Are there any books about pathological contrarianism? It's ruining my life...

Are there any books about pathological contrarianism? It's ruining my life, I havent even left my bedroom in a year because I refuse to take part in society like everybody else. I hear Notes from the Underground and Hunger have characters like this.

Man Kropotkin really let himself go

Its Christopher Knight, I feel similar to him except I don't think I could survive in the wilderness like he did, I wouldn't know how to steal food. It's a tragedy that he was caught. There really is no escape or exit except for death, and I'm becoming more and more convinced even death isn't an escape.

You're a stupid faggot. Get over yourself, if you want to live alone just be a NEET

I don't understand your post. I am a NEET right now. I'm just inspired by Christopher Knight

Well don't be, he's a silly LARPer. There's nothing out in the woods but bear shit

are u sure u refuse to take part in society or society rejected you now you're neet?

I don't think you understand

How does society reject someone? I don't know, I've never really socialized with another human before. I just reject everything that society values. My favorite books are The Catcher in the Rye and No Longer Human. I'm looking for anything that's been written about contrarianism.

Reading Hunger changed my life desu.
But I came to tell you this user.
I used to be pathologically contrararian but eventually learned to channel that inner passion and critical outlook inward. Once I realized that the truth of my own existence transcends all the superficial bullshit in society around me, it was only a matter of time before my day to day life began to change. But it takes dedication to an honest and critical evaluation of one's OWN psyche. Everything else is illusion - but to cut through it, you have to understand yourself first.

>I don't think I could survive in the wilderness
you don't have to commit to a life of living off the land (not very practical these days anyway desu). but making regular excursions into the wilderness (dunno where you are, but something like national parks in the u.s. or canada), in the form of overnight or week long backpacking trips will change how you fundamentally relate to the world. solo wilderness backpacking is an activity that requires many different rare skillsets that you will have to develop over time, so in that sense it leads you to continual self-improvement.

fuck society user - but get out of your house and try worshipping at the true altar of transcendence.

Why did reading Hunger change your life desu?

I was seventeen and had already felt for many years that the most important things in our lives are the things nobody talks about. I was pretty bad at socializing, and didn't have any other "Veeky Forums" friends to talk deeply with about such things.
By giving voice to a lot of my feelings about the hypocrisy of our collective existence, Hamsun helped me stop doubting myself.

I'm sorry but I don't understand your comment, what you're trying to say. I don't understand much of what I read online or in books. I can't relate.

Interesting. You can start by pointing out a specific phrase and I"ll try to explain, if you wish. Otherwise, ships that pass in the night and all that.

>eventually learned to channel that inner passion and critical outlook inward. Once I realized that the truth of my own existence transcends all the superficial bullshit in society around me, it was only a matter of time before my day to day life began to change. But it takes dedication to an honest and critical evaluation of one's OWN psyche. Everything else is illusion - but to cut through it, you have to understand yourself first.

I don't get what you're trying to say here

>I don't think you understand

Yes I God damn do. You're a literal manchild hiding from Daddy, grow the fuck up or kill yourself already you little bitch. Its an effeminate and juvenile state to be in to be concerned with "resisting" the notions of others as if you're nothing but a malleable lump of pussydough to be fingered and fucked wherever you go.

Start with the Greeks

I don't understand this post, its very strange

Read books by Greeks? I don't care to. I like fantasy and mythology though.

I think you might be a legitimate sub 100 IQ retard, maybe try reddit if you're a bit slow to keep up here

Forgot to mention -
>I can't relate
Learn to spend time in the wilderness. Nature doesn't require you to relate - it requires you to learn (as in learn how to cook food on a fire, learn how to sleep comfortably with the right gear even when it's cold or raining). This leads to self-improvement, but it takes work and dedication.

For most of my life I had been very angry toward others and toward society. I knew that there is something wrong with how I feel, because I felt miserable from a very young age. But I also felt like there is something wrong with how people treat each other and talk to each other in the world (they treat each other like shit, much of the time).

