What's the best book where the protagonist is an asshole or is evil

what's the best book where the protagonist is an asshole or is evil

I haven't read all books yet

can you let me know when you do?

the Bible

I've read it like 30 times, it's not that good.

Holy shit beat me to it!

Macbeth for a book in any genre.
For prose, maybe Mauriac's Knot of Vipers, Wharton's Custom of the Country, Nabokov's Lolita, Peake's Titus Groan, or Zola's Therese Raquin.

Tolstoy's A Confession

Milton's Paradise Lost

Stoner. The dude is late to every class and every appointment he has in the entire damn book. What a prick.

I dunno about best book, but here are two good ones:

Crime and Punishment
American Psycho

Dorian Gray to some extent

You would be too if your life was the definition of mediocre.

Crime and Punishment
Die Dreigroschenroman


My diary desu

Fight club


A Hero Of Our Time

"The Eyes of the Overworld" and the follow-up, "Cugel's Saga"

at times it's hard to emathise with Cugel, like when he abducts a highborn woman, tries to rape her, fails, and trades her to a bunch of forest thugs.

raskolnikov wasnt an asshole or evil
american psycho is prolly best example tho

Temple of The Golden Pavilion

I love HG Wells, but the invisible man was such a cunt I couldn't cope

My sides are gone


Imperial Bedrooms by Brett Ellis

peer gynt