Surely Marxism can be defended in analytical phil or contemporary economics defenses

surely Marxism can be defended in analytical phil or contemporary economics defenses
or are you kiddies gonna still use muh dialectics?

remove "contemporary economics" (modern sophism) and your standard of truth may be slightly tenable

How are you different from flat-earhers?

>remove "contemporary economics"
lmao try again

Marxism is actually far more of a joke in Continental Philosophy. Its easy to defend it in analytic terms good luck trying to defend it against a Delezuezian or a Heideggarian. Fucking game over on first turn

Contemporary economics is pure ideology. It has no predictative ability and it can hardly describe the modern economic climate.

>Contemporary economics is pure ideology.
But Marxism isn;t?

There is nothing wrong with ideology in itself, but economics pretend to be a mode of scientific tought. You are asking people to justify marxism in a neoliberal ideological framework wich is possible but unproductive as marxist critiques of neoliberal ideology and economics are a well treaded territory.

Wasn't deleuze a autonomous marxist ?

Prior to his death, Deleuze had announced his intention to write a book entitled La Grandeur de Marx (The Greatness of Marx)

>economics pretend to be a mode of scientific tought
Because it is. Again, how are you guys different from flat earthers?

>surely Marxism can be defended in analytical phil or contemporary economics defenses
>or are you kiddies gonna still use muh dialectics?
kek, you failed analytic phil if you don't know ¬A=/=A

You don't seem to be very well read. What is and what isn't science is an argument older than modern scientific method. Economics doesn't use the scientific method and even within it there are loads of debates wich methods are valid. If we take into account philosophical inquiries economics becomes even more dubious field.

You can’t use economics or analytical philosophy to defend techno-capitalism. All signs point to the system continually crashing itself and destabilizing human relations along with totally and permanently rendering the biome uninhabitable. You can LARP about space and biodomes and transhumanism but the tech for that won’t outpace the rate of destruction. Have fun with your models, you lunatic sociopaths are not going to escape what was set in motion in the 18th century.

Grandeur isn't literally Great in the English sense you fucking idiot. It's more like "The Great War"

>it’ll collapse anytime now!

Riiight, hows that economic calculation problem coming along?

What on earth does the economic calculator problem have to do with Marx? Its entirely a farce built up to argue with Stalinists, who are of no concern anyways.
How is that falling rate of profit doing?

It, it is collapsing in slow motion you schizophrenic. That’s why they’re trying to melt the Arctic and change the currency to one with total control as a possibility, that’s why we’re moving towards a managed society, that’s why there will be taxatation and metering of electricity, energy and air soon. Its all dying, anyone who studies ecology knows exactly what’s happening and its directly in correlation with the growth of capital which is synonymous with technological expansion. You can try to make me your marxist straw man, im telling you, your system is insane, is tearing apart the psyche of the species and most importantly is exterminating all life on earth. I don’t think marxism works, it was just a relatively useful critique of capitalist exchange and markets. You can’t even deny that the incentives they create push people towards anti-social and totally wreckless behavior. So, you have to shadow box and that’s all you’ll do in every response. A carrier, a host for an inhuman force that will drain you and all other advocates for it to the bone and then mulch your skeletons for a little extra expansive powers, a little more intensification of capital concentration. the people won’t revolt, they’ll just start going insane and dying en masse. You’ve been warned many times, the scientists have warned you, the media theorists have warned you, the engineers have warned you, even the military and social engineers have warned you. But, like all inhuman powers you couldn’t care less, which is to be expected. Adieu monsieur I bid you a good day.

you keep using so many big words and you're gonna end up in the pit with the rest of the intellectuals. the revolution doesn't need you.

>What on earth does the economic calculator problem have to do with Marx? Its entirely a farce built up to argue with Stalinists


So what, I don't see any problem with this. Fuck nature and fuck people


The threats of a mad sailor tied to the bow of his own ship, that if I do not unbind him so that he himself can go swim to his death he will destroy me and make me suffer most egregiously.
your lack of empathy will not make being eaten alive less painful nor will it save anything you have even the slightest bit of attachment to from at least as severe of a fate. that none of you are vaguely capable of dealing with the stagnation, deterioration and collapse of this world doesn’t surprise me, but it does at the least dishearten and wound me. I would implore you to do some searching within yourself for any kind of sense or even a primal fear instinct, like any animal should display (and the one’s left all have been displaying for some time, just look into the eyes of the poor creatures wandering into our dead zones), and I would also hope that doing this would be some regenerative rite for you all that might bring us to a solution, a final miracle or deus ex machina even for the species, but I know, and you all know that we’re empty jars now. there is no spirit, no reason, no soul nor love to draw from. just incredibly convoluted, tensely wound up nervous tissue, ready to convulse in a death spasm of some variety when the sheer ferocity of the Outside becomes so great that your boundaries, the few lines left in nature, the demarcation between the writhing entropic storm and the well regulared negentropic organic, totally come undone and there we will see that it really was all mayavic fancy.