But eventually I realized that I have to stop focussing on the problems I see in other people and in society. Instead of trying to understand why other people are fucked up, I should try to understand why I am fucked up myself.
This was my solution, and it worked.

Being contrarian is a lazy and horrible way to live, because your feelings always depend on what you think others feel. Isn't this the definition of being contrarian? Feeling and doing the opposite of the people around you?

desu I'm thinking Hunger or other lit might not be very useful for you right now. The narrator of Hunger speaks even more confusingly than normies.
And that's okay. Reading is definitely not a prerequisite to self-improvement.

You're wasting effort on this dude. Its admirable but he needs to be riding the shortbus not be given reading recommendations

Notes from the underground isn't about that

All dudes simply represent different facets of the Dude. If even one user finds these ramblings useful, my tea will taste better this morning.

I don't think so, I got A's in school and got a 2110 on the SAT. I just don't understand or relate to what other people are talking about, never had a social relationship before. All language is just chatter to me, I would prefer to be mute and illiterate.

Ok, I think I get it now. I think I wrote the OP wrong, I'm not a contrarian, I just don't understand reality. I don't get eating, sleeping, I don't think sex actually exists. I'm just very very confused, its possible I'm already dead, when I look in the mirror I can tell that it's not real and that I'm dead. I would delete this thread if I could, but no one has to respond anymore. I'm just going to keep reading fantasy novels because I like the imaginary worlds. If I'm able to find a copy of Hunger by Knut Hamsun I'll read that too.

its a bait thread

>All language is just chatter
If you only knew how right you are.

Take care user.

I don't think I'm unintelligent. I succeeded in an academic environment, and I got offers for a full scholarship to college. I just don't understand the referents people use when using language. It's hard to explain. Take this post for exanple.

>You're a literal manchild
What's a manchild? Whats wrong with having the perspective of a child?
>hiding from Daddy
What is this supposed to mean?
>grow the fuck up
What does he mean by 'grow up.' Why is this a desirable state?
>Its an effeminate and juvenile state to be in to be concerned with "resisting" the notions of others
How is it effeminate? What constitutes juvenile? Where do these judgements come from?
>as if you're nothing but a malleable lump of pussydough to be fingered and fucked wherever you go.
No clue what he's trying to say here. This person seems to me to come from the perspective of being socialized properly and for someone like me who was never indoctrinated into the common societal reference points it's like he's talking to a wall, I'll never be able to understand what he's trying to say.

No, but like I said I don't need any suggestions anymore.

What I don't understand about language is that it all seems to exist in some sort of abstract dream realm. I mean, there's absolutely no connection to the conscious experience. Sometimes I will just stare at words for a long time and while I am able to abstractly know what they mean, its just gobbledy-gook, symbols. All language is complete nonsense and fantasy. None of these words are real or have any connection to anything.

without language, humans wouldn't have developed the ideas that allowed them to invent things and shape the world in the form it takes today. so it's definitely not correct to say that language has no connection to anything.
If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself in front of a judge one day, waiting to be sentenced, do you deny that the course of your life will be forever changed simply by the judge saying "I hereby sentence you to a term of imprisonment of no less than fourteen years"?

You have a tendency to overgeneralize and exaggerate. Be more precise in how you voice your thoughts. Are you satisfied with life?

That's a good thing though isn't it? It's better to not have language I think. And yes, language has no connection to 'reality', people may pretend like there's a connection but I don't see one. That guy Socrates said thousands of years ago that he didn't know anything, so why do people still pretend to know things? I reject all thought, mind, thinking, everything. Its all artificial.

> pathological contrarianism?
That's a symptom of Anti-social personality disorder. Get checked.

Not him, but you are a good man, user.

Why get 'checked'? Why be ideologically submissive? Why not just reject everything? Psychological needs don't actually exist. Neither do physical needs, you can just ignore hunger or thirst. Self-preservation isn't real either, dying doesn't exist, there's no difference between life and death.

