The Whole Sick Crew make things worth it. It's so fun. I think I will finish it in the next few days hopefully.

how can you read all of IJ and not remember a single character. I'll just name a few from memory right now:

Hal Incandenza
Orin Incandenza
Jim Incandenza
Mario Incandenza
Don Gately

Vineland was published before Mason & Dixson

it's the one everyone remembers to forget.


god i made these exact connections man lol its like these things write themselves
