What does Veeky Forums think of this autobiographical philosophical-treatise and arguably the most influential book of...

What does Veeky Forums think of this autobiographical philosophical-treatise and arguably the most influential book of the 20th century?

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its literally my diary desu

You were in prison in munich for a year?

I know some people who are history buffs and not nazi or anything but that like to read about him every chance they get. I think Hitler is so fucking boring and everywhere, I have no interest in his persona whatsoever. I can't wait for people to just let this go, it happened many decades ago, he is not the epitome of evil as people make it which is not to defend him in any way, it's just that, look at that fucking cover, dark colors, all this red, oh all the blood and yadda yadda, something that hooks both people who want to know more of the dictator as the nazi dick sucker who probably like this serious look. I know the jews themselves keep bringing him up, but I'm much more cruel to him than the jews, I think he should be half-forgotten as just one more chapter in the history of mankind.

The ambiguous "holocaust" jewish "survivors" constantly get caught lying about is the linchpin of the zeitgeist of today. These jews have worked ceaselessly to make it the west's anti-religion and Hitler our anti-god so they can destroy our nations, shame us if we speak out, and promote themselves as the eternal victims whose actions can never be questioned. No way in hell they'll be letting it go anytime soon.


you guys think he at least liked a good bagel?

It's trash, though it should be noted that Hitler barely even wrote it lol.
It's the compiled work of over 10 different editors who tried to make him sound somewhat coherent.

>'which was edited by: Amann, Müller, Hess, Hanfstaengl, Stolzing-Cerny and Bernhard Stempfle. 'They rewrote entire paragraphs, which would hereby win in readability, without losing Hitlers chaotic and incomprehensible style. Even after that the text was heavily edited before it was allowed to be released in print. According to Hans Frank, Hitler admitted that it was poorly written, he labeled it as ''nothing but a bundle of front page articles for the Völkische Beobachter''.' (the newspaper owned by the NSDAP)
-I. Kershaw, Hitler 1889-1936 Hoogmoed/Hubris, (Houten 2008) 323.

"Mein Kampf'' wasn't written as a work of philosophy - it was written as a propaganda screed by which Hitler could connect with his constituency and explain his program. The book itself is actually very clear on this. Thus the title - ''My Fight''. One reason people liked the book is because it wasn't obfuscatory like philosophy books are, but at the same time it was intellectually rigorous. Nobody (including Hitler) considered it to be anything more or less than that.

It’s basically on the same tier with all the books that politicians come out with when they are running for president.

Also while lots of people bought it, few actually read it..

it's more intricate than that though

Its literally What Happened: 1925 edition. I'm sorry you decided to harness yourself to a retarded ideology from another country that's 90 years old but that doesn't change the facts you fucking faggot

It’s a diary, but people thought it was a manifesto

Not that user, but it really isn't.

These guys are correct

Mein Kampf was actually written by Otto Frank with a ballpoint pen stay redpilled my friend

Hitler was an autodidact and a highly literate man, he obviously read Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Nietzsche, and Schopenhauer. Mein Kamp itself, as I said above though, was basically a propaganda screed by which Hitler could connect with his constituency and explain his program.

i enjoy this meme

Many claims are false (e.g. Adolf working as a labourer), and even sympathetic historians accept that the grammar and writing in general isn't very good. The book became widely read in part due to Nazi policy to gift it to newlyweds and so forth.

>Adolf Hitler - Youth (Age 0 - 25)

>Adolf Hitler - First World War (Age 25 - 29)

>Adolf Hitler - Rise to Power (Age 29 - 43)

He never had a fresh bagel with lox and cream cheese so his opinion on the Jews was irrelevant.

Sounds legit, it's in a book

This is the only correct answer. This thread is full of retards who haven't read the thing. Hitler's writing isn't awful, but it's not fantastic, either (and naturally I mean the original German text - stop crying and go learn the language if you want any solid footing to give your shitty critiques). Personally, I found his thoughts to be surprisingly well-organized and coherent, nothing at all of the chaotic, frenzied sort that every armchair Literazzi and their mom wants to sell you.

>arguably the most influential book of the 20th century?
Think you posted the wrong pic senpai

Please take the jewish propaganda to reddit.

no he obviously didn’t because he didn’t fucking understand Schopenhauer, Hegel, Kant or NietSche and just ripped out whatever appealed to him and weaponized it. Mein kampf reads like satire its so fucking egregiously stupid every pseud that’s ever shopped it to me has made me want to blow my brains out of my head

Get the Ralph Manheim translation. Coincidentally (or maybe not?), he's also far and away the best translator for Celine in English

I feel like if we filtered the word jewish the level of discourse on this board would skyrocket, but unfortunately I'd miss out on jewish qts

It's filtered of all possibly negative uses at reddit, you should go there.

hating jews is as reddit as you can get buddy

Are you jewish? If not, jews hate you more than you could ever hate them.

Read: I'm an illiterate retard who can't understand art

close your eyes and put your mind to sleep, let death take you away while the listeners live on to create a better future

I'm not saying Hitler included philosophy in Mein Kampf, just that he was a highly literate man in general who had read the German national canon.

Try winning a war for once ratzi. Also what is The Wannsee conference?

Statist trash, from an economically illiterate man.

I don't understand why people expect it to be a masterful exposition of prose. He literally dictated his thoughts to friends who would write them down, edit them, and publish them later. Mein Kampf is pretty coherent for a prison rant, especially when you compare its quality to the average Veeky Forumsizen's morning work that almost always makes it into the bin thanks to anxiety, blandness, and perfectionism.