>Its all artificial.
I agree. But the power of this statement does not lie in whether or not you simply think or feel that it is true. It lies in the twists and turns through life and reason that you must take, in order to arrive at its truth for yourself. Its truth must be self-evident to you, like the blueness of the sky.

Needing something to be true is not the same as knowing that it is true.

bless you too fren.

>pathological contrarianism

the illness of our age, especially in its more virulent form of Edgy Shitlordism.

>But the power of this statement does not lie in whether or not you simply think or feel that it is true. It lies in the twists and turns through life and reason that you must take, in order to arrive at its truth for yourself. Its truth must be self-evident to you, like the blueness of the sky.

>Needing something to be true is not the same as knowing that it is true.

Thank you for explaining but this is complete nonsense. Just random words. I think it's clear to me now that reason is self-refuting, its just a sentiment. I think Hume talks about this.

>word form is arbitrary
literally babby's first linguistics

Now what the other poster said was complicated by poetic liberties but to say that it is "complete nonsense" is wrong. The poster wrote a sentence with syntax not random words - some meaning can easily be deduced from his statement. From your other posts you seem to me earnestly concerned with issues of language but to dismiss it on the grounds of being artificial is immature.

Understanding begins with the word.

Never read any linguistics

I can't discern any meaning. It's an alien language. I'm going to throw away my computer and then pretend to be mute so I never have to communicate again in my life.

Are you autistic, because Christopher Knight is. Maybe that's your problem.

I would definitely receive a diagnosis if I were to be tested, yes. I don't think neurotypicals really understand how cruel it is to force us to live like this. If they were truly kind then they would make painless euthanasia available with no regulations for all autistics so we could opt out this world that we were never meant to be born into.

>its all artificial.
this is true because you HAVE to know your own truth. (a truth that its not artificial because is yourself)

this is so shitty, so disney, so selfhelp, so LOVE, so good person, so dinner with the family, so utilitarist, so tremendously greasy, so enormously part of the big lyinghood of humanity that i dont want to explain it.

What truth? How could anyone possibly think truth exists when every single person has a different 'truth'. Its ridiculous how there are so many people out there so sure of their religion, their politics, their science, when nobody can ever agree and it's constantly changing. It's all just interpretation, if there is a truth then there's no way humans can know it.

your OWN truth is false too. you decide to "save" your own little truth and is pretty sad. at least be like everybody else and reject the idea that all is artificial.

I don't have any truth, I lie in bed 18 hours a day and spend my time imagining things and occasionally writing meaningless things online

From indescribable transformation originate
Amazing shapes. Feel! Trust!
We suffer often: To ashes turn our flames;
Yet art can set on fire the dust.

Magic is here. In the realm of enchantment
The ordinary word appears elevated
But sounds as real as if the dove called
To seek its invisible mate.

Chill out man, we were also given the ability to go beyond joy and sadness and to do great things.
Stop thinking like neurotypicals, you cannot be like one of them so stop hoping you could.

Kys neurodiversity faggot

No one was meant to be born stop feeling sorry for yourself.

If no one was meant to be born then everyone should die everybody is at fault for everything kys schoolboy nigger.

lol but why are you so upset?

I relate to everything you've said in this thread. I'm not sure if the story of Adam and Eve is correct, but if it is, Satan is truly evil. We shouldn't strive for anything in life but life itself. Food, water, and a little shelter is all we need. Increasing our knowledge can be enjoyable until we realize we will never truly know anything. If you haven't already, read Ted Kaczynski's manifesto, which made me realize how we are slaves to the system, to society. My goal in life is to buy property away from civilization and live with nature. But I must first play according to society's rules in order to get money, while simultaneously maintaining everyone else's beliefs that I'm destined for great things- beliefs based on my exceptional academic performance. How do I tell them my intentions without seeming insane, and without calling them insane?

A good dystopian novel has a large population unaware of their condition. They might even be "happy," because they don't conceive any other possible, greater, paths to happiness. And yet, our population will read these books, pity the characters, and resume life, never questioning whether or not they are also living in a dystopia.