>you kiddies

How about less typing and more potato harvesting, comrade? Else I'll tell the secret police I saw you hiding a loaf of bread under your floorboards the other day.


*extremely faint dying uncle voice*

g-go baq 2 reddit u fucking nigger

>surely Marxism can be defended

I am an intelligent white man with a bright career in computer science. I will find my own private island of a sort and hold out. Perhaps my grandchildren or children wont be able to survive but I will be able to fuck and eat as I like as a free man while this stinking pile of shit burns away. So much for it

Read this well kidd-o's.

These are the types of lies people tell you to justify taking all of your stuff. They want to tell people what to do and take away your freedom.


there are no intelligent white men on Veeky Forums desu

How did you get that impression?

No one wants to "take your stuff", you dishonest dolt. If you can't see how capitalism has completely eroded human life, you should be put to the wall and shot. You faggots are turning me from a mild social democrat to a full-genocide-mode stalinist, you assholes clearly don't deserve to be alive.

Woah, you're really convincing me how innocent your rants are comrade

I see nothing here, but a mad babbeling to justify theft. Sorry sweetie but capitalism ain’t going anywhere, people like money. Try reading some economics.

I see how capitalism has improved people’s lives, and how red ideals do not.

But it works. The measures it suggests contain inflation and help overcome crisis.

>that’s why there will be taxatation and metering of electricity, energy [...]
There already is.
Let me guess - mama pays your bills?

>but economics pretend to be a mode of scientific tought
There is so much lack of self awareness from a leftist saying this it's astounding. Please tell me more of the social sciences your ilk are so fond of

>if we take into account philosophical inquiries
>in science
but why would we do that given that this isn't the 14th century

this unironically

but marxists are even worse in this respect

Analytical Phil and contemporary economics are even less 'scientific' than Marxism

>but why would we do that given that this isn't the 14th century

Because economics is a pseudo-science and if it's going to just be thinly disguised political philosophy then it may as well be good philosophy

Good philosophy is integral to science. All the stem-guys and mathematicians I know have taken philosophy in university because they want to be more than avarage labrats. If you are unfamiliar with the intersection of philosophy math and physics you really should read some jaakko hintikka. His essay on gödel is extremely englightening on the subject. Also his toughts on the boundary between analytics and phemonemology is extremely intresting and shows the interconnected nature of western tought.

>experts make me feel dumb ;-;

t. anti-intellectual

Are y’all gonna point out what exactly is wrong about contemporary economics, or are you gonna use vague assertions because you’re a) ideologues and b) failed high school math?

>economics pretend to be a mode of scientific tought.
But so it's Marxism!

>How is that falling rate of profit doing?
The labor theory of product-value is incorrect, and both you and the other guy (who seems to have brought it up ad hoc as a way to own the marxists) don't understand the calculation problem. Hint: it's not supercomputers. Both of you, read Mises now.

Do you guys understand modern economics isn’t comprised of a singular, all-encompassing school of thought? You guys pretend economists are uniform in thinking when it couldn’t be further from the truth.

There's heterodox theories ("marxian economics" (lol), neo-austrians eg the guys at the mises institute and people that meet for panels and shit or w/ever, etc) and then there's neoclassicalism and supply side. You're right, but there is a canonity of principles, theory, laws, etc that you could call "contemporary economics", and not very much (undeveloped) before marginal utility holds up to it. Also see read mises

>read Mises

no thanks I’m good at math

you're a brainlet

>and then there’s neoclassicism and supply side

That’s it? Is that your knowledge of modern economic thought? Please stop talking about economics you don’t know enough about it.

"Mainstream" "contemporary" "economic thought" (see, the subjectivity of all these terms makes this argument nigh pointless) p much IS neoclassicalism and a few others. Austrian, Chigaco school, "Marxian", Anarchist, Monetarism, Post Keynesian, anything with the labor theory of value, etc are all heterodox. What did I miss? socioeconomics, behavioral study, etc? You got the point already, though. You're just bitching.

>Chicago school


Sure worked out for le helicopter meme dictator.

>this meme

The most the Chicago school has to do with Chile is having originated from the same school that graduated some group of people who happened to work for Pinochet. Multiple professors from UChicago explicitly expressed regret for this.

>b-but Friedman

Friedman wrote once to Pinochet and held a lecture in Chile. He did the same thing for all kinds of leaders, communists included. He didn’t believ in either of them, He never was an economic advisor for Pinochet, he was very careful with who he was involved in those kinds of roles.

Chicago school is one of the most popular schools of thought in economics, and it’s not really heterodox.

Okay, fine then, trips. Enjoy your shitty fed and shitty malinvestment.

lmao. Merry Christmas, user.

>not translating "Grandeur" as simply "Grandeur"
let me guess you wrote a 20 page thesis on why these two words aren't the same
i fucking hate translation faggots and their pretentious wankery
English speakers know what Grandeur means you fucking moron. It's practically the same fucking language as French

I'll give you that you're good at getting numbers. Merry Christmas, user.