Hi, Im Rupi Kaur, Im a famous poet

Hi, Im Rupi Kaur, Im a famous poet.
Because before I tossed sad buzzwords together in a retard appeasing blender I was instagram famous.
For those unaware, that means that a bunch of teen girls were so disinterested in the real world around them so they latched onto me for a glimpse of what their lives could be if they weren't pathetic wasters.
I used this fame to spring into the literary world, thanks to the fact Im female and not white, all criticism can be simply swatted away with words like "honest", "brave" and "inclusive"

>Im a fucking charlatan

Do you think she licked her ex-boyfriends asshole?
Do you think thats why she's so mad now
I think so

She is famous because her Instagram post about her bloody vagina was censured. That's all.

wow OP that's a really insightful and fresh satire of her well done i definitely am better off for having see your thoughts

Given the very real popularity of Instagram poems of her type, it was inevitable that someone was going to get famous publishing a collection. She's not a charlatan, she's just a bad poet.

Shes praised as this incredible voice for the oppressed and for women's issues and whatnot
But she just writes "relatable" platitudes

yes, she sucks at poetry
but what is she to you? do you at least consider the possibility that there's something wrong with you, not her, if the mere mention of her name triggers you?
it's likely that some small portion of her fans -
people who probably don't know about poetry - are inspired to look up other poets. and if even just a handful of them end up discovering an appreciation for more mature poetry, her work on this earth will be done.

Praised by other people like her. Idiots. All of them. Why do you care? Let them subsist in their shit. What does getting angry and smoldering over her 15 minutes of fame do? Are you upset that stupid people exist? And latch on to other stupid people? Because they have always existed.

>She introduces young girls to shitty poetry
>They start admiring poetry
>I come along with honed pretensious pseudry to fill the gap in their life and body
I see no problem

>Shes praised as this incredible voice for the oppressed and for women's issues and whatnot
By whom? I don't think any serious critic has given her praise. She's a shallow writer who receives praise from shallow people. That's really it.

>implying they start admiring poetry
>implying they'll ever want to "move on"
>implying they'll care what some limpwrist dork has to say

>I don't think any serious critic has given her praise.

Who is a serious critic anymore?
This is part of the problem, the old gatekeepers of quality assessment have become meaningless, attention is the only form of recognition that matters anymore.

>cute brown girl complains about white men but fucks white men exclusively

Worst meme tho

i like devouring weak intellects, she’s one of them. ergo, she deserves consumption and annihilation. there’s nothing else to prove or talk about. you’re being sensitive about it because she’s emblematic of female consciousness and non-whyte “””artists””” as a whole


She literally looks like a rodent

A real cutie!

the guardian likes her

I don't know if the guardian hires serious critics

I'm going to assume not.

Really depends on who specifically said it.

If people who write for the guardian aren't serious critics then who is?
Am I a serious critic?

It makes sense tho. I'd be more inclined to complain about someone I was fucking than someone I wasn't fucking, what with familiarity breeding contempt and all that. If I wasn't fucking anybody I'd bitch about that incessantly. Can't separate bitching from fucking, m8.

I think you're onto something mate

>devouring weak intellects
but all you're actually doing is sharing an opinion which most people on this thread probably already agree with
>sensitive about it because she’s emblematic
if anything, her progresive bonafides make it easier for me to empathize with what you're saying. and i would make the same comment if you had chosen to express such views about some hypothetical neo-fascist "poet".
maybe i'm just old, but it bothers me to see an intelligent person taking the lazy route.


its not lazy, being able to judge if people are stupid or have no merit quickly is a part of having a normal functioning discriminatory faculty. The fact that anyone even bothers with half the threads, posts or authors talked about on here or twitter astounds me. And I'd actually love to see an equally vapid neo-fascist poet, just for parity's sake

>the only kind of poetry Veeky Forums is willing to discuss is Rupi Kaur only so they can complain about it

I want her career to crash and burn, to call her a hack at every turn, to take every opportunity to talk shit

but she makes so much more money than me in the literary world and is younger than me. as long as she keeps renewing her feminist vows and producing shlock at a semi-regular pace, her voice will be considered important for at least a decade. I'm sitting here on Veeky Forums. fuck

So basically you're projecting your failure to gain popularity and disguising it under the premise that you genuinely care about younger people recognizing the difference between shitty contemporary and actually well-written poetry? Got it.

no shit
the majority posters here are in high school or community college
poetry is gay and reading is for fags

Favorite Rilke poem?
>hard mode: not "Archaic Torso of Apollo"

Sonette an Orpheus: Zweiter Teil; Erstes Sonett.

Loos are so ugly.