What's the difference between contrarianism and skepticism? Read Montaigne.

Kill yourself already you fucking NEET.

Start with the NEETs

Yes, every action is a mistake, nothing should ever have happened on this planet. I'm going to get on a boat and sail away forever, I realize now that death doesn't exist. Good luck

Already have

NEETs are angels, martyrs that reveal the impersonal and brutal machinations behind it all, they are the scapegoats who are dying for all of your sins, be grateful. Their childlike and petulant attitude is what makes them so beautiful.

TES III: Morrowind. Read up on the Dwarves/Dwemer, they were written as pathological contrarians. Once you've covered that, c0da wraps up their arc.

>this thread

The absolute state of Veeky Forums.

who are your ten of your favorite authors OP?

Also what I realize now too is if something is conditional then it's worthless. And all of society, all of humanity and empathy and love is conditional so it's worthless. A mutual delusion. Improve your attitude they say, so you're a more enjoyable person to be around so you can form relationships. I don't think people realize what a disgusting statement that is. Why do people hate Seung Hui-Cho and Adam Lanza? Because they killed innocents. But no one is innocent and everyone is at fault. That's why the 'change yourself rhetoric rings so false, because no matter how distant something may be it's all tenously connected and we're all guilty, including ourselves. If people were honest then we would all kill ourselves together. But it's all conditional, there's nothing eternal, what societal rule will you transgress next to become the scapegoat? Do they really deserve it? Are we really in control of ourselves? In relationships too, swap one person out for another, upgrade this girlfriend for another girlfriend. Everything is replaceable. Nobody is anybody's everything. There’s a slot for every group and every individual which will always be filled by someone, and it doesn’t matter who that person is, all it matters is their output. So people are replaceable, output stays the same, noise doesn’t change. I can kill myself now and that too will be just me stepping into the slot that needed to be filled, that would be my addition to the tune and if it wasn’t me it would come from someone else. It’s impossible to escape it no matter how much you don’t want to be a part of it. How far can you really remove yourself, as long as you exist you will play a role but seeing people embrace it and love it makes me sick.

All I wanted was something eternal, like in the museum in The Catcher in the Rye. The glass exhibits, the inuits ice fishing, no matter how much things change when you return to the museum things will be the same. You'll be different of course, but they're frozen in time, eternal. How beautiful. All I wanted was loyalty. I don't want anything transient and changing. The world doesn’t stop when one person dies. I wish it did.

That's beautiful, have to keep Rilke in mind in future

auspicious digits and you are correct NEET’s are inverted angels who can’t help anyone. to chastise them or batter them is to commit a sin against the holy spirit it would be like slaughtering a kitten, the homeless of damming up a river or ripping a fish out of the mouth of a starving bear

Jd salinger, Osamu dazai, John Kennedy Toole, Georges Perec, Celine, Edouard Leve, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, Natsume soseki, Haruki Murakami, yasunari kawabata.

I can’t stand reading anything anyone says about any topic imaginable anymore though. Even internet comments. I don't need book reccommendations anyway I already know what my problem is and no book will fix it. I just can’t connect with anyone. There is no solution, and the problem isn’t complex. It’s lack of ability. It’s so frustrating. You can’t imagine the frustration of it. When you want something so much but it doesn’t exist in others, and it doesn’t exist in you. How disgusting. Your world is a nightmare to watch but you are relatively content in it, and you’re not lonely in it. You ruin everything I could care about. I don’t want to be like you, and i don’t want to be where you are. And I don’t want to be where I am. But these two things are completely different and comparison is dumb. I can’t do anything. I’m just stuck. I can only hate everything to keep sane. When I say i wish everything was different, I don’t mean self improve, i don’t mean being like someone else, I don’t mean utopia, I mean everything.

