Recent thread lads

recent thread lads

copped Dubliners, my first Joyce

Wew nice Carlyle. Jelly af.

copped the catcher in the rye, kafka on the shore, a wild sheep chase, the trial, the castle, the metamorphosis, and consider the lobster

How good is Zibaldone translation if you've skimmed a few bits of it? Obviously it's gotta be decent if one were to commit themselves to 2000+ pages of journals

Good start.
Just so you know, Ulysses is nothing like Dubliners.

Good selection. Have you read fiction-Wallace or are you skipping to his essays?

if you wanna get the most out of Fielding I'd recommend reading in order:
Pamela by Samuel Richardson
Shamela by Henry Fielding
Joseph Andrews by Henry Fielding
Tom Jones by Henry Fielding
Clarissa by Samuel Richardson
Then you will be privy to the Worlds first rap beef. Shamela and Joseph Andrews were parodies of Pamela (Marquis De Sade also wrote two parodies Justine and Juliette) Samuel Richardson wrote Clarissa as a big "Fuck You" meant to be bigger and better in every way to Henry Fielding's Tom Jones.

whats that? notebooks? collected writings?

I've never read any of DFW fictions, i'll read his essays first but I do plan to read the "Supposedly fun thing", "Brief Interview with hideous man", and maybe if I feel adventurous I may try Infinite Jest

His essays are definitely his best stuff.

Haven't been to bookstore again since last thread


Being and Time
Fear and Trembling
Complete Platonic Dialogues
Pale Fire
Temple of the Golden Pavilion

Fine haul, user.

Please do not shit on me :)
Don't read much, more of a cinema kinda guy
Had to get another copy of Invisible Man since mine disappeared a few years back

Do you fellas keep buying books when there is already a shit ton to read?

Essentially my Entire collection (small because I just got into reading last year), but recently got

The goldfinch
Infinite jest
Love in the time of cholera
The inferno (got it for 1.70 us dolars)
The secret history of man kind

yes, but I try to avoid it

Patrish. Going to learn any Ancient Greek?

Nice. Check out the "Non-Existent Knight" by Calvino, it's very charming.

I'm sure someone will shit on that translation of Inferno, don't know much about that one though. Great overall, you have better taste than me in fiction and I've been reading properly for probably two years or so. Only thing I can say is that CM by Marx and Engels is kind of shit, it's better to get into Das Kapital or later Marxists. There's a great edition of Frankenstein by Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism where they include essays that interpret the text - if you're into that. Be sure to read Wilde's plays too, I prefer them to his fiction... read Salome the other day and was blown away.

Yeah but its a good idea and the only kind of compulsive shopping that’s nearly always justifiable user. what’s a $10 book to me every month? a meal i don’t buy going out on a friday or saturday afternoon. but probably 5-10 hours of entertainment or learning

Sure, my city's library is also terrible so I don't feel bad about buying books anymore. Their only fiction that isn't YA or genre trash (I don't mind sci-fi or fantasy, but the shit they have is atrocious) are "classics" like Bronte. And it's literally one shelf about four metres wide. Their non-fiction is shite too, the religious section is filled with atheist books and one Alain de Botton book, 'Religion for Atheists'.

Stella Philo, what got you into it?

just use l1bg3n(d0t)1o don’t even bother with the library and only buy books you can’t stand reading on your tablet/pc/phone.

I totally am! Thanks for the recs will check out that Frankenstein version and other books.

Thanks once more.

Really like it, do you have any recommendations for film history/theory?
Also I recommend The crow comes last by Calvino, which is a collection of stories i've never seen discussed here in lit

Maybe one day, but I doubt it. Aggressively studied Latin for like 6 months before putting it down and never resuming. Just had doubts about the value of the time investment when I have so much other stuff to read, besides non-book life stuff going on.

Heard him mentioned in a few essays on Plato's Laws. Don't really know anything about him but I figured I'd at least give him a shot in the same sense that I plan to at least check out Proclus, Plotinus, and the other "minor" philosophers of antiquity.

The most recent thing I read was To the Distant Observer by Nöel Burch, which is fairly interesting if you're interested in pre-WWI Japanese film, although it's pretty flawed in certain regards

Got these recently. From top to bottom:
>Lenin - State and Revolution
The title got me interested years ago, so I got this nice little hardcover of it.
>Kawabata Yasunari - The old capital
I like his works. (It’s a translation of the german version though, common stuff)
>Akutagawa Ryunosuke - Rashomon
I’ve read 20 of his novellas and Kappa in hungarian, so I grabben an old East-German edition of his works. Has Kappa and most of the stories I like. (Already read some of it, it’s quite pleasureable)
>Collection of (then) modern Japanese novellas
It’s an anthology from the sixties, translated from Japanese and lectored by a native. Has a lot of authors from Soseki to Dazai and Oe Kenzaburo. Also contains “Thousand Cranes” by Kawabata.