Orpheus.Euridike.Hermes ihr Trottel

You are wrong. Plenty of cute loos. Rupi is prime poo. I would literally lick the streets of Mumbai clean for a chance to perform an elaborate bollywood dance number with a girl as cute and talented as she is.

That's because you're degenerate scum.

>dilettante detected
You can always tell who's uninitiated by whoever thinks the whole structure is one amorphous entity. Serious critics publish in university presses or journals and speak at MLA conventions. Occasionally some of them get mainstream popular and published in the New Yorker or something, like Louis Menand. Beside that, they're unconnected and unlisted. They exist, but you have to work to find them. Also, none of them are talking about rupee.

I went to university with an edgelord neopagan Stormfronter who wore finger jewelry. For our creative writing class he wrote a poem about "Thor's Hammer." I told him it was a good poem (it wasn't) and that he should use the hammer's name somewhere (Mjolnir) and spelled it out for him. The next week we read out poems for the class and he stumbled over the pronunciation of that word. He later got chewed out by the professor for having posted the poem on Stormfront. (I guess whatever was the early 2000s version of Copyscrape picked it up.) Good memories. Anyway I'm a conservative Christian and I don't mean to put down right wingers, but the far left and the far right are equally retarded, and it scares me that a poem as bad as or worse than my classmate has fame and fortune just for being a postergirl for the left. I know that the modernist political orthodoxies are completely divorced from any concept of genuine merit but seeing them exercise this aesthetic nihilism in power is a chilling reminder of the existence of Satan and the power he holds over the minds of the wicked.

"Rupi Kaur---a chilling reminder of the existence of Satan and the power he holds over the minds of the wicked."

Feel free to repost that in Goodreads reviews.

>being able to judge if people are stupid or have no merit
Auden says one should not waste one's time with attacking bad writers. It's poor form to state the obvious.
>the fact that anyone even bothers with half the authors talked about on here or twitter
You are one of those people. Just by taking time out of your day to criticize bad writers, you are one of the people consuming their work and talking about it. Think about that before posting another b8 thread.

Someone please post the Kaur-pic with an unflattering image of a female musician.

Shit poetry and literature will always be popular to some extent, that's not what necessarily bothers me the most.

What surprises me is the lack of self-awareness of her fans well into their 20s and dare I say early 30s. This self-indulgent narcissistic melancholy and self-victimisation used to be frowned upon(and rightfully so) in my circles as a teenager.

How can adults seriously respond to this? Is it a pandemic of screechy arrested development?

Der Panther
Der Leser
tbqhwyf, they're better if you know german

>browses Veeky Forums
>surprised about "screechy arrested development" into one's late 20's


Yes, but at least here it's balanced by some self-awareness and well deserved self-hate. Narcissism and self-victimisation are the ethos of very few particular boards.


>the guardian

>You know why she's really famous? Veeky Forums reactionaries can't shut up about how much they hate her. Just like Anita Sarkeesian, or Donald Trump for the liberals, your hatred fuels her continual success.

This salt

>Serious critics publish in university presses or journals and speak at MLA conventions.

Yeah but who gives a shit if no one pays any attention to them

why are you making shitty threads like these for the 100th time instead of sending your "brilliant novel" to publishers under the pen name Tyrone Robinson?

Just because you're a pleb and most other people are plebs doesn't mean everyone is a pleb. That's the definition of pleb, you pleb.

Nothing you said has anything directly to do with the quality of their criticism, what if the academics are all just pseud plebs posturing (hint: this is the case)

Who cares? She's hott


An extremely normal thing to do is defend rupi kuar on Veeky Forums dot org

She's pretty average looking in my opinion.

i would fuck her, give her herpes, and let her write about it.

I'm guessing you watch a lot of anime.

no she's not, that's lighting, her face is turned purposefully to hide her bad bone structure, she's caked in makeup and had her hair done. She's repulsive.

non-whites can't be attractive tbqhwyrn

No, I'm Canadian and girls like Rupi are a dime a dozen here. Even in her professionally staged photos she looks average.

She looks like a horse that's been in a car accident m8, I don't want no bojack-after-a-bad-night-out looking girl.

it burns
when i pee

just like

>i don't understand why other people feel the way they do
>they should act more like me
who's the narcissist again?

this awkward looking hack of a poet (your words, not mine) has figured out how to wield language more effectively than most posters in this thread ever will

I have as much disdain for op as anyone else itt, but rupi is not an "effective" wielder of language. She's an entry tier tumblr tier poet.

Are there any good poetry IGs?

She's effective at selling books to teenage girls, I'll give her that.