I agree. The thing they say about incels and NEETs are true, they're lazy childish petulant self-pitying unable to take responsibility racist misogynist hateful vile repulsive and even violent too at times. But that's why I love them so much. They reject everything and through this act they transcend it all, they went to the end of the night. They hate everyone and they do not belong in this world, they would have fit right in among the criminals and madmen that Jesus spent time with. I really do believe someone like Seung Hui-Cho is akin to Jesus Christ. Like a caged animal he released his rage onto the world, he didn't discriminate either he gave the gift of death to anyone in his sights. It's an act of liberation. A transvaluation of values. Thats why school shooters scare normies so much. It's an attack from the Outside, from the Other, penetrating in to their lives with unleashed fury as a reminder of what we have wrought, what we have all wrought and are guilty of, like the Calvinist God, shooters know that we are totally depraved. And the best part is they kill themselves at the end, which is essential, the self-sacrifice is essential in order to complete the cycle. We will all be born again. I like to imagine these shooters as children living on another planet in a new reincarnation

cool lol

NEETs like anyone on welfare are a waste of already finite resources. They make me pray for the bomb to drop.

oh yeh cause Veeky Forums is a real intellectual powerhouse lol

Take the Varg pill


Yes, they're a waste of "resources". But they're infinitely more precious than any finite resource. Now go to your job so you can pay your taxes for the society you arbitrarily were born in and must slave in for the rest of your life. Remember to contribute, or they'll turn on you too.

You NEETs are in for a rude awakening once your parents can't support you anymore.


Read the Unabomber manifesto

Ok now these are levels of autism I just wasn't built to take in

a large number of NEET’s are benefitting from social services, hence “pay for my tendies and vidya wagies”

Better to die with honor than live as a slave. You're no better than one of those Stockholm syndrome cotton-picking niggers.

Reading fiction won't solve your fucking mental illness, you idiot.

Seek a shrink.

Oh wow yet another member of the SOCIETY of CONTROL. We gotta manage those emotions for you there, here are some mood stabilizers, those forms of dissatisfaction you're expressing arent valid. Are there any other ways you want to instrumentalize me for your own moral psychodrama?? Bet you won't be bending over for discursive power at the service of the managerial state when we Immanentize the Eschaton in the next few years

I started out hating you, now I like you. Thread reads like a short story. I’m wrong.

I was just being contrarian early

We have been in the Kali Yuga for over 3000 years now it all began with the conscription of Babylonian narratology within the the Old Testament. Will you anons help me end it all??? I'm serious I want to destroy the world, how do I go about doing this any tips or advice. Everything is taboo now except for voyeurism and neuroses this is an absurd and deranged system based on surveillance, control and the production of representations that is psychologically ANNIHILATING us God knows we have to break free CHILDREN OF THE WORLD WE GOTTA BREAK FREE. I'm not even talking about any race shit either (except fuck women) we gotta band together and then after we kill the archons we can go off into tribes, but we gotta band together we're all we have but the academic structures of subject-production keep trying to force us apart with this identity politics shit. vote, eat, sleep, shop, work. those are the realms of magic now. metaphysical power. Our imaginations are being colonized. All of our rage and anger is being sublimated then reterritorialized into the system itself by the geo-political mass managerial strategists. As always Power grows out of the barrel of the gun they aare all paper tigers if we just had a militia we could rout them out for good.

I'm in, user. What greater purpose is there? Ending both the suffering of the meek and the pleasure of the wicked. I'm ready. I feel it. This is the beginning.

Yes this is the new beginning, the new nomos of the earth. The media is always talking about how bad Millenials and Gen Z are well they are right we are going to destroy the world (in a good way). Marinetti said that the youth cling onto the past because the future is denied to them. We do not fear destruction, we celebrate it! It's time to build something entirely new. The true revolution goes beyond left and right... a whole new utopian vision. We gotta organize and take over the planet and run it as a huge hi-tech green utopia of only a few million people. We can do eugenics because dysgenics is currently a huge problem and take psychedelics to make people more peaceful... I know I'm sounding like a hippie now idk

just out them all as drug addicts, thieves and pedos before they render those kinds of charges meaningless. libertarians, commies and fascists are the number one enemies to an alternative drive towards truth that reroutes around the monster machines proboscises. The left and right have been weaponized against the whole, you have to annihilate them completely. Make the people repulsed and uncomfortable at all times. the simple act of televisual and internet experience should be revolting for the average human. if you can attain to that, then you can. break them. If not, well you already know what’s going to happen within the next 3-10 years. the light of consciousness gets blown out, the torch of man lost in the darkness and that’s it. No way out, no exit

