This is the reading list provided by the Democratic Socialists of America

This is the reading list provided by the Democratic Socialists of America.

(Full list available here:

Which of these are the best reads?

damn who knew they read anything besides shitty dril tweets

I'm just going to throw this out there. About 50% of the authors on that list had Jewish parents, and for the others their religious/ethnic roots did not come up, with the exception of Michael Harrington who is an Irish Atheist. Why do Jews like socialism so much?

they're smart

because judaism is a rather cruel and heartless theological system, which christianity updated with a sense of justice and love, but since jews reject jesus and the new testament the next best way to leave their bronze age barbarism behind is socialism (or buddhism, u see a lot of buddhajews these days)

the funniest thing is that Marx blew them out in TJQ. He would essentially think everyone a huckstering jew nowadays. His heirs are all egoists kek

>taking socialism seriously
How 'bout no?

Theyre all retarded.

I don't know but I joined the DSA chapter of my college because it was the easiest way to meet qt jewish girls, and all of the men were no threat at all which was nice. Otherwise democratic socialists are one of the most annoying groups of people on earth, even more cancerous than most reactionaries, which is saying something.

>Why do Jews like socialism so much?

Socialism destroys the social institutions that give cultures a cohesive identity. By loosening and destroying the bonds that hold the host culture together, Jews gain better access to resources.

Where's the Frankfurt School? The postmodernists? That the stuff that tells you to kill all White people.

christianity is jewish my guy

they need to read stephen molynew and learn that carl marks killed 500 million redpilled men

no shit the point is christianity updated judaism and reformed the crazy genocidal god, but jews rejected it, so now the jews who are looking for a less inhumane ideology turn to socialism or buddhism because they can't very well turn to christianity this late in the game, get it now? duh

"His blood be on us and on our children"

ok buddy

do you mean that in the sense that christianity has become too practical?

the bible is fake bub

the jew saul of tarsus invented christianity to destroy the roman empire

I see nothing here but texts for tyranny.

woke af

The overwhelming majority of Christians do not see themselves as reformed Jews. If you created a society that followed Judaic law to a tee, minus the animal sacrifices, it would be a moral society by Christian standards. There is nothing God does in the Old Testament which Christians find untenable.

>tfw idiots think you promoted degeneracy when you actually dedicated your time to writing the definitive text calling out the dilution of culture in the modern age

>but I joined the DSA chapter of my college because it was the easiest way to meet qt jewish girls
Shit, why haven't I thought of that

What are some good socialist texts.

Surprised to find Veeky Forums is anti-socialism desu.

I'm just going to throw this out there. About 50% of investment banking firms were founded by Jews, a disproportionate number of CEOs in major corporations are Jews.

Why do Jews love capitalism so much?

because it's kosher. Except if that socialism happens to be national

Why did this thread become about Jews

Jews hate socialism

Jews literally perpetuate capitalism to this day

>jews control capitalism
>jews write books on socialism and communism
>jews control all of the wealth in capitalism
>make capitalism unappealing and unfair
>make themselves the leaders of socialist revolution through their literature
>jews now control the wealth even in socialism
>make socialism unbearable
>the people revolt and replace it with a capitalist society
>also controlled by the jews
>the cycle continues

It's about keeping people off balance by constantly changing the system of economics. As long as you control the rise and fall, the waves will never sink your ship.

OR: Jews, like all peoples, cannot be reduced to stereotypes, and take on all walks of life.

M i n d = B l o w n

OR: you could learn to acknowledge patterns, even if they offend your delicate sensibilities

>Jews are involved in every economic mode

>Jews in Europe were social outcasts and often more poor than not
>Socialism offers equal rights and social acceptance.

Jeez I wonder why Jews were attracted to the idea of Socialism!

>often more poor than not
What world do you live in?

one where people know where the word ghetto came from

The origin of the word ghetto doesn't imply poverty, it implies separation.

It implies both.


