Why do you self-loathe, why do you do this to each other? Don't you know that I care about you...

Why do you self-loathe, why do you do this to each other? Don't you know that I care about you, and I watch you from the other side of the TV screen?


I'm worried that if I like myself or allow myself to be too happy that I'll get complacent and stop "progressing", whatever that even is.

You are valuable simply for being alive user. I know it because I can see it. You can't see it. You can feel it though, right can't you?


anger that can't find its proper object

the self loathing is manual. if i let myself coast on automatic i become a crass narcissist for whom i have no respect. the self loathing is the safety in a long tempering process.

anger can be killed quickly, but not with anger, you need to learn how to remove anger properly, it takes weakness to lose anger, you need to simply just "get over it" and your anger will pour out of you like water every time you get angry. But it takes a degree of no pride and no sense of justice and no sense of desire or closure, when you can do that you can't be angry again.

You can love yourself for your strive to improve, without the need to tell yourself you are wrong, you can be content in your perfect attempt to be better, knowing that there is only one option you will take at a time no matter what it is (i guess) the point is that you should feel value for simply living, and not fear not meeting a high standard.

I have this problem too but at a very bad level.

we have to learn how to forgive


>you can be content in your perfect attempt to be better

Cute theory, but it falls apart in practice.
Most of the time your efforts at self improvement are going to be imperfect. You're going to fall off the wagon shamefully often, waste time on Veeky Forums and other stupid shit. Sometimes you'll make shitty token efforts and pretend to be satisfied by them. You need to steel yourself against self-deception.

You sound like someone who is really bad at self-discipline by default.

Maybe. If so, it stands to reason that I know the pitfalls better than most.

I feel you

Man is a beast of burden, but we're cursed with an easy life. If hardship doesn't exist, we have to create it for ourselves.

The whole point of knowing about pitfalls is trying to come up with ways to mitigate them as much as possible, though, not wallow in the fact that they exist. Otherwise, it’s just another form of self-masurbation, at least in my view.

Sure, but my point was that the other guy was glossing over the pitfalls and pretending they don't exist. Under that line of thinking you run the risk of falling into one while still congratulating yourself for a job well done.

>Why do you self-loathe
Because that's the only thing left to do next to being ostracized by society for not being progressive enough

Because I'm a coward, I'm ugly, my efforts to self-improve often seem in vain, and even if at some point I can achieve what I set out to do I will be eternally linked to a self which couldn't.

That's why I self-loathe. Thankfully I don't always self-loathe and in fact have felt generally contented this past year.

Seems to be the more natural option. I find myself wary of anything positive, always trying to find the negative angle.

I used to do that. It's a terrible way to live.

t. Last man