What are some good LIbertarian literature?

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are there any libertarians left who haven't gone alt right and aren't literal corporate shills?


The Libertarian party is full of clowns and they hurt their own cause by marginalizing themselves within their own party. Rejoin the Republicans and influence them from within, otherwise you're impotent.


The normie population of New Hampshire. They literally just want to be left alone and run their towns on property taxes.

If I made that picture I would feel embarrassed every time I saw it reposted.


Marx is squarely situated in the anglo-american liberal tradition.

New Hampshire is a weird state isn't it? I got strong libertarian vibes while I was visiting this summer.

Watching the traffic pass through Gorham was very entertaining. There were pickup trucks with "Thin Blue Line" and confederate flags. There were pickup trucks with American flags and "Don't Tread on Me" flags. There were tons of motorcyclists not wearing helmets, flaunting their right to be more dangerous than is reasonable, and even more ATV riders decked out in camo.

I can't stand Libertarians but they're always going on about Hayek and "The Road to Serfdom." It can't possibly be worse than Ayn Rand. Whatever you read, if it's Hayek or Thomas Sowell, just don't read Ayn Rand for the love of god. You deserve better.

Comfy and informative, read it if your Aussie.

Read Thomas Sowell's Conflict of Visions

ancap, but a lot of the principles still apply (ancap is arguably taking libertarianism to its logical conclusion)

Also economics in one lesson & basic economics

This is pretty embarrassing. Obviously to be a good libertarian you gotta read Rand instead of Austrian theory or any economics.

Economics in One lesson is on there in intro econ.


He was a demsucc, not to say it isn’t any less essential reading (most people have probably read it in high school). Unless you’re posting this ironically in which case aynCRAPs le destroyed epic style xD

>no Herby Herb

serious question: are there any far-right libertarian/ancap thinkers who recognize the importance of Spencer? I never hear him mentioned by those guys. you'd think they'd spend more time engaging with and propagating him, especially since he was an actual smart guy and not just an edgy memelord.

nothing gets by you, user sama

Rothbard and von Mises, Friedman and Sowell. Now get off this fucking board you massive retards


People that tend toward the Hayekian path are more inclined to have a Spencer influence than the far right libertarians. Far right libertarians are take more influence from Spooner.

marx advocates a stateless society
not to say communists aren’t scum

This is the result of Cato Institute
>Leading libertarian think tank
>Introductory home study course
>General pre-university reading list
>More advanced reading lists by topic

So it is. I seem to recall there being a newer version that listed socialist books and their refutations but I don't have it.

nevermind, found it.

/pol/ shits on NH because of liberal senators, but thats because a gay couple living in NH isnt bothered and isnt expected to ever bother anyone else. No one protests (except at town hall meetings, holy shit), and even if they dont care about racism, they sure as fuck hate the feds.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

Its about a libertarian revolution on the moon.


Libertarians were always people who wanted weed and thought Penn and Teller were hella epic. No more no less.

>still shilling this coon's "books"
/pol/acks, everyone


that file name

Murray Bookchin

but actually in reality this


Half of the list is Austrians...