Which country on earth has the most Veeky Forums population?

Which country on earth has the most Veeky Forums population?

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everyone is equally retarded

Per capita? Probably a small country like Belgium or Israel if you remove the Arabs.

Total? America or China from sheer size

definitely not any Scandinavian country.
everyone here only talks about Game of Thones and Marvel series



>or Israel if you remove the Arabs.

Implying that the Jews of Israel are similar to the european/american Ashkenazi Jews in culture.

You must be jewish I guess.

I remember someone posting that in Japan they had a huge boner for Western literature post-WW2 and it wasn't uncommon for normal people to talk about Dosto and shit.
Not sure if they're still like that at all.

>It's another "different types of Jews try to argue that they're different when we just want all of you to fuck off regardless" thread

From Belgium, from a town that is half owned by university. Nobody reads anything except required reading.

Can you frogfaggots and neo-Nazis stop shitting up every thread

Switzerland or Ireland?

step outside, chaim, and take a deep breath of that sweet occupied territory air

le redpill

>facebook filename

i dont care about that cringe shit, i just hate jews

It's Iceland. There are five books published each year per every 1000 Icelanders--over the course of their lives, 1/10 Icelanders will publish a book.

If this is the case, then "the most Veeky Forums population" doesn't mean much, I can assure you.

Resenting the smartest, most successful, and most bullied race IS cringe shit

>racial nepotism
>persecution complex

France probably. I'd be more confident if it were 2 decades ago, but there is still an engrained lit culture in academia. The countries that read the most in Europe are France, Sweden, and Czech republic.

What kind of books do French people like reading?

ones in French

No shit

>Nigerians are equally retarded as Swiss

>objective fact confirmed by every study of IQ and race ever completed
>goyish envy
>more resentment

>I haven't read Culture of Critique: The Post
Nu-Veeky Forums fuck off reeeeeeeeee

I don't even have a facebook, nice try though

Probably Russia

Ireland has most literary nobel laureates per capita so them?

Rest assured, the average French “”intellectual”” is reading typical middlebrow Camus ripoffs, it’s nothing mind blowing.

St. Lucia? Iceland?


Non meme countries


Canadas prime minister has RPO on his recommended books list.

Russia, eastern europe in general

Is it still lit post-soviet?


>poorly sampled
>Fellow goyim, we-
I'm not a liberal, so how can I 'resent' not seeing myself as an eternal victim?



> Sweden

Nobody reads here.


I second this.

I'm french, people don't read they don't car about books except for some celebrities who wrote lame autobiography

>During the dying days of the Soviet Union Vyacheslav was a 29-year-old prosecutor in the Smolensk region of Russia and, by his own admission, had almost God-like powers over the locals.
>One day, overcome with boredom, he stabbed to death two women he barely knew because he wanted to know how it felt to kill.
>"I took a knife, killed a book-keeper and a cashier and stole their money. I didn't need the money, but I needed to feel again. I was bored with my life. You've read Dostoyevsky? Maybe you understand," said Vyacheslav, now a 46-year-old balding man with a squint and wire-rimmed glasses.
>Vyacheslav was sentenced to death. The day he was to be shot by firing squad a prison official came to the execution cell and told him his life would be spared. Russia had decided to instate a moratorium on all executions.
>He said: "I expected the executioner and instead Jesus Christ came. Since then I have prayed to God every day. I thank Him for the sun, the sky, life and our bread."


But you do. You resent the success an power of the Jew and judge him as morally wicked and yourself as morally virtuous. A false image which will always cloud your ability to understand the Jew and more importantly yourself.

This. Per capita, Iceland also has the most nobel prize winners, just due to Halldor Laxness winning it

heh...It's the rootless transnational elite who are the most Veeky Forums sweetie

It isn't England. Scotland is better Veeky Forums, especially Edinburgh and highlands and islands. (English btw).

>implying American Jews are anything like European Jews in culture

You must be American. Did you buy that Gucci Kippah for your wife? How do her friends like it when she wears it to your reform synagogue? How much does your rabbi ask per month to provide jew-identity feefees? Did you “”convert,”” user? How much was it?

Back to /pol/ please

Russia seems to have the most Veeky Forums violence.

That’s still miles above the usual celebtrash and genre fiction bullshit.

I’m only bashing the bitchmade Jews of the US. I’m pretty fucking far from being a retarded /pol/ack antisemite.

Why wouldn't it be, it was Veeky Forums pre-soviet