Why do DSA types always say things like "my guy" or "my dude"? Also "yikes", "y'all", and other redditwitterisms.

u havin a giggle m8

if the "pattern" you implied were a little more than a greentext then I might agree with you

>Yiddish get "deed of separation;" a special use of Venetian getto "foundry" (there was one near the site of that city's ghetto in 1516); a clipped form of Egitto "Egypt," from Latin Aegyptus (presumably in memory of the exile); or Italian borghetto "small section of a town" (diminutive of borgo, which is of Germanic origin; see borough)

Really a shame that DSA is the best we've got.

None of those works are worth reading except the Marx, Lenin, Gramsci and Luxemburg samples.

They don't even include Mark Fisher? No Graeber, Fanon, Vivek Chibber, Naomi Klein?

Those all seem like a collection of pamphlets that define socialism as "workplace democracy" or "government management" as well as some wikipedia tier summaries of real socialist philosophy.

>government management
just cancel my subscription senpai

Jews lean substantially left of other whites, with 65 versus 40% of them being Democrats compared to whites at large. If Jews are more likely to be center left it makes sense an increased number would be far left too. This isn't too surprising given that right wing traditionalism has historically been associated with Christianity and conformism at the Jews' exclusion.

In addition, Jewish culture has historically encouraged literacy and education. This is just speculation but I think Jewish families are also generally more willing to let their kids become humanities academics than others. Education is correlated with more left wing views because educated people are the most likely individuals to read and study left wing philosophy. Normies don't read Marx.

When you say "at large," you mean, "in America"? Because white American's are by and large retarded.

Socialists who don't actually read Marx have literally no idea what socialism is

This is how we get tankies and the DSA.

This board is right wing

Democratic Socialism is just capitalism where the boot stepping on your face has a happy face painted on it.

You wish motherfucker, you're on Veeky Forums

He's actually right. But this is not the place to discuss politics, if you're so sure of your beliefs you'll surely have no problem defending them on /pol/

>He's actually right.
No he's not.

I suggest looking into the sky and reading the sun friend :^)

>Leon Trotsky, Irving Howe
>not the three-volume "Prophet" biography, followed by the companion volume on Stalin for contrast
This really shouldn't be hard

Good argument you got there, convinced me. Thanks.

Found another person who’s never read a book.

Okay man, here’s a secret. Most Socialist activists actually don’t give two shits about the Frankfurt school and probably have never read anything they wrote. Communist see Adorno as a Bourgeois academic concerned with Bourgeois academic problems which don’t interest the working class.

There is a pretty big gap between socialists as a political movement and “socialists” in academia.

Oh and also “postmodernism” is anti-Marxist, actual Marxist have been writing books since the 80s attacking postmodernism, or trying to explain its existence as a social phenomenon in Marxist terms. Marxists like David Harvey, Alex Callincos, Zizek, Fredric Jameson all have thrown plenty of barbs at postmodernism.

correct. adorno is an evil, literate, effete socialist.

most socialism involves pic related. definitely not very bougie, but hard to find reccomended reading that entails it

No problema mate.

Frankfurt School doesn't say shit like that and postmodernism is incompatible with socialism

Why am I not surprised that right wingers have photos of dead and mutilated children saved on their computers

read the "collected works" of any actual communist dictator and you'll get plenty of "kill em all and let god sort em out" rhetoric, only tenured professors who spend their working days grading the papers of the ruling class think revolution without chopping necks is gonna happen

economics in one lesson
socialism (mises)

>not thinking at all for yourself

prices are not arbitrary. they are important signals as to how to optimally allocate resources. anything else in mises words is "groping in the dark". socialism can't work because of economics

Google “A Market For Lemons PDF”

I guess you haven’t read Stalin then. His works like Dialectical and Historical Materialism are nothing of the sort.

"examines how the quality of goods traded in a market can degrade in the presence of information asymmetry between buyers and sellers, leaving only "lemons" behind" i strongly disagree