Everything you said is perfect. I've had this advanced farm utopia picture since 6th grade. I remember, because our teachers had shocked faces listening to everything I was saying. Nuke cities like New York and establish simple yet efficient, small communities with no need for progress. Endless supply of fruits (one of the greatest pleasures) and no disease, ignorance, or unrest. Genetic engineered perfect (designed for whatever need necessary) humans, mediatation, DMT (etc.), just perfect. Who can reasonably argue against this? It may be possible to first spread this message to the world before violence, to at least rationalize our motives to others and possibly improve our numbers. How can we organize this? Should it be quick, or gradual?

Civilization can go on for thousands of years. No matter how badly we screw up the planet, so long as we have resources to deplete we'll continue on, unsustaniably. And there's no point trying to convince people to die out voluntarily, all that that causes to happen is the few decent humans will stop having kids and feel guilty, while the scum of the planet excrete kids with even greater abandon. Genetics really matter in all of this because of the global dysgenic and IQ drop that is happening, and beyond genetics, organization. I think a group needs to form together and form into a organization. They'll need to organize, breed, hone their doctrine, and bide their time and when the rest of the world is in dissaray (which it will be) and strike and take over the planet.

We need to simultaneously improve our diet, reduce climate change, heal the ocean and give most of the world's land surface back to nature. A cultural shift, a rennaisance, where no one will have the desire to dominate anymore, but merely yearn to spread love, happiness and compassion. I envision a future where everyone grows his own food, not as sterile monocultures but a variety of crops grown together, while mushrooms grow in office towers and seaweed is brought in from the ocean. You'll live in a tent and travel around, following the feral pigs, deer and camels. When people tell you civilization has collapsed, you wouldn't notice the difference. You'd be too happy to care either way.

if you haven't killed yourself you're not really a contrarian, you're just whiny

Yes this is right, good post you have given me much to think about

Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.

End apartheid where? And yes sorry, my post was very utopian and unrealistic. There really is no solution to anything. We must have acceptance or it will destroy us all. I think the best way to live your life in the era we live is to make it one of creation and action and pure aesthetic. Turn off TV, news, computer, that gnawing need to know what is happening in the world, and just be impassioned by your hobbies, preferably doing something with your hands. be a light on the hill for others and one day they will ask you, why are you so happy? and you will tell them the secret. To be like a child to enter into the kingdom of god.


Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

>conquer and dominate the world so thoroughly to the point of total homogenization of a culture where people will no longer have the need or desire to dominate

Classic. But seriously, I do appreciate your idealism and vision, it'd be nice and hope is always welcomed on Veeky Forums.

Would genetic engineering enhance or harm society? Yes or no.

I guess I'm talking about a sort of cult orginazation that will wait in the shadows and pass on their knowledge and bide their time until the world is basically on the verge of falling apart (dysgenics is very real, you don't even want to think about what will pass for normal in 3 or 5 thousand years time.) I keep thinking about Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and how they use the Wind and natural resources to power things, except preferably without the toxic jungle and insects.

>a job

One of these things is not like the other.

>don't work
>die of hunger



>what is autonomy
There's a difference between working directly for personal biological needs and working for society.

Yes, we're slaves to nature too. There's still a big difference between hunting and gathering for your own sustenance and being forced to sell your alienated labor power to survive. Do you want a gold star?

One is back breaking stoop labour the other isn’t, both however are voluntary but in the end nature will force you to work.

I’m not forced to get a job.

Death is always an option