Marshall McLuhan’s marginalia in his copy of Finnegans Wake

>Marshall McLuhan’s marginalia in his copy of Finnegans Wake

Smart people write in their books

>pages 6 and 7
Heh, I wonder how many annotations there on page 100 or 200

Here you go

>David Foster Wallace's Finnegans Wake

Is this ok?

I need to start doing this. I have this thing where I don't want to hurt my books.

>People who can afford more than one copy of a book write in their book


It's not DFW's and it's a fucking Robert Mitchum autobiography

stop falling for this. DFW is far too pea-brained for Joyce

Well that blew me the fuck out then I guess

Peddle your conspiracy theories elsewhere brain man.

you can literally see that it's not Joyce

I was happy to see that Melville was reading Schopenhauer on that marginalia website


more evidence that macluhan was the definition of a pseud

>EOM = grandaddy of all rogues

what did he mean by this


writing notes in finnegan's wake? give me a fucking break, of course DFW would do the same, which reinforces my point, look at his notes, what are the points of those notes? it's crap



There's a certain something about writing in a book that just makes me think these people can only read instrumentally, as though their engagement on the margins either is a show of how they'll use it for their purposes or even worse, becomes a random graffiti. I can understand the instrumental part of writing in the book, but for me at least, it shows that the person is not focused on the text but is more focused on how their understanding of the text is important. It's not necessarily wrong to me, but if something is worthy of thought it worth it to copy out of the book and then engage with it. I'd rather persevere the sanity of the book I guess, as fuzzy feeling as that sounds.

And also, I collect used books and have a fit every time I come across someone's stupid comments or underlining. Sometimes it's entertaining in itself, but mostly it makes me want to hit the original reader with the book until they lose their ability to read.

now i have not read finnegans wake, but sampling the text in the pics it seems stream of consciousness and so best read stream of consciousness, trying to pick apart every syllable seems to miss the point, it's actually very readable although a bit wacky

>I was happy to see that Melville was reading Schopenhauer on that marginalia website

This pleases me greatly.

i haven't yet read finnegan's wake either, but knowing what i do about people and their pretensions (and their average IQs lolamiright), your words ring true

You're all Donny on this one, way the fuck out of your elements, stick to declarative fuckery

You guys have never seriously delved into a book before in your life, nor have made any real progress in fashioning a work that'll prove useful for others.
Writing in the margins trains readers to distill their notation into a laconic phrase, symbol, or word that will facilitate a neurological pathway's becoming much quicker. This proves extremely useful in multiple readings, as readers can demarcate their previous progress, and compare their previous thoughts with the ones they have on their second way through. This trains a reader's ability to notice intertexuality as well.

You're not above people who've been published. You're not above brain function. You're fucking idiots who scan the page, fail to notice things, and pretend you're retaining anything.

Grow up.

this guy gets it

>Smart people write in their books
Thomas Jefferson didn't

is it really hard for you to concede that people are smarter than you? why do you think it's right to call things you don't understand 'crap'?

>reading Finnegans Wake

The medium is the massage haha, such a genius.

Fucking hack.

Thomas Jefferson raped his slaves.

The funny part is that he clearly didn't understand what he was reading.

Why do you need to act like a bitch? McLuhan was a very competent reader of Joyce, it's well known.

You're honestly just mad because hipsters know McLuhan. The girl you like probably fucked some crypto-Chad who spewed about him on FB.

Grow up.
