Zay sumzing pwofoun', I implore vu

Zay sumzing pwofoun', I implore vu.

you look like Cancer

I would act differently if could act anyway at all, such is life

my penis is small and im scared of girls so i hate both myself and sexuality in general

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... :(?

i think Veeky Forums is the right place for you. no offense but...... y eah .......

maybe there's some kind of surgery out there nowdays? who knows?

is that that french fuck

Lol if actually you think the decline of the West is reversible and how do we break our collective ennui

Heavyset white women pursue black men because they (the tubby gals) are racist and self loathing.

Literally what? Is this how you help yourself sleep at night?

trying to think of a french dude who isn't bald or balding

*Bogs your path*

2d waifus are the pure unfettered representation of Beauty. Once seperated from the bounded corporeality of the physical women, a random and dirty creation which drags down the fragile Ideal into wanton human condition, can an Ideal be freed from the marring touch of corporeality and fully blossom into the wonderously limpid aesthetic of 2d form. To love a waifu is to love the beautiful, it transcends base sensuality into the realm of immutable concepts, whose distorted representation we chase in the 3d.

Shut the fuck up you stupid virgin with genital warts

Surely a virgin would be unlikely to have genital warts

You can contract an STD during birth.
My cat caught kitty herpes (in his eyes) from his mother.

Virgins are the ONLY people capable of true love, my post is emblematic of that. You will never appreciate beauty like I do

Why do you value love so much?

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced you're right. Legitimately profound. Good job, user.

because its the only thing that can quite literally cure depression and autism and make someone’s face light up for months. if you’d ever been in love you’d understand that its the equivalent of star fire coursing through your veins. nothing comes even fucking close.

i've been in love and it was profoundest state of depression i've ever been in. never again.

You just need to love an inanimate object.
Not person. Not an abstract concept subject to interpretation.
Ink and paper, polyurethane, sprites and polygons.
Love on your terms, not on hers/his/its.

oh my lord
poor little kitty! :-(

Because it's so powerful that it becomes more than an emotion, you could spend hours describing all it's different facets and would just amount to an exercise, it can't be described because each occurence is unique and changing. An example is the bittersweet joy you have when you see her, that even when it becomes a painful stab is still coated with something beautiful. You can't seperate the love from the person because that's what they are to you and only you, it's a product of both.
It also gives meaning, more so than anything else, to the point where you could say it is 'the' meaning

"A reactionary is someone who wants to return to a previous state - that's never a possibility in my books. For me, everything's irreversible in the life of a society, as well as an individual's."
- Michel Houellebecq

White people are devils

He does fairly well for himself. A few weeks ago he got to lick a sword that belonged to Bing Crosby.
We might have to bare the burden of our parents' sins, but we don't have to let those sins define us; even if our mothers are cat whores.