I’m happy with all of them, maybe a little dissapointed in “The old capital”

I kind of want to read moby dick.
Do i really need that norton critical edition?
otherwise ill jsut buy some penguin paperback.

Looking good! I picked up Oe's Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids last week and I'm looking forward to reading that. Also got The Housekeeper and the Professor by Ogawa, First Love by Turgenev and Cosmicomics by Calvino (already read The Nonexistent Knight and Invisible Cities.)

Beautiful-looking prints. Get them locally?

I bought them at an online second hand shop, but the country is so centralized and small that it might as well be local.

I've been meaning to read The Housekeeper and the Professor alongside with The man who only loved numbers, but I haven't the money or time for it.


I have too much of a backlog as it is so I'm putting an end to buying books at least for the time being. I have one order still in shipping that I made prior to making this decision, but that'll be that for a while.

I should do this too. Which book is the one you're waiting for?


Caliban And The Witch, looked interesting and I got it fairly cheap.

Indeed. Nice, I'll look for it next time I'm in a bookstore.

Is White Noise any good?

>anniversary edition IJ cover...

Yes, it's very good.

Against Method is a good read.

Ive already asked it as a christmas present

Stop buying books, user

I want to buy and read so many new books but i still have to finish Don Quijote and brothers Karamazov


Brief Interviews-DFW
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72-HST
Rabbit, Run-Updike

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did OP, it's great fun

What do I read after Notes from Underground and Brothers Karamazov?

You should have read BK last you dummy, next is Crime and Punishment then Demons or Idiot

My first haul since I began to browse Veeky Forums

Left stack >>>> Right stack, and that has "The Gospel According to Biff", whatever the hell that is. I daresay if you read too much Tom Wolfe or Ayn Rand you'll be turned off reading forever

tM&M is great. Enjoy it, user.

This user is woke af

>Atlas Shrugged
Don't waste your time with it

i don't need to impress strangers with a picture of the books I buy, but I do go out every weekend to the different thrift stores around town and buy a few books here or there. I have in my budget "Amusement" which is capped at 50 dollars that I use that month for books. But I'm beginning to feel like a phony because I'm beginning to become a regular at these thrift stores and they ask me how's the reading going and I maybe read one book a month, but add 4-12 books on my backlog a month

The Oxford editions for Middlemarch and Tristram Shandy are way better than those Penguin shits.

Graham might not be appreciated on this board, not sure

should note: just finished LfaS, just started Security Analysis

I-I'll try to delay my next visit!

>Ayn Rand
You should've lurked more.

Read 'The Intelligent Investor' (of course), but Security Analysis is a pretty massive book. Is it worth it?

iktfb, 500 pages to go.

Recently bought a Mandelbaum translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, and Kafka's The Castle (haven't read any Kafka before so I hope it's fair). Will be finishing Don Quixote tomorrow and I have Moby Dick ~66%, Paradise Lost, and City of God in my stack.

Pics take too much effort.

Is Ulysses something to jump right into?

Nice. But feels very reflective of Veeky Forums lists. Don't be afraid to explore your own way!

You don't "need" to do anything. You have the rest of your life to read it as many times as you want, it's reasonable enough to just do a surface reading of something first and then pick up something with notation or commentary if you want more third party insight when you want to read it again later.

It would be better to read it after Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, but it's fine to jump into it. Don't worry about getting all the references and such.

>actually reading books instead of reading summaries and a few reviews of each so you can pretend you've read them to impress strangers
Spotted your first mistake

I wish I effectively limited myself to $50 a month, but I don't go to thrift stores, or out of the house at all to shop. Anyways, it's not hard to sit down and read user. I promise I'll shoulder your discipline, to not spend more than $50 a month on entertainment, if you shoulder my discipline, which is to read for minimum 2 hours a day, with one day foregoing if you feel the inclination to more appropriately relax. I promise you'll be smoking that backlog, and I'll be closer to having enough for a new car. But you gotta pinky swear me on it...

>impressing strangers is mutually exclusive with reading
Get a load of this brainlet

In the the foreword Buffett mentions out of 4 of his most treasured books 2 of them are security analysis, so far seems worth it not far enough in to tell though

Also, as a textbook it is probably a little more technical than The Intelligent Investor, but again I can't say for sure but it seems to be useful anyways.

The Dream Cycle Stories- HP Lovecraft
Lovecraft Country- Matt Ruff
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms- GRRM
All the Pretty Horses- Cormac McCarthy
I'm currently reading The Crossing- Cormac McCarthy
>inb4 brainlet

you realize you can just download books online for free and since no one knows how many you have, they won’t be capable of charging you with pseudery? i have probably 300 texts on backlog

why would i read word in pixel form on a lit screen

bye eyes

>got in a year ago
You are either very poor or smart. I got in a bit less than a year ago and I know I will finish all the books I bought in 10 years.