>entry tier tumblr tier poet
she's tumblr tier, and i wouldn't even call her a poet in the sense of someone who his skilled in the aesthetic synthesis of semantics and phonology, but somehow she clearly expresses feelings that deeply resonate with certain people. i don't see why this is bad.
i think some of you need to go camping somewhere quiet for a couple days and get away from the social media sphere for a bit...

>who's the narcissist again?

Pointing out a set of character flaws does not imply that I want them to "act like me". Even if it did in this restrained context, narcissism doesn't follow.

point taken.
but what basis do you have to ascribe all the negative traits you listed to someone simply on the basis of their buying a book of prose edited to look like poetry?
do you deny that people suffer, and that seeing their suffering verbalized in ways they are unable to (should we also complain about the unwashed masses being brainlets..?) can be incredibly cathartic for them? do you deny that it is useful, sometimes even necessary, to come to terms with one's emotions?
allow others their small victories user.

>but what basis do you have to ascribe all the negative traits you listed to someone simply on the basis of their buying a book of prose edited to look like poetry?
The conceptual content of said poetry/prose which is almost exclusively self-indulgent victimisation. I won't discuss examples because I have better things to do.
>do you deny that people suffer, and that seeing their suffering verbalized in ways they are unable to (should we also complain about the unwashed masses being brainlets..?) can be incredibly cathartic for them? do you deny that it is useful, sometimes even necessary, to come to terms with one's emotions?
I don't deny that people suffer, I do however, make a distinction between types of suffering. And for this type of suffering which in my view is narcissistic self-pity derived from unquestioned self-victimisation, I would argue that the effect isn't catharsis. Quite the contrary.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "allowing victories" mate. The fact that her book was commercially successful? Rest assured, I'm allowing it. I'm merely questioning it. My diagnosis of the kind of temperament that responds to this type of content is acceptable at some developmental point in one's life, hell, we've all been teenagers. What worries me is that adults en masse seem to be having the same emotional profile, hence my reaction.

The Third Elegy

Why does the U.K. Have a sweet spot for hot Indian girls? It's like a secret they're keeping

Bonus points for muslim. I refuse to fuck anything else. Literally doing God's work. Thank me later

>user thinks adults act like adults
>still lives in childhood reverence for their authority
>doesn't realize that they were bullshitting the entire time

user, you're an adult now, they're adults, and this is the adult world. we're not much better than when we were teenagers. thats the truth to the world; we are sex-obsessed, drug seeking, attention whoring self conscious rags of flesh who meekly push out through the world hoping to find meaning in something.

who cares about the success of some sandnigger cunt? she's still stupid

>we're not much better than when we were teenagers
I am and I know plenty of other people who are. And if you suffer from arrested development, or parts of you are stunted, then part of being an adult is the self-awareness to recognise it as a flaw, rather than a license for narcissistic self-pity.

at least it's better than milk and vine

"Hott" (?) she may be but she certainly is not "hot."

okay, taleb.

>what you mean by "allowing victories"
by "victory" (now it sounds like a silly metaphor i know) i simply meant the feeling a reader gets when they see, perhaps for the first time, their own thoughts and feelings expressed in a manner they were never able to.
>being an adult is the self-awareness to recognise it as a flaw, rather than a license for narcissistic self-pity
i would go even further and say that reaching human adulthood requires the realization that most everything you were taught as a child is in the end an illusion waiting to be revealed. i have yet to knowingly meet another adult. in fact, by this measure, the concept of "meeting another adult" is simply another illusion.

-rupi kuar

no one can resist white men. We're hated because we're envied

>non-whyte “””artists””” as a whole
wtf i bet you're not even white and probably a jew kike queer fagboy soyboy

>not Hindu

Into the trash u go.

Well I'm real happy for ya Rupi!

This my face when I found out your ripped off Shel Silverstein.

TO call Rupi that is a disrespect to Shel Silverstein.



her bf shit in the designated street after that she commanded her to lick his hairy anus with shit

I'd still let her drink my pee despite all of that

Who could have foreseen that the civilization that gave us the words pundit and fakir would crank out so many con artists, pseudo-intellectual babblers, and frauds?

i fucking knew it. i never cared to research it, or read more than three of her poems for that matter, but i knew there was some greatly unjustified fame there

who doesnt lick ass thats like step 2 after making out these days

ahh, another intellectual rapist. You're in good company here

Hindu and Sikh pussy is fine as is. It's Muslim pussy that requires colonising.

REMINDER that Rupi (adorable name, by the way) is CUTE and TALENTED. Her poems have had a positive IMPACT on the lives of her READERS.

>took a much needed 3 year break from Veeky Forums
>come back to this thread
the lols, boys, THE LOLS

do you think
her ex-boyfriends asshole?

do you think
thats why she's
so mad

I think so

t. Rupi Kaur


What a generous soul you are.